Windows 8 relieved (video)

10 Mar 2003
Perhaps I'm not understanding properly - but if I right click the task-bar I get Properties at the bottom which takes me to the usual start menu stuff? Or are you on about the grouped icons?

21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore
Its not just a big iPod touch though, how can people still not understand that...:confused:

I have an iPad and, yes, it pretty much is just a big iPod. It doesn't even have a filesystem.

It's good for web surfing, e-mail and book reading. And I use it frequently for those. Everything else it does is just a gimmick. The Windows 8 tablets are going to blow the entire market away. Apple will not have a response for a long time, if ever.
8 Jan 2009
Northern Ireland
I have an iPad and, yes, it pretty much is just a big iPod. It doesn't even have a filesystem.
It's good for web surfing, e-mail and book reading. And I use it frequently for those. Everything else it does is just a gimmick. The Windows 8 tablets are going to blow the entire market away. Apple will not have a response for a long time, if ever.

I got the impression that Win 8 was built for the tablet market, having looked at those videos, clicking on boxes, does not appeal to me.
10 Mar 2003
I got the impression that Win 8 was built for the tablet market, having looked at those videos, clicking on boxes, does not appeal to me.

There's two views. I think you have to imagine media centre on Windows 7 which, when running, is like an entire interface whereby you dont have to drop into the OS (you can even have Windows boot to it). I think it's going to be like that, basically a shell over the Windows backend.

If you have a mobile device then you'd probably use it over Windows as it should be a quick and slick interface. Whereby if you want to use full blown Windows you can.

Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I have an iPad and, yes, it pretty much is just a big iPod. It doesn't even have a filesystem.

The form factor is the whole point of it, Apple things tend to be more simple in that regard so they sell better to the general public.

It isn't the same as an iPod touch, iOS5 next week should also bring better tablet advancements to it as well.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I want a Windows 8 tablet now.
All the pros of iOS and android, with few of the downsides.

It's looking sweet, loving the look of the controls and the snap task thing is sweet.

But it seems like it's not going to be out till autumn 2012. Totally sucky.
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25 Jul 2005
There's 2 types of business users. The ones who are still using XP with Office 2000 and don't even know Windows 7 exists or the new savvy business users that want lighter, more portable, better battery life touch devices.

I think Windows 8 looks amazing and I'm really glad MS have had the guts to move on.

Let's look at phones. MS didn't move with the times with Windows Mobile, WM6 was archaic, cumbersome and died because of it. As we move to an era of ARM chips, tablets, media TVs MS have to move with the times or suffer the same fate.

To quote a month+ old post I agree. Just watched the video today and I love it. There is so much potential there, especially for the standard user and proper business types.

Apple seems to be moving away from a proper computer OS (OSX) to a mobile version, with some saying they will scrap OSX all together for iOS. Microsoft are still keeping separate systems, their phone system and their tablet/productivity system whilst bringing it up to touch standard. With the increase of cloud computing and things like WiDi I can see a new future for most people.

Most laptops, even business ones don't need to be massively powerful for what they are used for (Office, internet, occasional flash/basic gaming and viewing/basic photo/video editing). Why not have a tablet with a full operating system and full programs that also functions as a perfect mobile touch system? Just imagine for a second....

You get up in the morning, grab your Win8 tablet and catch the train. You use the touch interface to check the news, watch a video, look at a few photos and play a few basic games to while away the time (like you would with an android or iOS tablet). You walk into work and drop it onto your desk, onto the induction pad, press a couple of buttons to project a second screen onto your monitor using WiDi and pair your wireless mouse and keyboard with the device... Away you go with your work for the day, full versions of word, excel and any other windows program you want (using the tablet screen as a giant touch pad/secondary monitor if needed, or jut moving it out the way)... You head home, on the train you realise you forgot to do something so you pull up your work you were working on during the day and sort it out, whether that be word, photoshop or another program.

There are plenty of other permutations for everyday users, you could easily have a dock, like the Acer Transformer for when you need extra battery or a keyboard during the day, or just storing your tablet at the desk... Wireless storage for videos and other such things.

IE for most users it can be their primary machine (which is now generally a laptop) and their small entertainment device, rather than having two devices to do the same job... The possibilities are endless, to quote the recycle advert...:p

I assume as well that by the time of release there will have been a lot of work done under the bonnet and a bit of a rework of the standard desktop view as well. I'm sure the grey theme will still be available for you if you still rock the 95/98/2000 look... grey... what a colour...;)
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I don't agree that apple is moving away from a full os.

