*******C.A.R.S - Community Assisted Race Sim*********

so I've been a backer since 2012, but only really started playing again towards release. I made a video today for it, since it's being released tomorrow.

Here's a video I just made https://youtu.be/-xF9NSMqbD8?t=5m52s

Here's my setup -

A lovely setup you have there, looks great fun.

Nothing wrong with cosplay.
So, feels good with a controller! Menus are an absolute mess and I've had to resort to mouse a couple of times. So that's cack and needs to be sorted.

I'd like to be able to adjust the ai difficulty. Where can I do this? As it stands. It's a cake walk with the slider in the middle. But I can't find the slider anywhere?
What's DS2M AA?
It is 2xMSAA plus 2x horizontal down sampling.

High - 4xMSAA plus some additional custom bit on certain objects (can't remember off the top of my head)
ds2x = 2x horizontal down sampling
ds4x = 2x horizontal by 2x vertical down sampling
ds6x = 3x horizontal by 2x vertical down sampling
ds9x = 3x horizontal by 3x vertical down sampling
Note the down sampling used is custom, as I understand it, so ds4x won't be the equivalent of 200% DSR/VSR. Should have less impact on FPS.

MSAA is good for cleaning up jagies on vertical objects, such as trackside fence posts but won't do anything for shadows. ds?x modes are good for shawdows. Last time I tested the impact I think ds2x had slightly better performance than MSAA is terms of minimum frame rate. High is more taxing than both and ds4x is a step up again, but does look very good. ds6x good if you have multi GPU setup and single screen. Have tested on my 2x GTX780's at 1080p and it ran reasonably but not a locked 60fps. ds9x is crazy, can't even run that on my 780's at my normal triple screen res as run out of vram.
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i7 4960k @4.6
780Ti classified
16gb ram

Intensive tracks like spa anything from 50(at certain corners) to 150fps on other tracks with everything maxed at 1080p.
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I was a 25 euro backer back in 2011, should I be getting a steam key? Bit confused have a key in my profile on their forum but when I use it on steam I get told 'Product Already Owned', when I clearly don't own the game on steam 0.o
Really looking forward to playing this. Think I might try the journey from karts to F1 in career.

Is everyone playing with all assists off?
I'm playing in Pro mode, realistic assists and no hud for racing in helmet cam. It looks incredibly immersive like this.
we need to get some proper games going :) I've tried playing online yesterday but it was mental, crashing, no brakes etc.. and that's just qualifying! out of 15 players only 3 managed to do a lap.. hell!
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