Hazro Monitors - Sending back

7 Feb 2011
I have never sent anything back under DSR and noticed that there were a couple of other people that wanted to know about this info as well.

Can anyone offer advice as to how to do it and what courier to use?
Do you get a full refund minus postage costs?

Also are you sending yours back (DSR or RMA) and what model is it?

I have the 'A' model and am considering sending back under DSR.

Please keep problem reporting to the other threads so that Hazro can see them.
I`m also planning to send my Hazro HZ27WC back to OcUK if they agree for a refund or an exchange for a different product from their shop that costs about the same.

I would also like to know the best way to do this and how to do it and what sending method is best and the cost of sending it back.
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Well out of the services I've checked out I can rule out a lot of these internet middlemen types (parcel2go etc) since they do not offer compensation for damage if things go wrong.

Ironically the simplest the post office does cover monitors (although not glassware - so there is ambiguity), DHL has on closer inspection a slimey looking website (you can even buy insurance for damage from external causes - I'd have expected if the DHL lorry crashed it was their fault!).

PDP having just delivered their monitor should work too.

With all services they imply that its the users responsibility to package things correctly, something I'm going to have to ensure is done right myself, I guess the real fear is having that many spongers abusing their compensation schemes. But at the same time when they specifically say they take zero responsibility I do worry that they will therefore take zero care!

Personally I'm going to see if there is a deal where upon I can buy the Dell and hand this one back in at the same time (PDP actually offer a service to customers specifically to take and send), although I assume the answer will be no so will otherwise just send back and think on things some more, but there is no harm in asking.
Under DSR you are under duty to take "reasonable care" of the goods when in your possession. If you return the goods using the same package that they came in then you will have the appropriate packaging aspect covered. Make sure that the plug, in particular, is packaged as it came - possibly with a plastic shield and other additional wrapping. The metal pins can rip through things like you wouldn't believe and cause damage to the monitor - so take reasonable care and you should be fine. ;)

Because this monitor does contain glass you may have to make a specific enquiry about the insurance policy offered by a particular courrier. For most monitors this isn't a problem - the whole glassware issue is a hangover from the days of CRT monitors, but this model most certainly contains glass. More information here - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18185479&highlight=parcelforce+monitors. Some people even find it better to tell them that the retailer that the good are 'ready for collection' and for the retailer to organise the collection themselves. The retailer must give a refund ASAP (within 30 days at the latest) and can't insist on a product being returned to them before issuing a refund. If they want the product back with them as soon as possible (which in most cases they do) they will often arrange to have it collected - that way you don't worry about insurance if you've done everything right on your side. Take photographs of the goods to show any existing damage etc. and you should have covered all bases here.
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Under the DSR you should get a full refund, i.e. the cost of the goods and any postage charges.

You have to pay the cost of return postage yourself.
Hi guys.

Is there any time limit you can send a screen under DSR because I order my screen from OcUK on the 30 Mar 2011 and I received it on 31 Mar 2011 at 18:01 so i`m wondering if i`m too late to send under DSR?

The screen doesn't have any pacific hardware faults but only some dead or stuck pixels or it could be just dust but you can't really notice this.

The things I don't like about the screen is that HDCP not working despite that fact that the description of this screen is saying this screen has support for HDCP and i`m having nothing
but problems with the screen using Nvidia Graphics Cards like the software screen scaling doesn't work correctly on this screen meaning you're stuck with having to use the screens
default resolution of 2560x1440 and this means that any older games or softwars that don`t support resolution of 2560x1440 you won`t be able to use on this screen or you just get a
very small screen with big massive black borders all the way round.

When using a Nvidia Graphics card, the NVIDIA Control Panel options no longer work when using the Hazro HZ27WC like the change resolution option
in the NVIDIA Control Panel being completely empty when it should list the screens supported resolutions and refresh rates to select and choose
and that the setup multiple displays option in the NVIDIA Control Panel it empty when it should list the current screen you have connected.

I bought this screen for functions like HDCP and being assured that software scaling would work without problems.
Hi guys.

Is there any time limit you can send a screen under DSR because I order my screen from OcUK on the 30 Mar 2011 and I received it on 31 Mar 2011 at 18:01 so i`m wondering if i`m too late to send under DSR?

The right to cancel is 7 working days beginning the day after the consumer receives the goods. Working days are Monday-Friday.

If you received it on 31 March I make that Monday 11 April so you're still in time.

You don't have to physically send the goods back within the 7 days but you do need to notify the seller in writing within that period that you are returning the goods under the DSR.

The goods can be opened and inspected but must be taken reasonable care of.

