Suggest some "war" movies

Woohooo! a friend of mine actually has Band Of Brothers on DVD and he will lend it to me, I didnt realize anyone I knew had it.

I am undecided about Jarhead though...

I saw 3 kings a long while ago, on Front Row on cable, I kinda liked it.

A bridge too far.
Where Eagles Dare (although its more of an adventure)
The Longest Day.
Oh, and the Battle of Britain.
Perhaps the best foreign WW2 film ever made, and considered the finest sovuiet film ever made, 'Come and See' is awesome.

Just lost all respect for gilly, calling Apocalypse now rubbish?! Its amazing, awesome soundtrack too. Not the best war film, though I couldn't pick one. Maybe Das Boot...nope, can't decide. Definately not Saving private ryan, which is a good film, but the basic premise is just not believeable, so the whole film is flawed, for me.
How exactly do you lose all respect for someone just because they have a different opinion on a movie? :confused:

Apocolypse Now is "okay". It's got some good action but it is very very slow paced and difficult to sit through entirely. I think I've only ever watched it all the way through once.
Well, obviously I haven't *actually* lost all respect for him! :|

Rubbish, shockingly bad - not exactly miles apart. Unless we're being that picky. You have to be in the right mood for the film, but I do just think it is exceptional :)
FWIW as an ex para Band of brothers and Bridge too far always make me cry... the war department wont let me watch them!(she doesnt see me watching them on pc!)

When they were researching locations for FMJ they where looking all over the world for a ruined cityscape. Where did they find it?... you guessed, London! They used the old beckton gasworks site in the east end. A few years ago if you looked through the fencing you could still see palm trees and vietnamese signs!

sorry about the emotional stuff.
Me too. Exceptionally bad ;)

I saw it quite late, only 3 or 4 years ago IIRC, and the hype around it was massive. Hence the comparison to Scarface - they're both cult classics and both suck :p

I think if I'd seen them without hearing about them I might think they were OK, once my expectations were built up they were never going to be rated.
If you want to see some cold war era nuclear paranoia films then try the following (bit of a nuclear war freak)

The Day After
The War Game
When the wind blows (cartoon, but devastating)
By Dawn's Early Light
and the aformentioned Dr. Strangelove :p
To say Apocalyspe Now is "shockingly bad" seems a bit harsh. True, it is very overrated but it does have some really good bits in it such as the Ride of the Valkyries sequence and of course Kilgore is a great character. It's just a bit too long for me and the trip down the river seems to drag on too much for my liking. But, it is very watchable (especially if you know a lot of what was going on behind the scenes as it was made) and definitely isn't "shockingly bad".

Recommendations from me:

The Big Red One (reconstructed version)
Cross of Iron (Peckinpah should have made more war movies)
Well at the moment I am around half way or so thru "Band Of Brothers" and so far I think its very good, but in my oppion, not quite as good as Saving Private Ryan.

What do people think of "Tears Of The Sun" and "We Were Soldiers" they are 2 of my fav movies in this genre.
Ive seen just about every WWII film going .. my fav's are:-

Saving private ryan
Thin Red Line
Battle of the bulge
Where eagles dare
Eagle has landed
Devils Brigade
They Who Dare
Great Escape
The longest Day
Tora Tora Tora
Battle of Midway
The dam busters
Kellys Heroes
633 Squadon
Mosquito Squadon
Battle of Britain
Guns of Navarone
Bridge at Remagen
Von Ryans Express
Heroes of Telemark
Bridge over the river Kwai
Raid on Romel

Theres a few there to keep you busy
A lot of good movies there! Moving away from WWII, IMHO the Sharpe series is well worth watching (not as good as the books mind) and along the same lines Hornblower isn't too bad.
Hamburger Hill - Brutal and hard hitting story of the battle for Hill 937
Casualties of War - Micheal J Fox v. Sean Penn, overseen by Brian DePalmer
Platoon - best Vietnam movie yet, simply outstanding
Thin Red Line - the battle for Guadalcanal seen through the eyes of a group of young soldiers
Full Metal Jacket - Kubrik's Vietnam epic filmed almost exclusivley in Norfolk and the London Docklands
The Longest Day - epic, star-studded account of the Allied invasion of Europe. A must for a rainy Sunday afternoon
Three Kings - brilliantly made and visually excellent adventure as George Clooney & Ice Cube attempt to steal a load of Iraqi gold
Jarhead - again a brilliantly made and visually excellent film. not much action but that's the point
Apocalypse Now - watch Redux if you can as it all makes a bit more sense. Well worth slogging through if you can take it all in one sitting.
MASH - field surgeons seek relief from the carnage of the Korean war through golf, gambling and other assorted hellraising
Mr_L said:
I don't think any of these have been mentioned; -
Das Boot
Mentioned twice before now. ;)

An excellent film so worth mentioning three times I think. My Mum watched it years ago on TV when they did a 1 hour episode on a Wednesday for a few weeks. I did my best to skip Judo training to watch it. I loved it. We've since bought it on DVD but the full 8 hours or however long it is still hasn't been released. We are stuck with the shortened versions. :mad: Pity really. I reckon releasing the full version on two or three DVDs or as many needed to fit the whole version on would sell quite a few DVDs for the producers.
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