Your top 10 gaming moments!

I started writing my top ten yesterday and then had to give up as i was finding it very hard to decide on what i wanted to chose. Hopefully this will be a better attempt. In no order, just as they come to me.

1).Elite on the BBC Micro - The first time i left Lave space station, followed quickly by the realisation that i was viewing a 3D universe in which i had an unprecidented amount of freedom to blaze my own path. Still my favourite game of all time.

2.)Seeing Tomb Raider on the Saturn running for the first time. A friend and I watched it running in a shop before it was on general release and my friend completely missed the point of the graphics and what was happening on screen by simply saying "Graphics look a bit jaggy". The fact that it was a 3D character acrobatically moving around a fully 3D world which looked like nothing i'd seen before simply amazed me. It was a bit of a jaw dropping moment for me. Obviously i picked up the Playstation version a short time later and it looked even better than the saturn one. Who can say T-Rex :D

3.)The Chaos Engine - I just loved the Ending complete with sampled speech "I have guided you here so that you may set me free.... the chaos has ended. You will be remembered..." The overall style of the game was just amazing as well.

4.)The first time i heard a computer speak. I think it may have been Ghostbusters on the C64. Press the space bar in time with the music.

5.)Call of Cthulhu : Dark Corners of the Earth - A fairly new game which i play on XBox (shortly to be released on the PC and i'd recommened it to everyone). The escape from the village hotel is one of the most frightening and stressful parts of any game i have ever played, and i've been playing a long time :)

6.)Shadow of the Beast - Another Jaw dropping moment for me, much in the vein of Tomb Raider. It was simply just amazing i'd never seen or heard anything like it. I'd been used to playing on the C64, Spectrum, Beebs etc at the time i first watched it. To see Beast running on the Amiga was just a world apart. The music was, and still is amazing. How many layers of parallax scrolling ? :D

7.)Blood Omen : Legacy of Kain - When i first heard Kain speak, i just knew that i would love the game. A prime example of what a difference talented voice actors and good dialogue/story can make. The 3D Kain games continued with this tradition but didnt have such an effect on me as Blood Omen.

8.)Pro Pinball : Timeshock - Who needs a real pinball table, it looked and sounded for all the world like a real table. One of my favourite games of all time. A quick mention of my old pinball favourites on the Amiga as well, the Pinball Dreams/Fantasies/Illusions series.

9.)FF VII - The story in general and the death of course. Much like everyone else.

10.)Eye of the Beholder - Although i had played Dungeon Master on the Amiga and the Bards Tales game on the C64, i really class Eye of the Beholder my real introduction to computer Role Playing. I suspect that its down to it using the D&D rules and something about it just caught my interest. Never did finish it though which is something i keep meaning to correct. I almost completed the sequel but could never quite beat the final boss.
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Hmm.. in no particular order:

1. Frontier Elite II on the PC. Absolute pain in the neck to get working due to its ridiculous demands on low memory space (600k free of low!) It took me ages to get the right programs loaded in high system ram like mouse driver and sound card, but once I had it there... oh wow.
2. Deus Ex - Every plot twist, the story line... beating Gunther Hermann, Killing Anna Navaro. On Ultra difficulty (one shot and you're dead)
3. Sneaking past an amazingly good axis team during a game of Enemy Territory, stealing both radar parts and getting them back to the truck without killing a single person (Engineer first life to blow back door, Covert Ops the rest of the way stealing uniforms in the process)
4. Eve Online : Killing an interceptor, part of a gang of three griefers who decided a rat hunting ship with no shields was a good target. Shame they didn't take account of me having the two best non-faction armor repairers fitted. Oh, and they forgot my drones, which when you attack a Dominix which relies a lot on them is a stupid thing to do.
5. Eve Online: This kill in retaliation for this killing of my alt. Me (solo) vs 11 interceptors all well fitted to kick butt, and my AF held them off long enough for me to kill her and do some nice damage to a second ship.

I'll add more later...
Third Opinion said:
The most memorable moment.

