LiE's Diet and Training Thread



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
I posted up some images and details about my diet in the Gym rats thread and it was suggested that it may be a good idea to create a separate thread for everything. The purpose of this thread is to show you roughly what I eat and do training wise. I'm not the most anal person when it comes to macros, I make sure I eat enough protein and have increased my fats.

I'm currently 12st 9lbs and 5' 11". My aim is to increase mass to 13st 3lbs where by I will tweak the diet to strip some fat.

I do have quite a few supplements which are used to break things up and make up the numbers.

I eat this diet Monday-Friday and on weekends I will usually relax more and try to eat enough. So this is more realistic for someone to keep this diet up. I live with my wife so having a fixed dinner isn't an option neither is trying to hit meal times on the weekend. Again probably more realistic for most people.

Here is a spreadsheet which contains a breakdown of the diet. It doesn't contain dinner as this is a unknown variable. I know that it will likely be about 400-500 calories which means I'll be hitting 3000 calories on off days and 3300 on training days.


The Diet

I have a 1.5L bottle of water on my desk which I aim to have almost completely finished before 4.30PM. I think hydration is very important when training. Before any workout I always need to pee and it's always a good sign if it's as clear as possible. I'd be worried if it was quite yellow.


8:15AM - Pink Porridge
1 sachet of oats, 1 scoop raspberry whey, 200ml milk, walnuts and a banana.
I like this breakfast because it has nice texture from the bananas. I find dry breakfast hard in the morning like toast/peanut butter due to my mouth being dry.



10:30AM - Chicken & Nuts
250g chicken with sauce and 50g of Almonds.
Chicken is cooked on a Sunday evening in a Reggae Reggae sauce. Good amount of protein and fats here.


1:00PM - Shake
500ml semi skimmed milk, 2 scoops rasperberry whey and 2 scoops ultra fine oats.
This shake is a great thing to take to boost macros, I have one of these a day even on weekends.


3:00PM - Toast & Whey
Thickly spread Peanut butter on wholemeal toast with a dash of nutella. 250ml semi skimmed milk with 1 scoop rasperberry whey.
Peanut butter is great for calories and fats. I have another scoop of whey here to keep protein up without haven't to try and eat more. I'll be quite full at this point and used to eat a tin of tuna which only just has the same macros as a whey shake.


04:30PM/4:50PM - Supplements
2 scoops purple wraath and 1 scoop white flood with 2g of creatine monohydrate.
The purple wraath goes into my water bottle at 4:30PM and I drink 400ml, top it back up with water ready for drinking during training.
White flood is taken at 4:50PM just before I leave to go gym.



I've just started a new split that looks like this.

Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Shoulders/Core
Thursday: Chest/Triceps
Friday: Back/Biceps

6.30PM - Recovery XS
This post-workout supplement has a great blend of protein and carbs with some creatine and glumatime mixed in. 2 scoops immediately after a workout with the remaining purple wraath.

8:30PM - Dinner
This can vary quite a lot from pizza to 400g of steak with veg.
Here is a typical dinner of thai curry.


10.00PM - Snack
This isn't included in the spreadsheet but sometimes when I'm still hungry after dinner I will have some cottage cheese on rivita.


That concludes my current diet, plenty of room to tweak macros if needed. I'm always open to suggestions/improvements.
If you have any questions about that or my training let me know.
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I've just started a new split which looks like this.

Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Shoulders/Core
Thursday: Chest/Triceps
Friday: Back/Biceps

So far I have done legs which looked like this.

Reserve DB Lunges
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises
Calf Presses
Goblet Sqauts
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i dont find that a lot of water ? 1.5L up untill 4:30 i can easily double that most days.

Great thread though, i might do something like this after Christmas to see the other end of scale as you are looking at increasing mass quickly

few thing from me i would substitute the 1:00PM - Shake; something like sweet potato and chicken try get it from food as oppose to a supplement. And finally before bed ever considered taking Caesin?
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My water intake varies, sometimes on non training days I'll have as little as 2l in weather like this. And as much as 5l in the Summer

When you drink 14l a day for a week, you find drinking a lot a hell of a lot easier :p
I find too much water can make me bloated, especially as I'm having about 1L of Milk. Around gym time I will probably mince through another 1L of water too.
I find too much water can make me bloated, especially as I'm having about 1L of Milk. Around gym time I will probably mince through another 1L of water too.

Fair point, i did not take into consideration the content of the shakes!

side note: i have been looking into getting a very dry look for a challange im doing in May; 6days run down first 4 days is 3 GALLONS of water!!! roughtly 12liters of water im sure this would drowned me!
Yea ice, will keep things in here as I do like to spam the gym rats thread. I am determined to hit some milestones next year.
We could almost do with a training log sub-forum with the range of experience/expertise we have here. Would be the go-to place for noobs.
I couldn't be that strict steedie with the diet, especially on weekends. If I was single it wouldn't be a problem.

Shoulders/Core tonight, here is what I have.

DB Should Press
Lateral DB Raise
Front BB Raise (I like to go light on this and hold at the top while trying to force the bar apart, immense burn)
Reverse Cable Flyes
Arnold Press
Hanging Leg Raises
Lying Leg Raise
Romanian Twist (game over obliques)

Any suggestions/improvements?

Doing shoulders and core worked well today. I got some incredible pump on my rear delts that was very uncomfortable but typical of my shoulder workouts. I like to go light for most of the lifts and concentrate on the contraction at the peak of the movement, this seems to work really well.

DB Shoulder Press
17.5x10, 27.5x10, 32.5x10, 32.5x10
Lateral DB Side Raises
Front BB Raises
Reverse Cable Flyes
Arnold Press
Hanging Leg Raises
3 sets held for long as possible
Lying Leg Raise
Romanian Twist
20x10, 20x 11, 25x8
As long as it needs :)
I'm in no rush so I'll weigh myself every week and keep an eye on things to make sure I'm progressing and not staying at the same weight. I've always done things slow and steady which I guess is why I have stayed on the leaner side since starting.
Excellent thread, really put things in perspective.

How much do you spend on food a week? Is it alright to substitute "meals" for whey if I can't afford "proper"food?
Excellent thread, really put things in perspective.

How much do you spend on food a week? Is it alright to substitute "meals" for whey if I can't afford "proper"food?

Yes, I do it all the time. Plus whey is one of the most bioavailable protein sources out there, so your absorb pretty much 100% of it, and it usually contains nice ratios of amino acids.
Tonight's dinner was takeaway. Not a strict meal but this how I roll. Plenty of carbs, fat and protein from a buffalo burger. Ate about half the chips.


Excellent thread, really put things in perspective.

How much do you spend on food a week? Is it alright to substitute "meals" for whey if I can't afford "proper"food?

I think it's important to get a good balance of real food and whey.

My weekly shopping budget is £80 for myself and my wife. My meals probably cost about £20 a week.
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