Nothing is bottlenecking in my system thanks
Fact is anyone saying they max ultra games with a single 980ti at 3440 X 1440 are talking BS
Rise of the tomb raider is one Doom does yield a constant 100fps either...
You can max out any game that doesn't have a check in it for GPU memory available. Even an integrated CPU GPU will MAX them to any resolution you can set.. doesn't mean it will play well.. will be like a slide show if you are lucky.
Coming back to the point that a 980ti at 3440 x1440 is not enough to max out most games and be playable is silly, it is more than enough and the games play really nice, yes you may get the odd one that you need to drop a few settings or just dropping AA will do it. I honestly don't see the difference from 16x to 8x AA @ 3440x1440 even 4X or 2X is enough and if you are not pixel peeping you would never notice it while gaming, I think some just get all caught up on the game settings instead of actually enjoying the game.
Everyone has a different perception on what is playable. I would rather have higher resolution and nice aspect ratios than stupid high frame rates that are not here or there. If you are hitting 60 frames average the game is playable, come on console users are getting 30 frames and under and you are saying console makers are making devices that are not playable ? But selling them like crazy and the games. This is why developers for games are more bothered about consoles and giving us PC users rubbish ports that require 5x the GPU power of the consoles to be playable and have the few higher settings we want to keep us PC users happy.
Honestly there has been so few really good games recently that require a good GPU, PC gaming is starting to become a luxury that is not always worth it. If it wasn't for 21:9 screens and my love for flight sim and gaming in general I would have probably given up on it on the desktops and flight sim on a laptop.
Nvidia has really left a bad taste in my mouth with the GTX 1080 and their behavior when they showed off the card and the lies they spun.
I love technology and always want the latest toys, but the latest toys are becoming small updates and huge price increases that don't add up to what you are getting anymore.. Nvidia at this rate will kill off PC gaming and all their gimp works features and other software that they have locked down. AMD to stay in business will sadly have to follow Nvidia's pricing too as they will not be undercutting Nvidia by huge amounts.
The 1080 with all the reduction in manufacturing should have had 1.5x the transistors of a 980ti, but they reduced the transistor count from 8 billion on the 980ti to 7.2 on the 1080... It's just greed now.
What they don't realize is they are soon going to turn people like me that pays for the new parts into someone that will wait for them second hand, so they will basically loose a new sales or I will wait till they get discounted a lot because they are classed as older generations.
The 1080 is going to fly off the retailers for 3-4 weeks and after that we will see .. They have upset a lot of people this time with the 1080. They will realize when they start having stock piles of them. They are not worth £450 nevermind anything over £600.