Best LAN'able games

SourcefortsMOD a mod for HL2 is actually good fun at a LAN. Two team CTF. Build a base in permitted time. Defend it, capture opponents flag. They do the same also. Reall good fun
BF1942, BF2 is okish, haven't played it much
And there is also an old HL mod, a western themed one which I played at a smallish lan, can't remember the name though.
Have to add that AVP is one of the best ive played when u have ppl as different races but make sure u only have 1 preditor its more fun that way and all hunt him down!
Best game played recently at a LAN party:

Warcraft III with the DoTA mod applied.

Each player controls one hero, with the computer controlling waves of grunts to massacre. The game goes on until the base of the other team is destroyed. This can go on for 2 hours (at least the games we played) and is so much fun! There are something like 77 characters to choose from and is great for 6 or more players.

Also a classic - UT2004 on invasion mode. Works best with godlike AI with instagib and regen. Gets really tense when your teammates start getting picked off one by one by ever larger and more dangerous creatures.
Our local LAN generally has healty doses of

CS 1.6
Sometimes C&C Red Alert

More recently looking at something like Hidden: Source to add to the list :)

EDIT: Oh and Quake3, but they only play the corkscrew mod which sucks
Get two xbox's, two copies of halo, two tv's - Halo fest.

Don't bother with any other games. Seriously, Halo takes the biscuit.

I know, PC's, PC's, but it's just too good to not suggest.
Red alert (Well C&C in general really)
Total Annihilation (I cant believe nobody has said this yet, this game rocks so much on a LAN)
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