Aqua Computer Aquaero Owners thread

Can anyone offer any advice pls ?

I have just purchased a Poweradjust 3 USB, Ultra-version, im hoping i can iether connect 1 or 2 pumps to it or at least some fans ?
Hi guys , i have bought the EK dual ddc pump with pwm (2) i have connected one pump to fan header 1 and the other to fan header 2. i have set the pumps(both) to pwm. how do i set it to say 30% speed. please.

In the fan section of aquautie i have set them both to pwm.
What shoudl the other settings be set to ie:

minimum power % and voltage
hold minimum power
minimum power % and voltage

use start boost duration
start boost power % and voltage
Programmable fuse

In controlers i have done x2 preset values but they are still running at 4504 rpm with 12 volts power is at 87% current = 0

Have i set them up incorrect ?

Any help woudl be great

EDIT: i should add i have the aquareo pro 6:
Also i have added x2 fan splitters to each of the fan head 3 and 4 but i am not resieving any rps information is this common using fan slitter cables ? all my fans are 3 pin .

the way i have connected my fans is this way.
480 rad has x4 noisbloacker fans(3 pin) connected to a x4 fan slitter cable(to connect all 4 fans to one final cable) then i have used an extension cable and connected them to fan header 3
same with the 360 rad and one fan connected to fan header 3.
x2 front fans and one rear fan connected to another fan splitter cable then connected to fan header 4. is there any of way of doing this ?

Did you plug in the USB cables to make settings changes?
as im not getting the right info from elsewhere i will put my post here in case it dont get answered properly in my own thread . mods can remove if this is not allowed , just very confused by all this and should have asked this a while ago . as i plan on completion the build at the weekend .

Aquaero 6 XT

Basically i will just start by asking , .How do i connect both pumps to the controller ? i have been confused with all the "only 1 signal cable to be on the header" as it will give mixed rwadings .. i have not got a clue which wire is the signal cable on both of the pumps . do i need any extra splitter cables as ive been pointed in the direction to these ..

do i need them ? as then i got told just to use any y splitter cable and just put both pumps on to 1 cable on to any fan header on the 6 XT , but then say only 1 signal cable . its all very confusing .

I will have 2 headers left after i have manually set the 8 fans on the speed i want (none pwm fans 3 pin)

then i read that have both pumps on a header each ..that way if 1 fails the other will keep the water flowing .

i like the idea of having 1 on each header now (even though i have to watch both channels) , so in this case is it just power the pumps from there own power using molex from PSU then just plug the 2 x 3pin plugs in to the 2x spare 4 pin fan headers ? and then change it to pwm control off the controller . sorry for being a noob but i do not want to mess this up and fry all my system all because i didnt know how to wire the pumps up .

I felt like scrapping the idea of using the controller and sticking both pumps into the motherboard on 1 header using the y-spltter cable .
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I've got the 5 LT, have you guys got any pictures of where you have mounted it? I can't see anywhere decent for it to sit. I don't have a DVD tray where it's meant to sit :p
I have mine bolted to the vent holes on the back of the case.
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Alright guys I've noticed the 5 lt on sale this week and am tempted but have a few questions I was hoping you might be able to help with. I want to connect 6 pwm fans (in groups of 3,2 and 1 plus a pwm d5. Is this possible and will I be able to give each group of fans plus the pump a different pwm signal ie 30% for the 3 fans, 50% for the pump etc? What cables have you been using to use more than 1 fan per header...also how big is the board? All replies gratefully received. Dave
If you don't have the pump yet buy the aqua computer one as other pwm d5's need a mod to work correctly with the aquaero.

Hi Jason. What's the required mod? Just asking as I was trying to connect a ridiculous 4 Amp Delta PWM fan by connecting power to a molex and the tacho & PWM lines to the Aquaero 6 PWM header. With just power attached the fan spins at full speed (and takes off down the desk - seriously, I nearly lost fingers!) but with the tacho and PWM connected to the Aquaero the fan stops completely. Do I need to connect the Aquaero header ground pin up as well?

