1450 is the most you would get 24/7 on a reference 980Ti, with 1500 being the exception rather than the rule. But it is clear the reference 1080 is getting around 2.0 Ghz for sustained gaming, with anything higher being the exception rather than the rule.
I see far too many posts trying to claim the 1080 is a great overclocker, with numbers such as 23% being flung around. The reality is that the average boost clocks are around 1750 with OC of ~2GHz (with more aggresive custom fan profiles). This is in line with most reviews showing ~5%-15% performance gains on OC 1080 over stock. Obvioulsy you will get some golden samples or even some outlier games that OC better but from what I can see the 1080 FE is not that great at overclocking.
"The Boost clock will now render at roughly 1950~2050 MHz depending on the power and temperature signature. The GPU will continuously be dynamically altered on voltage and clock frequency to match the power and temperature targets versus the increased core clock. In FireStrike we are now hovering at the 2 GHz marker on the Boost frequency for example, but some games jumped to roughly 2.1 GHz one second and dipped below 2 GHz the other."
What I find puzzling in their OC conclusion is the claim that anything from 5% -
20% extra performance can be expected. Yet their graph shows nowhere near this 20% performance increase. The graph clearly shows no more than ~15%.
In fact even HardOCP OC results show only ~2.06GHz average OC and that is with 100% fan speed.
"the average new clock speed is 2062MHz versus 1770MHz average clock speed at default operation"
16% OC with a 100% fan setting, and that's not even an actual performance difference. ooooh awesome.
Better than Fiji I suppose, but it's clearly not as good as reference 980Ti for overclocking potential. Maybe AIB custom cooled versions will be better with the extra power connectors but FE is NOT good overclocker and that's backed up in pretty much most reviews. Even Hardwarecanucks who had the gall to claim "going beyond insanity" shows only a ~13% actual performance gain with their 2.12GHz OC.
Of course ~13% is free performance and not to be sniffed at but please stop the 1080 is an awesome overclocker BS. I think people are seeing 2.0-2.1GHz and thinking "wow, that's a big number" but failing to realise as an actual percentage over stock it's not that great.
FE 1080 - not a great overclocker
Custom cooled AIB versions with better power deliver = wait and see.