SOS I cant install the CPU

17 Feb 2007
I put the CPU in properly and everything but the door just won't close, am I meant to be using force on the hook? Please help I am really worried:(


CPU: Intel Quad QX6700
Mobo: RD600 DFI (Lanparty)
Yes you need to apply a fair amount of force for the hook, same with any other cpu that is using a socket.

But first just check you have the cpu in the correct orientation, look at the manual if in doubt. It shouldn't even fit the socket if you try to insert with the wrong side.

Yeah I bet you must be worried with that QX6700!!
Sarman said:
I put the CPU in properly and everything but the door just won't close, am I meant to be using force on the hook?{snip}
Does require a-bit of force/strength/muscle. But first make sure its all aligned properly, nothings obstructing & nothings bent!
I dont know if it is bent or not but I can see that the actual lid thing has a tiny bit of bend in it, but it doesnt look abnormal or nothing its just that I dont know....

Basically when your put the CPU in and put the lid on it how much space should there be between the lid and the horizontal, give me an angle or something because I dont know whether this is normal or not (first build).
Everything looks fine tbh.

the bend in the first pic is normal as its purpose is to apply pressure to hold the CPU down when installed.

Pic 2 is normal mate, now you just need to push the lever down until it is hooked.
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How tight was it after he hammered it? Its meant to hold it down tight to make a good contact, you will have major problems without a good contact.
It was still pretty tight but at least it went down after a FIRM amount of force, besides now that the Zalman is on top (OMG SO MUCH FORCE required for that, so scary) there should be enough contact.

The thing is the way I positioned the Zalman it didn't fit into the case (:( ffs) so now I am gonna rotate it....

I am never doing this again lol
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