WoW Start Over?

Jokester said:
Don't do msn sorry, anything that can be dealt with on the forum?


Nah was just gonna have a chat about World of Warcraft etc... currently i've started my rogue on RP server... not 100% sure it's where I wanna be though, feel a bit bad about Sinque tbh :(

Would you consider Horde? Either of you? Or is it a definite no-go?
Definitely going alliance once this new server appears (at least I hope its a new server, certainly a new one needed). Thinking about going as a priest.

Got fed up with PvP servers when they introduced BGs, basically killed off PvP encounters and just left gankers.

I just feel as if i'm being pushed allover here... I demand PVP and Alliance and then to make you happy I sacrifice one of my favourite parts of the game PVP and go PVE. Now you ask me if I want to go Horde, i'm level 28 on the realm we agreed to start on which you didn't even start on!

If I were to start again, again, it'd have to be a 100% before I changed anything.
Think I'm gonna start again on this realm too. Gonna be a UD warrior or rogue -- never been a melee class before.

I hope it's a PvP one personally, I know you get ganked but PvE seems like carebear mode to me. ^^
I might be persuaded to re-roll - getting bored of Dreanor PVE.

What's the current status on the situation? Have you guys already started?
I waiting patiently for a new PvE realm to go up, I would be very surprised if a new one wasn't up by in time for this coming weekend.

I've started a horde rogue, i'm not sure whether I want to carry on or re-roll with you guys though.

I would love to have a party to group with all the time, but I can't devote more than 2-3hrs a night to the game (so I might get left behind) and i'm unsure about going alliance. After all, i've got one Horde level 60 and a 45, and five Alliance level 60's.

The thought of having to do all those starting areas again doesn't appeal, which is why i'm so undecided.
Sinque said:
Any news on any new realms yet?

Blizzard have said they've no plans for any new servers.

But, all but 2 of the PvE realms are Full, the other two get queues at peak times. In the past though when a new server has come up it appears on the Honor page the week before (during the Honor update I think).

So I'm still hopeful one (maybe even 2) will appear tomorrow evening.

Well the longer I hold out of WoW the more eager I am to level :)

But if Blizzard said they arn't planning on any new realms doesn't that mean there won't be any? :confused:
Sinque said:
But if Blizzard said they arn't planning on any new realms doesn't that mean there won't be any? :confused:

I don't trust Blizzard one bit to be honest :p Either that or they don't have a clue what they're doing!

Sinque said:
Well i'm not to bothered about the realm but it just has to be PVP and I need to be alliance. I've done 2 level 60 Hordes and i'm really not up for doing it again. I've never been alliance so I want something new.

Edit : Ok, Jokester, me and Tute have decided on Quel'Thalas as Alliance. So if you choose to join us add me to MSN or something. :)

If you guys are still going to be on Quel'Thalas then I will be joining, probably tonight as an Alliance Rogue. Unless there is any hint of a new one.
Oh nice, I am also thinking about starting an Alliance character (current one is Horde), druid most likely. If a lot of people are going to wait until a new realm prehaps we could make an OcUK guild there? :)

Also I would prefer to wait for a brand new realm to be released, gives me time on my main to reach pvp Rank 11 :)
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Guys let me know if your starting a new char, jokester you remember me form the iron forge alliance, Brak!! i got you into it lol.

I havent played an ally toon for ages. and would be up for starting our own ocuk guild an what ever.
Datamonkey said:
Guys let me know if your starting a new char, jokester you remember me form the iron forge alliance, Brak!! i got you into it lol.

I havent played an ally toon for ages. and would be up for starting our own ocuk guild an what ever.

Yeah, it's all your fault :p , just in the middle of re-installing it at the moment following a rebuild.

What is it about Warlocks which make them the most underplayed class?

I've just got mine to level 20 (not playing much as I'm trying to level my Priest) but they are awesome. I can easily take on 2 targets of the same level without barely being scratched, their Soulstone and summon are fantastic party tools.

Yet finding one for parties is tough, and the stats say they're the least popular choice...
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