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Unigine Heaven 4 benchmark

Having "somewhat" of a problem with my minimums. (slightly lower than Greg and Darklets mines 28ish vs 30ish+) Titan X

Anyone know if OCing CPU helps with this or do I have to go harder on the GPU mem ?
Having "somewhat" of a problem with my minimums. (slightly lower than Greg and Darklets mines 28ish vs 30ish+) Titan X

Anyone know if OCing CPU helps with this or do I have to go harder on the GPU mem ?

Overclocking the CPU and running PCI-E 3.0 may help.

Try and get your CPU to about 4.4ghz.:)

Turn off H/T also helps a tiny bit on the score.:)
Overclocking the CPU and running PCI-E 3.0 may help.

Try and get your CPU to about 4.4ghz.:)

Turn off H/T also helps a tiny bit on the score.:)

I use to run 4.7Ghz for benchies but seem to have lost my settings some how (probably when I updated the bios). Need to reconfig and it's going to take me ages (only thing I remember is using ~1.3325v).

I was happy with stock to be honest as I never had a problem so didn't need to push it. Anyway I think I'm running PCI-E 3.0 unless my 3Dmark scores from the other thread show something else ?
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Here is my very first attempt having just finished rebuilding my PC with a Gigabyte Z97X Gaming GT mainboard. Fully watercooled dual GPU and CPU so looking forward to nudging these up a bit :)
If you don't want to check the link the scores are:
FPS 97.9
Score: 2465
Min FPS: 31.5
Max FPS: 205.3
Core I7-4790K at 4.00GHz Dual Radeon R9 290 Core 947, Mem 1250
Max CPU temp was 64 and max GPU temp 57 so hopefully plently of headroom.
Still happy to carry the AMD flag into battle :)
I have taken the .tga screenshot, but when I try to post it asks me for a http address to upload the file. That was why I tried Dropbox initially. Can I not browse and point the upload to a local address on my PC hard drive?
Am I supposed to insert the image as a tga or save it as a jpeg to upload? I would like to get this straight because I have just managed 101.6 FPS and 2558 score with a very mild GPU overclock
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I would like to get this straight because I have just managed 101.6 FPS and 2558 score with a very mild GPU overclock :)

Firstly , you need to post a screenshot , not a file. So you need to upload the screenshot to imageshack or similar and post up the forum link it will give you.

Secondly , don't spam post , you'll get peoples back up, use the edit function to avoid spam posting.
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