Your top 10 gaming moments!

1 Sep 2003
For PC and/or Console games. :)

Heres mine in no order.

1: Zelda OoT - The first time you step onto the field of Hyrule and you realize how big this game really is!

2: FF7 - The moment you first progress onto the World Map.

3: FF7 - The moment a party member dies at Septhroths hands.

4: Goldeneye - First few minutes in game.

5: Mafia - Beating the race after about 30 attempts! lol

6: Deus Ex - When you find out UNATCO maybe in fact the enemy you thought you were fighting.

7: Mario 64 - Again the first few minutes playing, such a stepup from my Megadrive!

8: Age Of Empires / Galatic Battle Grounds - Those long intense Multiplayer games which last forever!

9: FF8 - The final battle and ending.

10: Kotor - Turning to the Darkside late in the game.
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Not sure on my top 10, but one of my best moments was...

Getting a kill on CS with a flashbang after bouncing it round a corner:D
i cant name 10, just too difficult, but...

Quake III Arena, when i was introduced to the InstaUnlagged Mod, it was great doing all those Railjumps...

Completing Call of Duty on easy mode, a game i actually bothered to complete and it was on easy!!

Me and my housemate getting banned on a Counter Strike Condition Zero server for all the wrong reasons.
I'll do my 10, be warned they will probibly all be from MMGs!

1) Kiling a Jelly Cube in Skyshrine. This particular Cube was hugly out leveling us as it was the first few weeks of the expansion. We killed it after an epic fight (group of 6 of us) where I ended up meleeing the beast till it died (i was a cleric, all meleers were dead!) Later found out that a good friend of mine failed with 12 people a day before us!

2) Opening Sequence to Boulders Gate

3) Opening Sequence to Half-Life

4) Winning the World Cup on 3 stars in a 4 player all on the same team in Pro Evo 5 (were rubbish! took us weeks on and off!)

5) Killing Vulak or what ever the last dragon in Temple of Veeshan was with my guild in EQ

6) Getting killed by the Prasmatic Dragon in EQ after another guild released him

7) Winning the lotto for my first bit of Dragon loot after being invited on another guilds raid (as they needed 1 more cleric) Odds were 127 to 1 I could win it, and I did!

8) Me and my house mate playing Diablo (and the next week Diablo 2) from the start to the finish in one sitting

9) Winning a multi-table tourny on Will Hill Poker (ok so it's only just computer games!)

10) Getting my first GM in UO as a Gm swordsman.
No particular order, but they're all more recent:

  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - The Twist ;)
  • Deus Ex - Generally the whole game, but especially the twists and turns the game takes.
  • Half-Life - Train Ride
  • Half-Life - First time you come up against a gargantua, and you have to run, and oh poo! he's catching up, run run run run... boom. dead.
  • Duke Nukem 3D - Pipebombs ! ! ! :D
  • FreeSpace 2 - When you've destroyed the mega-super-massive bad guy ship thinking you've won, then find out there's thousands of the same ship out there.
  • Max Payne - First time playing and bullet time, to go with the whole style, fantastic.
  • Homeworld - Can't put a finger on a single point, but the whole universe vs. you thing was amazing, and the sound + voice acting worked very well.
  • Counter-Strike B6.0 - Most fun I've had playing a public game.
  • Full Throttle - The whole end sequence with the truck and the jumbo.
In no particular order either

  • Car crash kills your 2 best players in Brian Cloughs football fortunes
  • Like Davey above, the twist in KOTOR
  • Realising i had played Civ 2 for 6 hours, thinking an hour had passed
  • The first time i turned on Super Mario 64, a real wow moment
  • Going down the deathstar tunnel for the first time in Star Wars arcade
  • All of Formula One by CRL on the spectrum, sublime
  • Cliff Diving in Acapulco, World Games on the C64
  • Being abducted as a child in Alter Ego, a real shock moment
  • Beating my friend at Ridge Racer 6 by 2 hundredths of a second last weekend
  • Racing back to base in the jeep with my opponents flag as he tries to rescue it, hundreds of times playing Return Fire on the 3do
I can't think of ten either. Might add a few more if I can think of any later.

Alien Vs Predator – Walking around the first level, as a Marine, waiting for the Aliens to start attacking. It scared the **** out of me. In fact it scared me so much my **** ran down the stairs, jumped through the letterbox and ran down the road.

Deus Ex - See reasons already given.

Doom II - The chainsaw. I loved the sound it made when you were chopping people up.

Elite - The first game I ever played. I can still remember the countless hours and attempts I spent trying to dock in that stupid ******* space station.

