Best LAN'able games

Yeah I give SWAT4 the thumbs up too :D :D

Played it for the first time last night, 3 of us on skype - hilariously funny. Tell some one to put there hands up - they do it. Tell them to get on their knees - they do it. Tie up there hands - then tazer them for the hell of it :D

Shooting your mates with the gas gun (which is just a paintball gun) is quality too.

But at the same time, if you take it seriously, its a great tactical game, quite tense - and a huge buzz when you co-ordinate an attack on a room, and manage to arrest all the terrorists without firing a shot.
Something immensley satisfying about you shotgunning the door, flashbanging then all bursting into a room, shouting "Police! Drop your weapons!"
Kreeeee said:
Unfortunately that's the limit of red alerts strategy :(

i 'adjusted' the game a while ago so you could have a lot more. It was quite easy to do if i remember, just a slight edit. It was on a site called something like totalRA i think
Then again, for more of a "laugh" there is always Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.

Best bit about that is it's FREE :)
Cant Believe only one person has mentioned Quake 4...

I suppose its better labeled, "A way of life" :D
Hussman said:
Then again, for more of a "laugh" there is always Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.

Best bit about that is it's FREE :)

Theres a reason its free.............. because its poop

COD1 and COD2 great fun TDM or DM

Q3 a must

AOE2 +3 for the late night strat sesh

Farcry and battlefield and CSS are also 4tw
Age of Empires 2
Half-Life multiplayer
Bomberman, if you can get a decent clone

EDIT : I wonder if it would be possible to set up a private server, and play an enormous LAN version of WoW ^^
don't forget a good dose of fifa or similar for when the reactions are not up to FPS in the wee small hours! Footy sims make for great drunkem gaming!
Rogue spear!

As far i was concerned back in the day, Rogue spear was the be all and end all of online gaming, brilliant maps and birlliant gameplay
Shoseki said:
Age of Empires 2
Half-Life multiplayer
Bomberman, if you can get a decent clone

EDIT : I wonder if it would be possible to set up a private server, and play an enormous LAN version of WoW ^^

You'd need more than a one nighter lan for it to be worthwhile lol.
I would have to say, Any of the quakes, Was in a Q3 clan, so i would say that.
Serious Sam
Any of the UT's
Colin McRae 2
Shall be playing all of those at some point at i27.
I went to an overnighter.. the games that were most fun for us were:

Dawn of War(I had so much fun with this, had never heard of it before somehow)
TRACKMANIA NATIONS! or whatever it's called. The free one where you just have to race around ridiculous tracks. Great fun.
Dawn o' War is a must, it just owns so hard at LAN either as a free for all or better yet with some teams.

Coop games are generaly quite good, serious sam is great but its not something you can really play in small sessions.
I just wanted to add to this thread to say that while Warcraft III is a fantastic LAN game, you might also want to consider the mod Defense of the Ancients - Allstars.

Basically there are 2 sides, you split between them and control 1 hero while the computer controls waves of cannon fodder. The idea is to level up, earn money from getting kills and upgrading with uber items. It is a truly amazing LAN game!
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