Thanks. Gareth
Hi Jason. What's the required mod? Just asking as I was trying to connect a ridiculous 4 Amp Delta PWM fan by connecting power to a molex and the tacho & PWM lines to the Aquaero 6 PWM header. With just power attached the fan spins at full speed (and takes off down the desk - seriously, I nearly lost fingers!) but with the tacho and PWM connected to the Aquaero the fan stops completely. Do I need to connect the Aquaero header ground pin up as well?

Thanks. Gareth

You need a pull up circuit as the D5 PWM circuit is not built according to official PWM standard.
Hi All,

I'm planning to buy the following:

Aquaero 6 XT - Blue
Aqualis Base for pump adapters 880 ml with fountain effect and nano coating
Aqualis D5 Pump Adapter
Aqua Computer D5 pump motor with USB and aquabus interface

Are these components compatible with each other? Does the pump adapter just click into the bottom of the reservoir? Do I still need a flow meter (The XI res has one built in I think)?
Do Phobya and Bitspower temperature sensors work, and if so do they need some kind of calibration?

Finally can I connect the above and 8 or 10 fans at the same time? What's the power adjust thing and will it help me?

This is the first time I'll have seen or used this and I'm hoping it's as straightforward as it seems so please bear with me!
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Sort of. The Aqualis XT you originally spec'd would not have fitted on the pump adapter but that isn't neccesarily a problem. The 880ml base will fit on the pump but you lose the fill-level sensor. There is a variant of the D5 pump adapter that has a fill-level sensor (and internal and external temp sensor) which would get you what [I'm guessing] you're after.

Alternatively you get an Aqualis XT res which has fill-level sensor, internal temp sensor and external temp sensor header and have the D5 adapter separate.

Nano-coating doesn't seem to be necessary with a colourless coolant - but may prove it's worth with either coloured, pastel or aurora. I believe it's basically a non-stick coating to keep the glass clean.

I had a Phyobia inline temp sensor and it was correct at idle but deviated from the Aquacomputer (and an IR thermometer) as the temperature rose - it over-read. Not sure if this was just a bad sensor or whether they would all be incompatible. I have an Aqualis XT, flow sensor and inline temp sensor and they don't completely agree but are now within about a degree of eachother.

Flowmeter: You don't have one in what you've spec'd so if you want one, you'd need to add it. You can go for the MPS Flow 200 or 400 but I believe you must (for accurate reading) have straight connections in and out - which didn't fit with my loop. The alternative is the High Flow or the High Flow USB. The cheaper of these plugs into the 'Flow' header on an Aquaero but requires a separate cable (3-pin header but larger than a fan). The more expensive USB version can plug in by USB (and be used without an Aquaero) or by Aquabus to an Aquaero. It also has an internal temp sensor and an external temp header. These units do tick slightly as the rotor goes around. Louder as the flow rate goes up. You won't hear this unless you've got a silent build though.

PowerAdjust gives you an additional temp sensor header, and additional fan (or pump) channel up to 30W and can be used without an Aquaero (as basically a single channel unit with no screen). Connects by Aquabus and/or USB.

Aquabus: There are 3-pin cables and 4-pin cables. A 3-pin is supplied with the Aquaero. 4-pin supplies power as well as data. Your pump ought to take power from the power connection to power the pump (at least, you'd hope) but the pump adapter (version with fill-level sensor) or the Aqualis XT require to be powered either by USB (to a motherboard header) or by a 4-pin Aquabus connection. Irritatingly, in order to calibrate a fill-level sensor, you need a USB connection - it cannot be done over the Aquabus connection for some reason. The Aquabus connection is needed if you want the Aquaero to have an independent connection though - for example, if you want the Aquaero to monitor the fill-level and sound an alarm or shut down the PC if the fill-level is below 10% then this would work with just USB if Windows is running and the Aquasuite service is running but if you want it to be independent of software, you need the Aquabus connection.
Multiple Aquabus devices need an Aquabus Y-cable to connect (or familiarity with a soldering item) and you may need to set Aquabus IDs on them via USB first so they don't clash. See earlier posts in this thread for cabling info.

Fans: You can connect one fan/pump to a channel as long as it is less than 30W power. More fans can be connected either by using a PWM hub (for PWM) or splitter cables for 3-pin fans. Most 3-pin splitter cables seem to have all three wires connected to all fans. This doesn't work properly as the tacho (speed signal) cable should only be connected to one fan for a reliable reading - multiple signals on the same wire causes weird speeds to be reported. Usually you do something like one channel for the three fans on your triple rad, one for the two on your double rad and one each for your intake and exhaust fans - obviously adjust for your fan situation.

