LiE's Diet and Training Thread

Weighed myself this morning and strangely it said 12st 11lbs, so I must need to go for an epic bathroom break or something :p
My core is feeling nice DOMs as are my hamstrings. Looking forward to chest/triceps tonight, not sure if I will focus on strength or aid my growth with some mass.
Will weigh myself over the next few days at the same time to find out my actual weight. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning after going for a pee.
My weight seems to fluctuate like crazy.

Saturday morning: 170lbs (I weigh myself at this time every week to keep track)

Tuesday night: 181lbs

Now obviously these are at different times of the day, but 11lbs of food on a cutting diet!?

I can understand weight during the day, but mine is done at the same time under the same conditions...

Had a beast of a chest/tricep workout today. Focused on hitting a decent amount of reps rather than going heavier. Surprising how quickly strength drops off after each exercise.

Bench Press
60x8, 100x10, 120x8, 120x7(8)*last rep spotted
Incline DB Press
20x8, 40x8, 40x8
BWx8, +20x8, +20x8, +20x8
Cable Flyes
25x10, 30x10, 30x10
Cable Bar Push Down
25x10, 35x10, 40x8
Cable Rope Extension
20x8, 20x8, 20x8
Cable Kick Back
6.25x8, 6.25x8
Front Dips on Racked Smith Bar
BWx8, BWx8, BWx8

Off out in a bit to eat some frankie and bennys :)
12st 12lbs this morning.. must be holding onto a decent amount of water with the creatine. It'll be interesting to see my morning weights on the weekend when I don't train or eat as much.

Went out for a bite to eat last night at beefeater, ribs and chicken :)
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My weight seems to fluctuate like crazy.

Saturday morning: 170lbs (I weigh myself at this time every week to keep track)

Tuesday night: 181lbs

Now obviously these are at different times of the day, but 11lbs of food on a cutting diet!?

Are you sure your scales are working fine? I used to think I was a hefty 14 stone before I got measured at the doctors which proclaimed me to be 11. :(

Here's the Back/Bicep workout I've come up with, bring on the pain.

Lat Pulldowns
Seated Rows
Seated Rope Upper Back Rows

Chin ups
BB Curls
DB Seated Curls
Cable Hammer Curls

FF would be proud of the immense bicep workout.

OK so I think I need to rework the back/bicep workout, my biceps just aren't up to much after the back has been done.

Kept things on the lighter side tonight with deads which highlighted a potential flaw in my form. When I return the weight back to the floor I may be loading up my lower back with most of the weight, I got a serious amount of lower back pump tonight! It's probably worth mentioning that my core is still tired from Tuesday.

Anyway, here's how it went down, biceps couldn't keep up so will rework things.

70x8, 110x10, 140x8, 140x7, 140x6, 160x2
Lat Pull Down
50x10, 75x8, 85x8, 85x7
Seated Rows
42.5x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
Seated Rope Upper Back (thinking I'm going to drop these)
25x10, 30x10, 30x10
Chins (biceps died)
BB Curl (kept it light and strict)
20x10, 20x10, 20x10
Cable Hammer
6.25x10, 6.25x9

Next training session will be Tuesday, so got a nice big rest :)
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Are you sure your scales are working fine? I used to think I was a hefty 14 stone before I got measured at the doctors which proclaimed me to be 11. :(


Yeah they're fine. I've got a couple of pairs, and the differences in weight are the same on both. I think I must've just eaten a shed load that day and drank loads of water.
Diet has been pretty low over the holidays but that's normal for me as I'm not sat at a desk during the day.

I've been gym twice this week and I've still got 2 sessions to fit in. That means tomorrow and Saturday are game on, nothing like training 3 consecutive days.

Today's shoulder/core was pretty damn solid - I tried to increase weight or reps by small amounts just so I'm not lifting identical to the previous week. I managed this on the majority of the lifts. Last week I did 32.5kg x 10 x 2 on DB Shoulder Press and this week it was 35 x 10 followed by 37.5 x 7.

Looking forward to really getting stuck into this and seeing change. I've been getting positive comments on my size from some guys in the gym so that's always good. Probably because I recently bought some skin tight t-shirts to workout in (they are really comfy).

More to come.
Right back at work now and diet is back on track. Weight will be measured on Friday to give it time to settle back in.

Squats were solid yesterday, I wonder if that's because I didn't deadlift last week. Either way was very pleased with the reps/weights.

100kg x 8
120kg x 8
140kg x 6
150kg x 3

Should have my belt I ordered from pullum soon. Also waiting on some wrist straps from them.

Goal is still the same, going to keep increasing my weight until I'm happy and will then tone down the calories to cut. I think this should be the year where I am finally at a point where my body is how I want it. Here's hoping.
Tonight's dinner was takeaway. Not a strict meal but this how I roll. Plenty of carbs, fat and protein from a buffalo burger. Ate about half the chips.


I think it's important to get a good balance of real food and whey.

My weekly shopping budget is £80 for myself and my wife. My meals probably cost about £20 a week.

Omg, I want tonight.
:) medium-rare buffalo burger is nice!

Managed to get the 40s up tonight on the DB Shoulder Press, keeping my form pretty well.. unlike the guys a few benches across from me who were pretty much doing incline chest press thinking it was a shoulder press. Hit the core hard as well, it's getting stronger which will really help with those heavy ass squats and deads.
Weighed myself this morning and strangely it said 12st 11lbs, so I must need to go for an epic bathroom break or something :p
My core is feeling nice DOMs as are my hamstrings. Looking forward to chest/triceps tonight, not sure if I will focus on strength or aid my growth with some mass.

Still sitting at 12st 11lbs. I did train over xmas and I'd say I under ate every day too so things are going in the right direction. Been interesting to see what weight I can hit by the end of Jan.
Couldn't do 40s shoulder presses if I tried :( Damned shoulder :( Though perhaps if I used the backrest - but even then I doubt it.

Oddly though I can pushpress 100kg :/ I think I compensate for my injury that way.
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