WoW Start Over?

well jokester let me know what server your thinking of going on, i would be up for pvp or pve, wouldnt mind trying pve as i understand you dont have to pvp but can if you want to?? not sure if thats right.

Let me know and i will roll another Brak lol.

Datamonkey said:
well jokester let me know what server your thinking of going on, i would be up for pvp or pve, wouldnt mind trying pve as i understand you dont have to pvp but can if you want to?? not sure if thats right.

Let me know and i will roll another Brak lol.


Will do, I'm just waiting on a new PvE server as all the rest are pretty much full now. As for PvP, since Battle Grounds was introduced world PvP has pretty much died on it's ****. BGs are in both PvE and PvP realms so you get all the benefits of BG without the hastle of getting ganked all the time in STV (ahh those were the days :p ).

yeah i remember those days, just after the arena chest drops went live lol.

ganking galore!!

I dont think a new pve server will be released for a good while yet dude.
Datamonkey said:
I dont think a new pve server will be released for a good while yet dude.


They're saying that they'll put up some new servers in the middle of April, once they get some new improved hardware (/cheer).

It'll give me a chance to play Oblivion I guess.

Another month of no-WoW... It's going to kill me guys :(

Guess i'll play the games I played before WoW:

DoW : WA
Well i'm going to let my batteries recharge. So when we actually get on the new server I can grind forever :D
well I dunno bout you guys but I started on Quel'Thalaas with a friend 2 weeks ago (first time playing WoW).

Server pop is pretty low with most people in the 20's, 30's and 40's as far as we can tell. At least on Horde side.

Met a few knobs but thats a given with any server tbh. All in all though seems pretty pleasant. economy is decent and not over inflated for the kind of cash you can generate doing ordinary things like questing.

I've only ever had the Queue message pop up once and it lasted about 2 seconds.

Cosmos UI data capture over a 2 week period shows around 3700 horde chars and most popular in terms of numbers (descending):


1.Warrior (~22%)
2.Rogue (~18%)
3.Shaman (~16%)
4.Mage (~14%)
5.Warlock (~12%)
6.Druid (~10%)
7.Priest (~8%)

Normal distribution in levels as I mentioned earlier with the majority being between levels 20-40.

Hope thats useful for anyone thinking of starting on Quel.
Warrior still kicks ass. Doubt many of those players are actually that good.

Kind of suprised hunter and warlock are so unpopular considering how imba they are. :P
So come on then, who's going to participate in the "rush to 50" competition to earn a Burning Crusade beta key?

Myself, i've never heard of such a pile of steaming **** - are Blizzard trying to promote botting? :rolleyes:
I tried downloading the test client last night but it wouldn't install and to be honest when I heard that the queue for the test server was in the thousands I couldn't be bothered trying to sort it.

Yep, Blizzard are pretty inept, I'm just going to sit and wait it out for this new hardware and realms that are supposedly coming next month.

Yeah, I was in IRC yesterday and someone said there was a 9,000 person queue - about 4-5hours. The guy finally got to 350th then it disconnected him :D
Jokester said:

They're saying that they'll put up some new servers in the middle of April, once they get some new improved hardware (/cheer).

It'll give me a chance to play Oblivion I guess.

I'm half tempted to come back then but I probably shouldn't :/
Really tempting though :o
Come on Haly, get back into it.

Im up for starting a new ocuk guild on a new pve server as and when it arrives,

i have never played on the pve realms before but it canna be that much differant.

Jokester any update as an when?
It's all down to money and time :( Suppose I could use my dissertation being partly on WoW as an excuse :p
Be a really good laugh too :D
New servers by mid April as all PvE servers are now effectively full, with brand spanking new Opteron servers, that by all accounts are fantastic compared to the old ones. All realms will be getting upgraded so expect a day or two outage, and new realms appearing at the same time. Patch 1.10 will be live as well I think. Official post.

I just hope that the new hardware isn't so much better that they raise realm population caps and "forget" about adding new realms :eek: .

It'll give me 3-4 weeks to blast through Oblivion then I'll be fresh and renewed for some WoW.

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