Rescue on Fractalus (Atari 800XL)

Flying around a planet with rubbish graphics tracking and picking up crashed pilots. Suddenly you get it wrong an an enemy alien tries to board your ship. All u get is this 2 eye alien smashing at your ships windscreen. Truly terrified me tye first time.


OMG !!! I remember that..!!! I loved that game!
I agree with most of the above but this deserves a special mention:

The first time the marines flush you out of your hiding space with a grenade... "WTF? - THEY'RE SMART!?!?!" :eek:
not top 10

Playing CS: 1.6. I shot the awp from A platform, unsocped and killed a guy in A long pit :P!! I was absolutely buzzing after that fluke. Lol.

FFX: When I finally killed Seamore at the macilania temple (think it was at that point) after months of trying.

FFX: When I finally completed the game. after 1 and a half/2years of on / off gaming.

Lows of gaming moments

When I was playing FF9 and my CD borked and snapped in 2. I was so pist it was unberleavable. I was doing quiet well at the game too up to that point.
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Weebull said:
[*]Last man left on CS - No individual moment really stands out for me, because it's happened more than once, but that sheer rush of adrenaline you get when you know everyone's watching you and there's an opposing team full of 5+ players all looking for just you is unmatchable. I still get serious nerves for it even now, after years of playing CS. My heart goes crazy and I'm trying my best not to panic and flub the whole thing up.
And that's when I panic and die in the most embarrassing way possible :D
is a good adrenaline rush though, especially on the very rare occassions I miraculously pull it off.
I never played elite, but it sounds like a game I would like, if I were playing games at them times of course, I was probably outside on my litte bike going around and around with my mates.

Of course if I got it now I would not be able ot stand for the "Graphics" they just cant hold the intrest of my generation :).
OK, in no particular order...

Zaxxon on the Atari 400 in 1982
I wasn't actually playing - I was watching my older brother, but it's the first "wow" moment I remember when it comes to computer games. He had just cracked 100,000 points (maybe 1,000,000 I can't remember) and suddenly the game went into turbo mode - everything was speeded up like crazy and he crashed and burned in a matter of seconds. I just remember us both shouting like loons and then cracking up laughing because it was so impossibly fast!

Knight Lore on the Speccy 48k 1984
The first time Sabreman turns into the werewolf - it was the coolest and funniest thing I'd ever seen on a computer. I seem to remember the poor old Speccy would struggle when trying to do the transformation if there was a lot of other stuff going on at the same time. Poor little 3.5MHz Z80 processor :D

Price of Persia 1 on the PC 1993
The first PC game I played. I loved the bit where you jump through the mirror and create a double of yourself. Then you have to work out how to kill him.

Doom2 on the PC 1995
The first few mins. The guns, the music, the atmosphere. I soiled myself with excitement. If I had to pick one moment I guess it would be when I worked out how to get past that room with the Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind.....I was so proud of myself :)

Foresaken on the PC 1997
Not a great game, but the first game I saw in 3D accelerated hardware. That first few minutes with super-smooth, none-pixelated, dynamically lit graphics just blew my mind. It felt like a quantum leap forward and thus began the blowing of my money on new PC hardware every few months.

Zelda: Orarina of Time on N64 199?
I rate this as the best game ever made. Too many great moments to choose from really. I think when I first went to Lon Lon Ranch and the girl is standing there singing.....just the way it blended in with the background music and general atmosphere....pure magic. A work of genius.

Quake2 multiplayer on PC 1998
I remember getting a cover disk from a magazine that had something called Wireplay on it. I thought I would give it a try. Result? years of my life spent on Q2DM1 and phone bills that were so thick they barely fit in the envelope. Again, too many moments to choose from (I could have a "top 100 Q2 on-line moments thread", no probs) but the one that stands out the most is a game I wasn't even involved with. It was a cup game between HooD clan from Wireplay and UNR the "net" clan. It was epic for so many reasons, the incredibly exciting game only being one part of it!

