For any Widescreen TFT owners, a quick check please

Man of Honour
12 Jan 2003
Hi all. I'm trying to compile a list of monitors which feature 1:1 pixel mapping as i think this is a key area people are interested in with the range of WS models now available. If any of you own any of these models, or can confirm whether they do / don't support 1:1 pixel mapping then please let me know in this thread. I'll update the list as we go, hopefully it will be useful here as well :)

Acer AL1916W - N
Acer AL2016W
Acer AL2032WA
Acer AL2416W
Apple 20" Cinema Display
Apple 30" Cinema Display
Belinea 102035W - N (software = Y)
BenQ FP202W
BenQ FP222W
Dell 2005FPW - Y
Dell 2007WFP - Y (software = Y)
Dell 2405FPW - Y
Dell 2407WFP - Y
Dell 2707WFP - Y
Dell 3007WFP - Y
Dell 3007WFP-HC - Y
Eizo S2410W - Y
Fujitsu-Siemens W19-1 - N (software = Y)
Fujitsu-Siemens S20-1W
Gateway FPD2185W
Hanns-G HW191D - N (Software = N)
Hyundai N91W
Hyundai X90W
HP F2105
LG L194WT - N (software = Y)
LG L203WT - N (software = Y)
Philips 200W6CS - Y
Samsung SM206BW
Samsung 215TW - Y
Samsung SM226BW
Samsung 242MP
Samsung 244T
Samsung 245T
Samsung 275T
Viewsonic VA1912W - N
Viewsonic VA2012W - N
Viewsonic VP231WB
Viewsonic VX2025WM - N (Software = Y)
Viewsonic VX2235WM
Viewsonic VX2245WM
ah yeah, forgot about the Belinea :) Don't think the other VS models support it either, but i'll wait for some owners to comment there
Robbie G said:
Does it matter that much whether or not it supports 1:1?

You can just do it in software if it doesn't using powercolor etc.

not always. For instance, people have tried this with software on the Viewsonic VX2025WM and no one that I have seen has managed to operate a 1:1 pixel mapping. If someone can show otherwise i'd be interested to see though
very interesting, that link with the games that can be made to run on a WS will be handy, nice to see i'll beable to get Q3 at that res.

Hopefully my new VX2025 will arrive today, shame it doesnt look to support this feature :(
ah I see so if I was to run a game at 1024x768 it wouldnt be stretched out and instead thered be borders all round it?

would that mean that the game would run faster since there are few pixels for the graphics card to generate?
Might be worth noting that some only do it at certain resolutions. EG, the 2407 doesn't do it at 1200 lines does it?

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