RIP Windows Phone

8 Mar 2007
what i meant was resizing the icons

and anyway it's a personally choice. some will say i like X because it's XYZ, where others will say no i like Y because it's XYZ

theres no right or wrong, it's the same for everything in life

It wasn't your opinion though. You said you can't change the size of the icons or widgets on Android, when actually you can. Wether you like it or not is completely different.
24 Jan 2007
It wasn't your opinion though. You said you can't change the size of the icons or widgets on Android, when actually you can. Wether you like it or not is completely different.

where did i say you can't change the size of the widgets, show me where? i never said anything about widgets..

i have a s2 and s5 and theres no resize opinion for icons. maybe in stock versions of android or custom build of android you can, i don't know but a s5 phone out of the box i haven't seen that option. if the option is there please tell me where.
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28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
where did i say you can't change the size of the widgets? i never said anything about widgets..

i have a s2 and s5 and theres no resize opinion for icons

Install Nova Launcher (as most do). You can then resize icons. No, you didn't mention widgets, you mentioned you can change tile size, but even then, isn't it from one of three options? Widgets can be pretty much any size or shape.

As you say though, it's all down to personal choice and if you're happy, that's great. I think the questioning from Android users is generally simply because we can't understand that opinion, not that it's 'wrong'. To some of us it might be like saying 'No, I quite like being kicked in the balls now and then'. We don't understand, so question as to why you might have this opinion.
24 Jan 2007
Install Nova Launcher (as most do). You can then resize icons.

As you say though, it's all down to personal choice and if you're happy, that's great. I think the questioning from Android users is generally simply because we can't understand that opinion, not that it's 'wrong'. To some of us it might be like saying 'No, I quite like being kicked in the balls now and then'. We don't understand, so question as to why you might have this opinion.

good to know when i get a s6 edge + or s7 edge but tbh that's still having to install something to be able to do that, a s5 or z5 or whatever phone out of the box that option isn't there. WP as that option built in out of the box

the reason why i think WP is the best for me is i use the phone with my nose (sounds weird) but it's because i can't use my hands so having big titles for apps i use it's easier to press without opening the wrong app. I'm no way saying it's the best for other people because I'm not other people. yes the MS app store is poor but some people don't use many apps. i do hence why i'm thinking about getting a s6 edge + or s7 edge as well but that doesn't mean i don't like/prefer WP os, if MS improves they're app store i would go back to my 950xl as the primary phone

No, you didn't mention widgets, you mentioned you can change tile size, but even then, isn't it from one of three options? Widgets can be pretty much any size or shape.
on a live title u can choose from 2 or 3 sizes can't remember which
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24 Jan 2007
IWhat if you want a round tile?

u know it can't do that. but i wouldn't want a round title because it wouldn't work for me as good..

I've said I'm no way saying WP is the best OS for other people because I'm not other people. the way i use the phone and how i use it, it is the best phone OS I've used out of the box
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5 Apr 2009
i wouldn't want a round title because it wouldn't work for me as good..

I've said I'm no way saying WP is the best OS for other people because I'm not other people. the way i use the phone and how i use it, it is the best phone OS I've used out of the box

Have you tried Samsungs simple mode on Android out of interest?
26 Jan 2006
We're still not allowed to like it then huh?

You can have round packs etc if you want, loads of theme editors on the store.
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24 Jan 2007
Have you tried Samsungs simple mode on Android out of interest?

yes.. the problem is i would love to be able to resize each icon so having different sizes i will know what I'm pressing when i move my head down to the screen.

for example. if i have facebook, twiter, a game, steam. on the homescreen i would want facebook icon say big, twitter icon smaller, game icon big, steam icon smaller, that way when i move my head down to the screen i would know what they are by the sizes interest of trying to look at the name when my head is 1mm from the screen. if you get what i mean
8 Mar 2007
u know it can't do that. but i wouldn't want a round title because it wouldn't work for me as good..

