Is the devil evil?

But back in 1972 my Vicar actually played Black Sabbath songs from the Masters Of Reality album and read out lyrics from it.
He was lyrically impressed with Lord Of This World, Children Of The Grave and Into the Void.
In the Vicargae he could be heard blasting out Zeppelin & Purple a lot.

See more like that and the Church of England wouldn't have so many empty seats.
I thought God was the jail keeper? He threw the Devil and various men in Hell for being sinful and he's keeping them locked, although the Devil somehow exerts influence on living people because God wouldn't be God if he didn't contradict himself every second.

... and wimmin too. Don't wanna discriminate :D

Anyway, the Devil is my ****ing co-pilot :p (can't remember what song that was from)
There's good and bad, is the devil someone who sits in a pit of fire on a throne laughing? No

Well we humans tend to associate things with having opposites otherwise our minds can't comprehend the logic. Positive/Negative, Rich/Poor, Fast/Slow, Good/Evil, etc. Can't have the good guy without the bad guy.

So yeah, that's pretty much it.

This sums it up really, the sooner we realise everything revolves around polarity the better
See more like that and the Church of England wouldn't have so many empty seats.

It was 1972, I was 14 and this ex pro boxer called Rev Wilkinson took over the Church.
We used to play football in the Church grounds and he'd come out and we'd run off. Eventually he told us not to run because he wanted to setup a proper Church football team but we would have to go to Church on a Sunday Evening for 1 hour. It was more a Youth Club with a prayer at the beginning and end but we ended up winning the league.
He even let us setup a rock band as long as we either wrote new religious songs or changed lyrics to classic rock songs, this was quite radical at the time.
He then started to invite the Young Christians from other Churches and that's when I met my future wife.
The guy was an inspiration but sadly I became an atheist 4 years later.
The biblical representation of good vs evil would only apply to a 1 dimensional world where the type of person we are is simple and may as well be written on a sign stapled to our forehead! People being defined by individual attributes leads to many problems not least of all homophobia and racism.

But the devil has horns and a tail and stuff so he is totally evil, mmkay?

Does my willy hunt whales just because it has a jap's eye?
Also, ^^ :D :D :D
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It was 1972, I was 14 and this ex pro boxer called Rev Wilkinson took over the Church.
We used to play football in the Church grounds and he'd come out and we'd run off. Eventually he told us not to run because he wanted to setup a proper Church football team but we would have to go to Church on a Sunday Evening for 1 hour. It was more a Youth Club with a prayer at the beginning and end but we ended up winning the league.
He even let us setup a rock band as long as we either wrote new religious songs or changed lyrics to classic rock songs, this was quite radical at the time.
He then started to invite the Young Christians from other Churches and that's when I met my future wife.
The guy was an inspiration but sadly I became an atheist 4 years later.

Sounds like a legend.
But back in 1972 my Vicar actually played Black Sabbath songs from the Masters Of Reality album and read out lyrics from it.
He was lyrically impressed with Lord Of This World, Children Of The Grave and Into the Void.
In the Vicargae he could be heard blasting out Zeppelin & Purple a lot.

There used to be a vicar over Brownhills who was like that. I wonder whether it was the same one. This would have been around 1985.

Disclaimer: I have never ever lived in Brownhills only know that from boating on Chasewater.
The concept of an evil "opponent" is essential for a mono-theistic religion. ISTM that One of the main reasons why Atenisim ultimately failed was because it didn't have one!
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