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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

is there anything i can use instead of Gigabyte Guru, because the fan profile isn't working after reboot, you have to go into Guru before it'll work again and i'm deffo not going into Guru every day !!!!

just deleted Guru and the fan is still not working. i'm thinking about sending this card back there's something wrong with the software and i cant get the fan to work via MSI either, i never had this crap with the 970, i'm starting to run out of patience with it

fan is still not working in Precision X either
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Think kingpin upto summin.
it's working perfectly now and do you know why the fan wasn't running at all....................ASUS STRIX 970 :D, yea i didn't delete the drivers and they were still controlling Titan X, which means the fans dont come on till 65 degrees and only at 30% :D

in the lower slot it's now running at a temp of 67 degrees with a fairly good overclock, so it's about 3 degrees cooler.................. oh dear oh dear what a pain in the butt, but it's starting to come right :(

now to adjust the intake fans, this card is not actually far off a 970 in cooling, it's noisier yea but it's not bad for such a massive card..............only 67 degrees at 130 fps or 290 max, now i'd say that's pretty damned good :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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It's running at + 250 GPU clock and + 550 mem at only 65 degrees with the front fans at 1800 rpm.............gpu fan speed = 55%

it's killing the 970SLI easily, but i'm not leaving it this high because i dont trust it, i'll back it off to + 144 on both

it's freezing underneath the card, it's like a hurricane blowing over your hands.......... nice draft above it too

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Why have you turned the case upside down Mal?:confused:

well that's so i could move the fans forward this morning, because i couldn't do it with the case the right way up

interestingly, with the OC backed right off to + 144 on both it's running exactly the same, but it means i can back off the intakes to about 1400rpm.

it's 3 degrees cooler with the case side off and about the same damned noise too..

conclusion :- sound deadening foam is totally useless so dont bother buying it..............:D...2nd conclusion, the PC looks flipping lovely without the case side on, so dont bother using it :D
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Pssh, those stock phanteks fans that come with the case are unberable....1400rpm?? You're mental, and lol at the upside down case....see, with you Mal i wouldn't be surprised if you thought thats how it was meant to be ;)
Pssh, those stock phanteks fans that come with the case are unberable....1400rpm?? You're mental, and lol at the upside down case....see, with you Mal i wouldn't be surprised if you thought thats how it was meant to be ;)

they're not the same fans M8, they're the better versions, the stock fans are indeed pretty bad they went straight in the bin

compared to 970 SLI :-

1...........rig starts far quicker and shuts down faster
2...........has no GPU Sag.........it's dead level in its slot
3...........gaming image is much more stable/ less artifacts/ less stutter
4...........colour and contrast looks better, but probably isn't

1..........far too expensive in comparison
2..........miles noisier......OBVIOUSLY :eek:
3..........no backplate :mad: but if it did it would be even hotter.

but which is best ?..................Titan X is miles more fun and has real attitude ;)
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