Deus Ex on the PC 199?
A classic from start to finish. The one moment I remember was creeping around an office somewhere and hearing footsteps. I found myself actually trying to peek through a crack in the door and craning my head around the monitor as if I was actually there :eek: That moment was probably the most absorbed I've ever been in a game.

Doom3 on the PC 2004
Not the best game ever, but certainly the scariest for me. The first time in my life that I actually shouted and physically jumped in my chair while playing a game was in D3. And it happened several times :o Best moment? When you go into the toilets and look in the mirror. I had to go take a shower and change my underwear.

Half-Life2 on the PC 2004
Even better than HL1, and that's saying something! If I had to pick one moment......being stuck on the bridge and hearing the flyer. Uh-oh! But really, another game where it's hard to narrow it down to one great moment.

There ya go - that was fun :)
No particular order

  • Zelda 64 - Every single moment! (Best game ever!) Especially, as said, stepping in to Hyrule field finding out how big it is. Not knowing what happens when night falls! Scared the **** out of me ;)

    Loving when you are rewarded the very last sword for the time trial challenges.

    Sneaking in to the castle as a kid and going forward in time for the first time.

    Working out how to ride Epona, jeez I want to play this game again now! :D

  • Goldeneye 64 - Stepping on to the dam level for the first time and thinking wow... My mother picked up the n64 second hand from a car boot a couple of days after it came out, I begged her to keep it instead of selling it on for profit.

    Getting the invincibility cheat, made me feel really intelligent completing Facility in 2mins 5secs (I think thats right?)

  • Half-life - Train sequence again, and the whole running around. The storyline was incredible.

  • Deus-ex - Another incredible game, didn't get very far though. Will have to install again :)

  • Metal Gear Solid (second fav game ever!) - Loads of excellent touches in this game! Finding out the frequency on the back of the CD case, hiding in a box, Pyscho mantis and playing in the player 2 port, getting tortured, using ketchup for blood :D

So many memories!! It's making me so happy thinking about it all :D
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Metal Gear Solid (second fav game ever!) - Loads of excellent touches in this game! Finding out the frequency on the back of the CD case, hiding in a box, Pyscho mantis and playing in the player 2 port, getting tortured, using ketchup for blood :D

That really got me confused. I was looking all over for some cd case I must have missed on my travels lol. I think I had to go online to find out where this "cd case" was in game! :D
Hostile17 said:
That really got me confused. I was looking all over for some cd case I must have missed on my travels lol. I think I had to go online to find out where this "cd case" was in game! :D

your not the only 1... :o
Only two really stick out in my mind, both from way back in the 80's.

Obtaining "Elite" Status on the BBC Model B and winning a "Professional" race in "Revs" - BBC'B again. (No wheel in those days, all keyboard!) :o

It was great about 7 years later to re-visit Elite on the BBC, this time with the enhanced "second processor" version, with a said 2'nd processor I'd found at a car boot, with Elite, for £3! - How I wish I'd kept it.

No Emulator mentions please - Davey
Hudzy said:
FreeSpace 2...

"Dive! Dive! Dive! Hit your burners pilot!"

Some of you may remember that.

LOL that was awesome!!!!

I was sat there relaxed in my seat, hands off the stick then I hear that and scramble to get to the joystick and get out of the way :p absolutely awesome that was
AndyBorzi said:
5) Exile on the BBC, how the heck did they fit that into 32k!!
They did'nt, it utilised "Sideways RAM" to great effect, users who did'nt have this upgrade fitted to their Beebs (I was one) had to make do with about a third of the viewable screen size.

Somebodys even created Exile for the PC ! I'm off to try it now.
5: Mafia - Beating the race after about 30 attempts!

hah, i had to get a copy of a save off a mate who also got stuck on this and he found a save on the net to get passed it. I hate cheating on games, but that car race was just too hard!
Hudzy said:
FreeSpace 2...

"Dive! Dive! Dive! Hit your burners pilot!"

Some of you may remember that.

Which bit was that? Was that after you blow up the Knossos portal and the Shivan Juggernaut still appears?
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