Max Payne - See reasons already given.

Soldier Of Fortune - The first time I blew someones head off with the shotgun.

SW: KotoR - See reasons already given.

Edit: Mortal Kombat - The first time I managed to smack enough buttons in the correct order to perform a finishing move.

Edit 2: Magic Carpet 2 - The first time I played the game and realised how good the graphics, especially the water reflections, were.
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1. ff7 - aeris dieing :(
2. ff7 - completing the game
3. ff9 - completing it (enjoyed the ending)
4. css - having 20+ spectators watching you own it up and win a game that you wherent expected to win
5. super mario bros - playing it for the first time all them many years ago and never wanting to put the controller down
6. dune2000 - my first ever pc game back on a P1 100mhz
7. FFX/X-2 - i enjoyed 10 but found the ending a bit sad, i loved the good ending to X-2 (even if the game was poor)
8. BHD - my first ever game i played on lan
9. zelda OOT - the christmas i got this i was quite ill :( but this cheered me up no end :D
10. - space reserved for i27 ;)
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In no order

1) In baldurs gate 2 the first time you step out the dungeon and start chapter 2, love the atmosphere of it

2) Getting all the stars in Mario 64 and being able to get on the roof

3) Max Payne (see above)

4) Mario world on the snes first game I got and first time I completed

5) finally getting the invincible cheat in Goldeneye

6) Zelda LTTP when at the end the tri force tells you what happen to all the people you meet in the game, i found it moving :)

7) first time i played GTA3 on the PC after playing GTA 1 and 2, 3 was a shock to the system

8) AvP and the beeping of the motion sensor :)

9) Train ride in HL

10) The final battle and end of Baldurs gate 2 Expansion pack Throne of Baal, when it really is the end.

some of these arnt my top 10 but all i could think of in 5 mins ;)
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The most memorable moment.

Rescue on Fractalus (Atari 800XL)

Flying around a planet with rubbish graphics tracking and picking up crashed pilots. Suddenly you get it wrong an an enemy alien tries to board your ship. All u get is this 2 eye alien smashing at your ships windscreen. Truly terrified me tye first time.

1. Joining my first ever online Multiplayer FPS. Quake. e1m1. Nothing has come close to the excitement as I see another real life person run past me in the game. Amazing feeling :)
First time i saw the Planetside launchpad go:
"Patch complete"
Then i got in the game to suffer disappointment, but still the feeling was a good one.
this is pretty poor.. but on X3 when you just fly around and see everything.. (my first X game btw ;))
In no order at all.....

1) Ninja Gaiden - When you know you are in full and complete control of a ninja killing machine. Plus the beauty of the whole game.
2) Kotor - The Twist
3) Mafia - The ending. Never have I felt so attached to characters in a game before.
4) Champ Manager (some older version) - being 4-1 down away at Leicester at half-time, making some tactical changes and bringing a couple of subs on, dominating the 2nd half and winning 5-4.
5) Max Payne - quite easily the most stylish game of it's era, and changed the way many games are played. Bullet time is a fantastic gameplay innovation.
6) Metal Gear: Solid - the boss battle with Psycho Mantis. There's never been a better use of rumble than in this sequence.
7) Americas Army - I rarely play online FPS, and generally suck at them, but found myself the only player left alive on my team against 3 opponents. Somehow took all 3 out and won the round for my team. I think my mouse was possessed, I went back to sucking the next round.
8) Pro Evo Soccer - Scoring an injury time winner, even after playing the game for several years I still get a huge buzz when I do it.
9) Elite - the moment you realise just how huge the Universe is and what a small part you're playing in it.
10) Sonic The Hedgehog - Such a great game when it came out, the speed was incredible. I'd not had my Mega Drive long so I was blown away by it.
Davey_Pitch said:
10) Sonic The Hedgehog - Such a great game when it came out, the speed was incredible. I'd not had my Mega Drive long so I was blown away by it.
same here ;) all Sonic games on the Megadrive/Mastersystem owned.
In no order

10) Elite on the BBC, finally being able to play the floppy drive version
9) UO, Logging on for the first time
8) UO, Realising you didn't have to run everywhere! (Recall spell!)
7) UO, GM Swordsman
6) Doom, reason I bought a PC!
5) Exile on the BBC, how the heck did they fit that into 32k!!
4) An Amiga demo, realising the explosions I was hearing were sampled!
3) Pong,
2) Finishing ALL of the Monkey Island games
1) Dungeon Keeper, able to take over your minions and run around your own dungeon in full 3d
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