My poor little angel is not well

3 Dec 2003
The youngest child of mine was not to well on christmas day but we thought it was just a stomach bug and thought we would see how she was today - Rung the out patients today at 4 to get an appointment because she hasnt kept any food or drink down in the past 2 days and when we got there she got taken to hospital striaght away , Long story short she is 13 months old and having great problems breathing . They have her taking 10 pumps of some spray thing every 30 minutes - calpol and something else every 30 minutes and steriods every hour plus some liquid mediction every 10 minutes .

They wouldnt let me stay with her and the wife overnight as they said it was only one parent overnight and I had a little shout up and in the end I thought I would get a mate to come get me before I get thrown out and not able to see her at all . Not sure as of yet how long she will be in there .

Im at home all alone with out a clue what to do with myself - I just want to be with my little baby girl :(

She has also been having some sort of fits on the left side of her body which is also causing a worry aswell ,

Im sure a few of you on here that have meet me and the gang they will tell you how much of a cutie she is , Shes the best baby in the whole world never making a fuss over anything - I feel helpless here as I cant sleep or do anything and Im sure some of you can imagine how much I am holding back the tears of worry for her .

Christ, I can only imagine what that feels like. :(

Just think to yourself that you can't be with her at the moment, there is no way it could happen. Try not to feel helpless as you're giving her the love that she deserves.

I'm sure things will get better and that you'll be able to see her soon, just keep your chin up and keep yourself occupied. :)
Awww really sorry to hear about your daughter having to go into hospital.

Only consolation is that she is in the right place and being monitored regularly. Previous poster is absolutely right, little 'uns are little fighters and I'm sure she will be up and about real soon. It's a shame you couldn't stay over night with her but can you imagine the amount of people milling around on the ward if more than one person was allowed to stay overnight. You will be allowed to stay with her all day, I'm sure, that way you can give your other half as much support as she needs cos I'm sure she didn't get much sleep last night either.

Keep us all informed won't you. Will be thinking of you.

Good job you didn't really as that would be plumbing new depths of stupidity.

To the OP, sorry to hear that mate... but as has been said kids are incredibly resilient. As for the mini-fits down one side of her body... well that's not good but hopefully a swift diagnosis and treatment will see her right. :)
That sounds awful. I know the hospital's decision on the one parent overnight sounds terrible but perhaps it's for the best as hopefully one of you can get at least some sleep or rest. IMO this is the best thing for you to try and do right now if at all possible just in case they keep her in for a few days - you'll both need some sleep.

Best wishes on a speedy recovery for her.
Just a little update , things havent improved over night and they are now doing blood tests and x-rays

She has a pulse of just under 140 and a temperature of 40 so these are a lot higher than they want them to be

Thanks for all your kind words
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