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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

23 Apr 2014
Because unlike you I don't see Pascal being released any time soon, I've wanted a backplate for the card for a while, not like they cost a great deal either.

I might just get some heatsinks.
9 Mar 2015
So for what seems like ages, been trying to chase down the ACX 2.0 coolers for the Titan X. Pretty identical to what comes with the GTX 980Ti ACX variant I am sure so not exactly an unexpected quantity, though I was curious as to how it would work with aftermarket cards in SLI.



My case is not exactly the most ideal for hardcore setup and often running the normal Titan X's with reference design on a 1:1 fan ratio was needed to keep things cool. Typically they would top out at about 75 degrees with the fan running at 75% which is basically very loud with both GPU's running at 1450 Mhz. Using the stock Nvidia profile which is actually very quiet on the Titan X would case the cards to throttle down to 1126 Mhz and hold about 83 degrees.

With the ACX 2.0 So far after couple of hours use in SLI with both running at 1450Mhz, running the fan @ 45% on these which is essentially fairly quiet results in the the same 75 degrees, with the bottom being about 6-7 degrees cooler and in turn running at 40% on the fans.

Running the same Nvidia stock profile which would cause the cards to throttle before to 1126 Mhz, now results in the cards throttling only slightly to 1400 Mhz at 80 degrees, still hot but this is with the fans at 30%.

At idle seeing a difference of 10 degrees between ref design and ACX 2.0 cooler at the same fan speed.

Having said that, not all roses, this is my 3rd and 4th cooler. First one came with a total different cards retention plate. The replacement had a bearing in the rear fan gone which was annoying and on the replacement card the LED strip is partially broken. The 4th cooler also had one of the cooling fins randomly pop off, so not been entirely happy with the QC on these. Thankfully EVGA have been pretty good with RMA so not the biggest deal breaker. Additionally at between 22% and 28% RPM (so low loads) the fans seem to create a very high pitched sound at times on the rear fan but have exhibited this to varying degrees. For this one reason I am considering moving back to the reference cooler as while upper temps are great, the noise at low loads when doing less intense tasks is annoying. I think this may be a design aspect of the cooler, but on the 980Ti the fan's will spin off all together rather then spin at just a low RPM as they do on the Titan X so possibly not noticed as much. But I may just be unlucky in that regards.

In all, if you get a good one and don't have space to go for Hybrid, its a pretty great cooler and massively seems to reduce temps :)
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Thought I'd get round to doing this.


Welcome and on TROH.:)

The Roll of Honour.