What's happening is apple have come from a mobile OS focus and are adding more stuff, where MS are coming from a full OS and adding mobile support. They will both meet in the middle. W8 has a mobile UI.

Tablet is by and far my main machine. I only boot up the pc to buy media as I like it back up in multiple places and to create the f1 threads in motorsports. Other than that tablet is all I use now.
12 Aug 2008
I like the look of it, though im not sure it will suit me with a mouse/keyboard. Hopefully the more traditional desktop styles are there. Or close enough to older types to be more friendly on the mouse/keyboard.
30 Jun 2009
I can totally see the point in a consistent look and feel from your phone, tablet, console and main PC. Like many I love to tinker and fiddle with the innermost parts of a PC but in general I just want things to work without me faffing about.

Faffing about getting stuff to work is'nt fun, especially with a family who all use PC's, tablets etc etc as it eats away at free time and generally causes frustration. In my experience business users are the same.. They just want stuff to work. The only people who tend to want to see file systems and the gubbins underneath are the technical support and IT guys.

I also had my doubts as to how a touch screen would work until I popped into an apple store and played with their 'magic pad' multi touch track pad. Such a device makes perfect sense for use with windows 8. So forget swiping smeary fingers on a screen, that's not how it will work. You'll have a multi touch track pad instead.
7 Sep 2010
I would be interested if it is less demanding than windows 7, becasue my Duo is a bit sluggish with Windows 7. I imagine that the computer they were doing the demo with was reasonably powerful, I would expect that on my Duo it wouldn't be half as smooth.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
To quote a month+ old post I agree. Just watched the video today and I love it. There is so much potential there, especially for the standard user and proper business types.

Apple seems to be moving away from a proper computer OS (OSX) to a mobile version, with some saying they will scrap OSX all together for iOS. Microsoft are still keeping separate systems, their phone system and their tablet/productivity system whilst bringing it up to touch standard. With the increase of cloud computing and things like WiDi I can see a new future for most people.

Most laptops, even business ones don't need to be massively powerful for what they are used for (Office, internet, occasional flash/basic gaming and viewing/basic photo/video editing). Why not have a tablet with a full operating system and full programs that also functions as a perfect mobile touch system? Just imagine for a second....

You get up in the morning, grab your Win8 tablet and catch the train. You use the touch interface to check the news, watch a video, look at a few photos and play a few basic games to while away the time (like you would with an android or iOS tablet). You walk into work and drop it onto your desk, onto the induction pad, press a couple of buttons to project a second screen onto your monitor using WiDi and pair your wireless mouse and keyboard with the device... Away you go with your work for the day, full versions of word, excel and any other windows program you want (using the tablet screen as a giant touch pad/secondary monitor if needed, or jut moving it out the way)... You head home, on the train you realise you forgot to do something so you pull up your work you were working on during the day and sort it out, whether that be word, photoshop or another program.

There are plenty of other permutations for everyday users, you could easily have a dock, like the Acer Transformer for when you need extra battery or a keyboard during the day, or just storing your tablet at the desk... Wireless storage for videos and other such things.

IE for most users it can be their primary machine (which is now generally a laptop) and their small entertainment device, rather than having two devices to do the same job... The possibilities are endless, to quote the recycle advert...:p

I assume as well that by the time of release there will have been a lot of work done under the bonnet and a bit of a rework of the standard desktop view as well. I'm sure the grey theme will still be available for you if you still rock the 95/98/2000 look... grey... what a colour...;)

I agree wholeheartedly with the above but can't help thinking of the headlines: drunk civil servants leaving their Windows 8 pad on the train/in a taxi/at the bar come Friday evening :p
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Correct me if I'm wrong, but we haven't seen the destop have we? I doubt the desktop will be the blocked panels. Slightly different UI same OS, is what I'm expecting.
11 Jan 2005
mmm, he mentioned windows 8 apps, so loks like it would just be an overlay on the base desktop? Would fit well on my gf's msi touchscreen though! Cant see a place for it on my system (uni work etc)
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Software is dead and it's now been recalled apps and there will be an app store. Just like mac have done. Personally I can't see the block version on desktop unless you want it
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