Abu Qatada

Meh, I'll believe it when I see it. How did France manage to arrest and deport a dozen or so suspected terrorists in the aftermath of the Toulouse shootings and we're still stuck with this clown?

I speet on you OP, infidel!
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What about his brood, they being ejected too? Dirty **** doesn't like the west or our ways but is happy to claim all the benefits going

A Muslim suicide bomber recruited by Al-Qaeda blew himself up, killing hundreds including himself.

Sure enough, he ascended to heaven and as promised by God, he received a bounty of 72 virgins.

Trouble is, they were all busy playing World of Warcraft...
I just realised the striking similarity between Abu Qatada and the unibrow Jordanian guy.

Like long departed siblings or something.
cya have a nice time in what ever hell hole you end up in and perhaps your may look back on your time here and wish you had just been a bit more reasonable.

LOL bye.
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