Is the devil evil?

9 Jul 2013
The Garden Tomb
I accept that there is a 99.9% chance that this will turn into a religious debate and be closed because of how utterly boring that becomes. But for the 0.01% chance that the hardcore religious/atheist people don't see this for a while...

Assuming the devil exists, is he really evil? He is effectively the jail-keeper for all the naughty kids of man kind. Does he stop the evil of humanity from returning? Does that make him less evil?

Is God equally as evil for creating/allowing atrocities to happen (an act of God)?

Btw, this is what happens when Edrof doesn't quench my thirst for paranormal with his Friday scare thread..
I thought God was the jail keeper? He threw the Devil and various men in Hell for being sinful and he's keeping them locked, although the Devil somehow exerts influence on living people because God wouldn't be God if he didn't contradict himself every second.
Really, what is evil? Ask that question a couple of decades back and homosexuality would be the devils work, along with Marijuana and communism. There are clearly far out evil ****** and when you rule out mental health issues (I blame God) its a pretty narrow field.

So to answer your question, no idea.
If you spend enough time hanging around with horrendous people, you're going to become a bit warped, but then he's not a normal person.
Well considering when I was growing up I was told that if I listened to The Rolling Stones, Hendrix and Led Zeppelin then I would be going to the devil (when I died) then I think he can't be evil and must actually be really good fun.
Really, what is evil? Ask that question a couple of decades back and homosexuality would be the devils work, along with Marijuana and communism. There are clearly far out evil ****** and when you rule out mental health issues (I blame God) its a pretty narrow field.

So to answer your question, no idea.

ain't nothing wrong with lesbos bruh
The devil was an angel kicked out of Heaven because he disagreed with God. So really, he's the embodiment of free will as opposed to rigid religious doctrine. Go devil go!
You need to define evil first. I'll help you out, evil is a human construct for labelling actions that encroach on us in a detrimental way as far as our evolutionary survival is concerned.

The devil seems a bit silly after that...
Is the Devil Lucifer? The corrupted angel

Or is The Devil Satan?

Or is Satan Lucifer?

Or is Religion the Devil

Yes. Religion is Evil thats it.

Something like that
^nothing like a bit of smiting.

i follow the terry pratchett theory of evil:
"true evil is when you start thinking about people as things"

with the addition of making up some excuse to morally justify your actions.

so in that sense, the devil is evil because he see's us as his playthings, but also good because he doesn't try to justify it.

edit: damn, got ninja'd by 4 people :P
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