*****Official ASUS MAXIMUS FORMULA thread*****

12 Jul 2005
Just over your shoulder
OK, so as one of the early-adopters :eek:of this board, and assuming there will be other like minded souls out there.....here is the Official Thread :D

So far not much to put here......but no doubt there will be

As for me, well my Maximus is all installed but I am having GFX problems carried over from my P5WDH.....so hardly getting use out of the Maximus yet...watch this space !
Hi , up and running :)

nice so far no problems yet , running nb on water, booted using raid 0 from my P5K Premium and previous my P5K Deluxe so its a 3rd hand array
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Hi, thinking of watercooling this beast, any suggestions for a someone who hasn't had any experience of this? Linkies to review would help too. Although my current motherboard idle temps are 39c without any OC'ing, not too bad I guess but I want at least 3.4ghz out of this..
I tried the 0504 bios and that kept hanging at post if you started to bump the FSB. The 0401 seems pretty good I can boot at 3.8 just can't get stable...
Do they come with 3DMark® 06 Advanced Edition and Kaspersky® Anti-Virus?
As well as Stalker or is a choice of which?

Yes you get all of those , i have flashed to 0504 and running prime stable at 3.3Gig on my B3 q6600 , cpu showing 50 degrees , nb showing 47 under load at 1.6v, going up bit at a time and testing ect ,, found it more difficult than the p5k del and the premium up to now but it seems better in prime
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