"On cancellation, the consumer shall be under a duty to restore the goods to the supplier in accordance with this regulation, and in the meanwhile to retain possession of the goods and take reasonable care of them".

Under the DSR you should be refunded the full cost of the goods plus any postage charges you paid.

The cost of returning the goods is down to you or the supplier can arrange to have the goods collected and charge you for this.
I have notify OcUK today that I would like to send the screen back under DSR and i`m now just waiting for response from them.

Ditto here, so far I have an email saying that they have sent an RMA to my email address, but no email yet.

Will have to see, probably will phone up to be honest to sort this out.

Edit : As an aside, its amazing how just by coincidence the Dell 27" monitors now have all sold out (there were 7 in stock before), it seems that there are a lot of like minded people out there :)
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So why is everyone sending back their Hazro Monitors...is there a better monitor/version out there?

Edit - ah nevermind...just saw the Hazro thread in the forum lol (I never usual roam around the monitor section :) )
I have notify OcUK today that I would like to send the screen back under DSR and i`m now just waiting for response from them.

I am in the same situation. Was considering asking them to swap for a Dell 27" but they seem to be sold out.

Tempted to wait until the next batch of Hazro monitoes after they have refined their dust-proofing.
Hi guys.

Have I got this right that Under DSR Distance Selling Regulations I have the rights to cancel even if I did`t have any problems with the product as
long as I notify the shop within 7 days of me receiving the product and so the shop must give me a refund?

I just got a email from OcUK after letting them know i'll be returning the product under DSR.

Email from OcUK
WE would only be able to refund it we are currently trying to find out from hazro the truth behind the hdcp as it may be that yours is faulty. the DSR request will be honoured if Hazro don't come back to us with a good answer.

I originally told them of the problems I have been having with the screen so i`m not sure if that was my mistake and the reason why they seem to be trying to get out of it?

I told them I just don't want the screen anymore and don't want a replacement but it looks like they're not listening to me.
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Make it clear to them that you want to return it under DSR (it seems you have done) and state that you do not want to claim it as faulty and are not claiming under RMA. They must honour your refund within 30 days according to the law - as long as you keep a log of all contact made you don't need to worry. It sounds as if OcUK are possibly trying to take it as an RMA - which means, for you, you wouldn't have to pay return postage. I may be reading this wrong but you are right in your understanding of DSR.
Make it clear to them that you want to return it under DSR (it seems you have done) and state that you do not want to claim it as faulty and are not claiming under RMA. They must honour your refund within 30 days according to the law - as long as you keep a log of all contact made you don't need to worry. It sounds as if OcUK are possibly trying to take it as an RMA - which means, for you, you wouldn't have to pay return postage. I may be reading this wrong but you are right in your understanding of DSR.

Yes OcUK are trying to treat it as a faulty product even though I told them I want to send it back Under DSR probably because I told them of my problems
but I have also told them I just don't want the screen anymore and don't want a replacement.

The other guy that posted just a couple of posts up, it seems OcUK are treating the case as a faulty product with this member as well and is the reason why he/she has been giving a RMA.
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Yes OcUK are trying to treat it as a faulty product even though I told them I want to send it back Under DSR probably because I told them of my problems
but I have also told them I just don't want the screen anymore and don't want a replacement.

The other guy that posted just a couple of posts up, it seems OcUK are treating the case as a faulty product with this member as well and is the reason why he/she has been giving a RMA.

Reject their offer of trying to contact Hazro regarding your problems and request to refund the product under Distance Selling Regulations.
Good news.

I think they have now understood me correctly as they have now responded to me saying returning the screen under DSR shouldn't be a problem and they
asked me what condition the screen is in which I then responded and I told them the condition of screen is just like brand new and I didn't use it for very long
and as soon as I noticed the flaws with the screen I packed it back in the original packaging.
I was wondering do OcUK have to give me some kind of identification number or something similar to the RMA number that I have to put on the package so
that thay know it has been sent back under DSR and from which order it has came from?
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Well it seems there are a lot of people on the forum thinking about returning their screen under DSR.

It also seems there are people that are willing to accept the screen despite the flaws but i'm certainly not one of those.

Some peaple might think that £419.99 is not a lot of money but it is to me when the product is not working properly the way it should and to my satisfaction.

I think the problems I have discussed about on the forum concerning HDCP not working and the Nvidia Graphics card software not working correctly like software
screen scaling and the options in the NVIDIA Control Panel is just a flaws with the screen the way it was made and not proper testing on Hazro part before
they released the screen.

Hazro might fix these problems in time but those of us that bought the screen now are stuck with these flaws.

It's just a pity as before I found out about the flaws, I really liked the screen especially for gaming and viewing 720p, 1080p MKV content.
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