I've said I'm no way saying WP is the best OS for other people because I'm not other people. the way i use the phone and how i use it, it is the best phone OS I've used out of the box

This is the thing with Windows Phone. If you like it, great, if you don't like it, tough **** your stuck with it.

This is exactly the same with iOS, except iOS makes up for it by being a half decent, compitent OS underneath, something which Windows Phone still, 5 years in, isn't.

Android being open and customisable is not always a good thing. Lots of OEMs have totally screwed it by sticking their own skins on it or just messing with stuff. And then if you do want to customize stuff there's a billion options, 90% of them crap, and your lost in a sea not really knwoing what to do or what to get and most people just end up with random scattered icons over their home screens and just use the app drawer to open stuff.

So there's certainly a place for a locked down, consistent, managed and always familiar mobile OS where you always know where to find things and how it will look and feel, no matter which device. But in that case I cannot see a single logical reason to chose WP over iOS.

Personally I do like the style of Windows Phone, I'm a fan of clean, sharp edges and simple, symmetrical design. It's just everything else about the way it worked was awful.

It's like people who buy crap cars because its available in funky cool colours or looks quirky and they like it. I know why they like it, it just doesn't make any sense to me.
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5 Apr 2009
yes.. the problem is i would love to be able to resize each icon so having different sizes i will know what I'm pressing when i move my head down to the screen.

for example. if i have facebook, twiter, a game, steam. on the homescreen i would want facebook icon say big, twitter icon smaller, game icon big, steam icon smaller, that way when i move my head down to the screen i would know what they are by the sizes interest of trying to look at the name when my head is 1mm from the screen. if you get what i mean

Yes, makes sense. That is actually something I don't think android can do in terms of icons. Widgets can be whatever size or shape you want but icons, whilst adjustable, aren't individually adjustable.
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
Yes, makes sense. That is actually something I don't think android can do in terms of icons. Widgets can be whatever size or shape you want but icons, whilst adjustable, aren't individually adjustable.

I thought I've seen at one point a widget app that will basically make a shortcut to an app, which you then simply resize on your homescreen. I could be wrong though.

tbh that's still having to install something to be able to do that, a s5 or z5 or whatever phone out of the box that option isn't there. WP as that option built in out of the box

Seems a little weak to me tbh. I couldn't care if it's baked into the OS or just an option from the most commonly used 3rd party launcher. It's possible.

Most of the 'funky' stuff that Android can do that others can't comes from the developer scene. That's one of it's strengths. It's also one of the things I didn't like about WP. Really don't like the keyboard, can't even hold a letter down to produce a number... and last time I tried, I couldn't even change the keyboard to a decent one.
8 Mar 2007
I thought I've seen at one point a widget app that will basically make a shortcut to an app, which you then simply resize on your homescreen. I could be wrong though.

Seems a little weak to me tbh. I couldn't care if it's baked into the OS or just an option from the most commonly used 3rd party launcher. It's possible.

Most of the 'funky' stuff that Android can do that others can't comes from the developer scene. That's one of it's strengths. It's also one of the things I didn't like about WP. Really don't like the keyboard, can't even hold a letter down to produce a number... and last time I tried, I couldn't even change the keyboard to a decent one.

Oh God the keyboard! I'd forgotten about that! If your going to force people to use a single stock keyboard, for the love of God make it a decent one!
24 Jan 2007
Seems a little weak to me tbh. I couldn't care if it's baked into the OS or just an option from the most commonly used 3rd party launcher. It's possible.

Most of the 'funky' stuff that Android can do that others can't comes from the developer scene. That's one of it's strengths. It's also one of the things I didn't like about WP. Really don't like the keyboard, can't even hold a letter down to produce a number... and last time I tried, I couldn't even change the keyboard to a decent one.

but that's u, not everybody else

I've not had any issue with the keyboard, when i hold q for afew seconds u can select 1, etc
8 Mar 2007
You can get theme sets and swap and change out icons etc.

Ah it looks like you can use the transparency available in latter versions of WP to make sections of the tile transparent and therefore make them look different shapes. That's a pretty nifty way around the stock square only tiles, actually. I like that.
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