Make EVGA SC, Kaapstad, Link
Make Gigabyte/EVGA SC, Gregster, Link
Make EVGA, magpie1966, Link
Make EVGA SC, Cosimo, Link
Make MSI, Orangey, Link
Make Gigabyte, BG1980, Link
Make Gigabyte, Boomstick777, Link
Make EVGA SC, andrewohare, Link
Make Gigabyte, Born_2_Kill_83, Link
Make EVGA, Silent_Scone, Link
Make Gigabyte, tipes, Link
Make MSI, Five.Stars, Link
Make Gigabyte, Nocky24, Link
Make Gigabyte, mac40, Link
Make Gigabyte/Zotac, africanos23, Link
Make Gigabyte, Ayahuasca, Link
Make EVGA SC, fantasticCG, Link
Make Gigabyte, darket, Link
Make Gigabyte, Scimitar1, Link
Make MSI, Drojman, Link
Make Gigabyte, SS-89, Link
Make MSI, ndaar, Link
Make Asus, 8 Pack, Link
Make Asus, gerardfraser, Link
Make EVGA SC, Evil Shubunkin, Link
Make Gigabyte, wunkley, Link
Make Gigabyte, crinkleshoes, Link
Make MSI, VincentHanna, Link
Make Gigabyte, Amidar, Link
Make Gigabyte, Twisted Kid, Link
Make EVGA, romanlegion13th, Link
Make EVGA, danw872, Link
Make Gigabyte, davisdavid, Link
Make Palit, Watlinguk, Link
Make Palit, TTomax, Link
Make Gigabyte, seth1969, Link
Make Palit, straxusii, Link
Make Asus, Firefox35, Link
Make Gigabyte, GarryO, Link
Make NVidia Direct, Seyumi, Link
Make Gigabyte, Mal X, Link
Make Gigabyte, Budge4, Link
Make Palit, Quartz, Link
Make EVGA SC, whyscotty, Link
Make EVGA, ^JP^, Link
Make Palit, Meaker, Link
Make Gigabyte, cwgk91, Link
Make Gigabyte, andy_taximan, Link
Make Gigabyte, hexblitz86, Link
Make MSI, garymcq23, Link
Make Palit, SpeckleD, Link
Make Gigabyte, jim0082, Link
Make EVGA, vasilltino, Link
Make EVGA SC, Aylan1196, Link
Make Gigabyte, cadmunkey, Link
Make EVGA, Shamrock, Link
Make EVGA SC, Genjuro82, Link
Make Gigabyte, HACO, Link
Make MSI, dasimpse, Link
Make Gigabyte, CapitalOne, Link
Make Gigabyte, Montegue, Link
Make Palit, ish1, Link
Make EVGA SC, Streetlight, Link
Make EVGA SC/Zotac, dessimpson, Link
Make EVGA SC, Mayh3M, Link
Make EVGA SC, Deks, Link
Make EVGA, elfoscuro, Link
Make EVGA, thefogo, Link
Make EVGA SC, Klunt Bumskrint, Link
Make EVGA SC, faxfan, Link
Make Asus, cjdavid, Link
Make EVGA, alex_123_fra, Link
Make OcUK, fatlenny, Link
Make EVGA SC, darkslidez, Link
Make EVGA, nath247, Link
Make OcUK, Huntyz, Link
Make Asus, crasher, Link
Make EVGA SC, N19h7m4r3, Link
Make OcUK, Sequence, Link
Make OcUK, GSXR Gaz Mc, Link
Make Asus, Dicehunter, Link
Make Zotac, Worthy, Link
Make Zotac, Maverick2332, Link
Make Zotac/EVGA SC, Radox-0, Link
Make EVGA, texxx74, Link
Make EVGA, bake73, Link
Make EVGA, UltraNEO*, Link
Make Asus, OracIe, Link
Make Zotac, Simon Belmont, Link
Make EVGA SC, MrPix, Link
Make Palit, kazuya1337, Link
Make Zotac, spiralz, Link
Make Gigabyte/Palit, TooTay, Link
Make Zotac, oldestgregg, Link
Make Palit, MrMason, Link
Make OcUK, S2KIP, Link
Make EVGA SC, trawetSluaP, Link
Make EVGA Hybrid, jommy999, Link
Make Gigabyte, littlepuppy, Link
Make Zotac/Gigabyte, PFarrey, Link
Make EVGA SC, sonne, Link

To get on the Roll of Honour all you have to do is post a pic with your user name on it of your TitanX.​

8 Mar 2013
I'm very late to the party but I just traded my 2 Gtx 980's in and got a Titan x, at 1440p I'm not seeing much difference in performance but I'm not running in to vram limits anymore obviously also I'm loving this card. Single gpu seems a lot smoother than the sli setup and it's quieter and cooler. Hopefully I won't feel the need to go for pascal now, I've got it boosting to 1399 without touching the voltage seems about the nor for these cards
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
I'm very late to the party but I just traded my 2 Gtx 980's in and got a Titan x, at 1440p I'm not seeing much difference in performance but I'm not running in to vram limits anymore obviously also I'm loving this card. Single gpu seems a lot smoother than the sli setup and it's quieter and cooler. Hopefully I won't feel the need to go for pascal now, I've got it boosting to 1399 without touching the voltage seems about the nor for these cards

Do you have any pics please.:)
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