At the end of the day if you're struggling then you could always boost the occasional stat or 2.
I personally don't use them but I've only just started. It may help people in sticky situations or need to boost a neglected stat or two. Rather than starting again you could use these permanently or temporarily.
tfc "ufo cam", freeflyng camera
psb Add all spells to player
modpcs skill 100 adds 100 points to the skill eg: modpcs blade 100
modpca luck 100 adds 100 pointsto an attribute (here luck)
player.additem 0000000F 'XXX' Adds the desired amount of gold. Replace the 'XXX' with the amount wanted.
Showbirthsignmenu Allows you to change your birthsign
showclassmenu Allows you to change your class
FOV # Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75)
player.setlevel 1 Changes player level to desired number. Use 1-255
SexChange Changes your gender
caqs Completes all quest stages
SSG Creates a window with the full game scene graph
qqq exit game without using menus
advlevel forces a level up with the levelup screen.
advskill skill # Forces a skill level up of # levels, example: advskill blade 4
player.additem <Form ID> <amount> Gives the player the given item and amount of the item.
AddItem 00000000 # gives you # of item 00000000 (use other hex combinations for items)
AddSpell 00000000 # gives you # of spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for spells)
SetPCFame gives you fame
SetPCInfamy gives you infamy
Without targeting, type "tgm" God Mode
player.payfine Guards stop attacking you and bounty is paid off.
player.setAV <Ability/attribute> <#> Increase (Or decrease) Ability or
Click any human or creature, type "kill" Instant kills
player.setcrimegold 0 Removes Bounty on your head. NOTE: If being chased by city guards, you must leave the city and go back for it to work on them.
resurrect Resurrect targeted monster/human.
ShowClassMenu Show the class selection screen
ShowRaceMenu Show the name/race/appearance selection screen
ShowBirthSignMenu Show the sign selection screen
PlaceAtMe <formid>, <number of spawns>,<x>,<y> spawns a npc or item or
creature where you put the cords in this recuires a ref.
coc toddtest Teleports player to developer testing grounds.
movetoqt Teleports you to your quest target (for lazy bums) makes the game a lot shorter >
TAI Toggle AI
TDETECT Toggle AI detection
tcai Toggle combat ai, "sitting ducks" springs to mind
TDT Toggle debug display (FPS etc)
tfh Toggle Full Help
TG Toggle Grass
TLL Toggle land LOD
TLV Toggle leaves
TS Toggle sky
TT Toggle trees
TWF Toggle wireframe mode
TCL Toggles collision ( noclip anyone?

, you go in the direction your facing, up/down/etc )
TFOW Toggles fog of war that hides the map
TM Toggles hiding of all menus (for taking screenshots)
ShowSubtitle Toggles NPC conversation subtitles
Click a locked door or chest, type "unlock" Unlocks target object
There is a setting in the INI file:
change to:
Also, two related items for the screenshots:
There are two INIs, one in the game folder called "Oblivion_default.ini", this is the one it uses to generate the REAL one....
My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini
Edit the first one if you want to default to having screenshots on by default for all users. The settings it uses at runtime are the ones from My Documents folder.
After you mod the INI file, you can press PRTSCN button and Oblivion will write a BMP file to your game folder.