Energize said:This game has one of the worst leveling systems I have ever seen, its practically impossible to level up unless you have exactly the right combinations of skills and you end up working up all your minor skills to get the +5 bonus to your statistics at level up. Why they didnt use a far superior exp system is beyond me.
Crispy Pigeon said:I don't understand what you mean by it being practically impossible to level up. All you need to do is increase a major skill 10 times. What's hard about that?
Energize said:The fact that they hardly ever go up? You have to do the same action about 50 times over to level up 1 skill point, so very very boring...
Fx-Overlord said:EDIT: i find mysticism quite usefull against casters (dispell). Also, if your not a decent marksman, then the telekinesis could come in handy, as could life detection if your a stealth person. I guess you also need to use the soul trap spells for enchanting items or recharging magical items too.
AndrewP said:I have detect life gauntlets and a soul trap sword, and fighting magic folk I just get to close quarters and hammer them, so that's probably why I never use it.
I think I'll play a mage character sometime, should be different at least .