Hope that helps.

Hi Cenedd/Gareth,

Many thanks for your explanation, that all clears up my confusion!

I'm going to decide on the following two options:

1) Aqualis base 880ml (fountain effect & nano) + pump adapter + Aqualis d5 + high flow meter + use my existing XSPC twin D5 Dual Bay Res somewhere in the loop
2) Aqualis XT 880ml (fountain effect & nano) + high flow meter + use my existing XSPC twin D5 dual bay res and it's pump, feeding the Aqualis XT

I think the last one would be much easier and the Aqualis is mostly for Aesthetics combined with the dual bay res (which I'm removing the front plate off so I can have a full plexi front!)

But I am still thinking about sticking with option 1. Or I can take one of the pumps out of the XSPC twin D5 Dual Bay Res (and keep the other for spare) as the res has a little staining and use it in option one and get rid of the bay res altogether...not sure yet what to go with.

I'll be using Mayhems X1 clear with UV blue (so looking for 6 5mm led's for the res too and some way to hook them all up without using all my molex connectors up).

My fans are all the same (Scythe GT's), but I do currently have splitter cables splitting for each set of fans on each res so I'll stick with that for the Aquaero.

Hopefully stick a project log with what I'm trying to do (last one I did was in 2012)
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About the only thing I'd say is check the dimensions of the res. It could well be much bigger than you expect.
Dual res's won't give you any technical advantage - you don't need as much in reserve as 880ml let alone more. However, dual pumps are of benefit - for extra pressure to overcome restrictive loops and for fault tolerance. Apologies if I'm teaching you to suck eggs there.

I think I'll go for a 450ml res, I really would like an 880ml one but I measured the inside height in the case where it would go and it would be about 340mm, the 880ml res is about 285mm, but then I have to leave space for the pump and pump adapter too so I think it'll be way too tight?

I want to put 5 x 5mm uv led's in the res but that means there will be 5 molex connectors! Can I solder the cables together onto one connector or will that underpower the leds or overload the 5v line? Or is there a more elegant approash? I will get the aqua computer d5 pump with USB and aquabus which I presume with the power lead means I can power the pump from the controller, that will save me one more molex I suppose.

Just thinking about all the cable management for leds, temp sensors, aquabus cables etc.
Well, for a start you can get up to six 5mm LEDs in that res if you wish. Secondly, you can get them two to a molex: Cheaper and less molexes. There's no reason you can't splice them all together and run them off one line - they're not very high current draw. You could do that using something off-the-shelf like this or, you could take the molexes off two of them and splice all the wires into one molex connector. You may not be able to get all three wires in each of two single pins - I've never had to do it - but you could potentially solder them and heat-shrink it. Just depends on what you're comfortable doing. The off-the-shelf is going to be easy and it may help you to have the extension...or it may just add to the cable-spaghetti.

You'd have to add up all the measurements for the pump and adaptor. Bear in mind that if it's an Aqualis XT with the fill-level sensor, it has a pressure-equalising membrane mounted on the top which isn't shown in all the pictures. It is supplied and is required and adds about 7.5mm on the top - assuming it's the short version. You may also want to use one of the top ports to fill the res and if it's blocked, that may make life more 'interesting' for you.
Yeah I meant six 5mm leds :)

Awesome! My plan is all coming together now. Just have to worry about all the cable management from all the Aqua Computer stuff I just ordered and all the LED's going into my blocks and Res!

I'm probably going to go with the Aqualis base over the Aqualis XT and I'm going to use the top fill port to fill the res and I'm going to get the pump adapter (with fill sensor) and D5 pump first and measure the space left over to decide between the 450ml and 880ml res.

Might even end up drilling a hole in the top of my TJ07 for a Fill Port..or something but I'd need some courage to do that... The Bay Res and Tube Res combo might complicate bleeding air out of the loop so will need careful planning. I'm planning to drill into the mid plate and stick a piece of black acrylic to cover it for tubing to the rads anyway, so might just get carried away and add a fill port :)
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