For any Widescreen TFT owners, a quick check please

ShakenNstirred said:
couldnt see anything in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NVTweak"
but there is a setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NvCplApi/defaults, called flatpanel scaling(its set to 0)
That is interesting.
I'll check and see if i have that setting, and can i ask anyone who has a widescreen monitor that does not have 1.1 pixel mapping and does not have the nvidia aspect scaling option available in their nvidia control panel to check for that second key.

I have just checked, and mine is set to 1.
It would seem that setting that to 0 just might enable aspect scaling for those with a widescreen monitor, anyone care to check?
Well i tried setting it to 0 but nothing happened as it thinks both of my monitors are crt, it doesn't recognise the flat panel as tft. I can confirm that it doesn't screw anything up however.
Is this due to connecting the tft via analogue? Will aspect scaling only work on a dvi monitor, and do owners of analogue tft's find they are recognised as a crt?
I dont know how relivent is it but ill post anyway.

With my belinea ws and ati, the centre screen option only seems to effect non standard desktop modes. usual sizes 640x, 800x, 1024x ect the option has no effect and monitor will always stretch. if modes such as say dvd res of 720x is forced then the ati scalling kicks in and doesnt look to nice. Also dscaler seems to utilise the centred 1:1 ati option if i tell dscaler to use a full screen mode.
If someone can just confirm that that registry hack works i can go and buy the Hanns-g while its on this week only... :p

Anyone willing to give it a go?
Joe42 said:
If someone can just confirm that that registry hack works i can go and buy the Hanns-g while its on this week only... :p

Anyone willing to give it a go?
i tried setting mine to 1 and it didnt turn it off. it made no difference setting mine on 0 or 1
Fujitsu Siemens W19-1:
OSD does not have the option but I enabled it by doing the following:

(Forceware driver version 78.01 with nVidia branded 6800 Ultra)

Resolutions Tab:
Set to: 1024 x 768
Click Advanced Timing button
and under the 'Flat Panel Scaling' option choosing Centered Output

That puts out 1024 x 768 centered with black borders on my 1440 x 900 screen.
davidstone28 said:
Baddass - as a suggestion, you may want to ask people to provide info as to whether the Nvidia control panel or ATI equivalent overcomes any particular monitor's lack of built scaling. Obviously, if it does, the lack of built in scaling isn't an issue. Would just be another column in your table and make it more comprehensive ;)

will do :) Will update first page and also the main table on my site :)

looks promising, maybe a lot of screens can support this through software, just need more people to test centred output with NVidia graphics cards
ShakenNstirred said:
i tried setting mine to 1 and it didnt turn it off. it made no difference setting mine on 0 or 1
Thats a shame. I think its time to contact nvidia and ask them why some monitors support this and some don't.
I asked Noni from another well known forum (whose name is being blanked out on this forum for some strange reason) to test the Viewsonic VX2025WM:

1. Find you find a game that allows the set resolution to 1280x1024.
2. Start the game and see whether the Viewsonic "stretches the image to fit the whole screen" ie no black bars on the left and right hand sides.
3. Quit the game and go to Nvidia Control Panel
4. Select nView display settings > Device Settings > Device Adjustments > then select "Centred Output". Click Apply and then Okay.
5. Start the same game again and see if the image is stretched to fit the whole screen, or whether Nvidia control has forced 4:3 aspect ratio with black bars on the left and right hand sides.


Monitor 1:1 pixel mapping: No
Software scaling: No (Nvidia) - gives an 'out of range' error message.

Seems to be consistent with the comments in the OCuk thread about Viewsonic VM2025WM.
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I am in contact with Nvidia to try and find out why Nvidia aspect scaling only works on some monitors.

It would be very helpful if i could provide them with a list of all monitors which support it and all which do not.
If you have a widescreen monitor, please tell us if the option for Nvidia aspect scaling is enabled.

Baddass could you also add a software = no column in the table for monitors which have been confirmed as not allowing Nvidia aspect scaling.
The Hanns-g is a confirmed no, and i think the acer is too.


Edit: Would you be able to update the first post aswell to ask people if their monitor supports Nvidia aspect scaling, save people reading the entire thread. I want to point a few people in this direction so we can get a better idea of which monitors suport it and which don't.
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No he hasn't. Currently i'm unable to tell which of those monitors are confirmed as not supporting software 1.1 pixel mapping and which are unconfirmed either way. And the post doesn't mention anything about software 1.1 pixel mapping.
I'm trying to find out which of those monitors people have actually used and found there is no nvidia scaling option, and which have not been tried.

There is a difference between a monitor which has been tested and does not support software aspect scaling and one which has not been tested.

I need to be able to give nvidia a list of monitors which do support software aspect scaling and monitors which do not.
Hi Joe. When you say table, which one do you mean? The one on my site?

I've updated the first post with monitors which have been confirmed software wise as well, is that ok for you? Ive either put software = Y or software = N depending on what the outcome is

which Acer do you mean does not do software 1:1?
Thanks. I meant the table at the top of this thread, although its really a list ;) , but also the table on your website for future referance.

The Acer AL1916W i believe has been confirmed not to support software 1.1 pixel mapping.
Thanks. :)
A little update on my progress with Nvidia. Trying to find out why this software 1.1 pixel mapping only works on some monitors, its like getting water out of a rock atm... ;)
Me said:
Recently a large number of very affordable widescreen lcd monitors have become available, and as none of these have 1.1 pixel mapping and many games do not support widescreen resolutions this causes games to become stretched.

There is an option in the nvidia control panel called 'Nvidia aspect scaling' that not only solves this problem but actually does a better job than many of the options built into the more expensive widescreen monitors.

However, it seems that this option only becomes available on certain monitors. I have see it working on a monitor without 1.1 pixel mapping and on one with 1.1 pixel mapping but on many monitors, particularly the increasingly popular value widescreen monitors it is not available in the control panel.

-Why is this?
-Is it at the discretion of the monitor manufacturer to choose to enable it?
-Does it only work with dvi?
-Is there a key in the registry that can be changed to enable it in the same way the coolbits hack enables overclocking on graphics cards where the manufacturers have decided not to enable it?

Allowing this feature on all widescreen monitors would be a fantastic reason for many widescreen monitor owners to buy an Nvidia graphics card, and it would prevent widescreen monitor owners having to put up with stretched games or having to use crude hacks to enable widescreen resolutions.

Thanks for your help.
Perhaps mentioning coolbits wasn't a great idea, nevertheless...
I got a nice copy and pasted standard response from nvidia which basically says 'we don't make the monitors, not our problem'. Clearly they didn't read my question...
Nvidia said:
Thank you for contacting NVIDIA Customer Care.

This support website is designed to support NVIDIA direct sales products, such as the NVIDIA DualTV tuner card and the NVIDIA PureVideo DVD decoder, and also pre-sales questions about NVIDIA technology.

NVIDIA is a market leader in graphics and digital media processors. NVIDIA does NOT build graphics cards, motherboards or PCs. While our partners and customers all choose NVIDIA's technology as a core component for their solutions, they do implement them differently and therefore it is not possible for NVIDIA to directly support their products.

To obtain support, please contact the appropriate manufacturer or vendor of your product. For your convenience, a partial list of our partners and customers can be found here.

NVIDIA Customer Care.
That left me feeling a little peeved...
Me said:
Thats not a very helpful response at all.

There is clearly an issue with your drivers supporting aspect scaling on some monitors and not others, and no doubt if i contact the monitor manufacturer they will advise me to contact you because its your drivers.

I did not ask about graphics cards, motherboards or pcs i asked about your drivers. I don't believe this issue has anything to do with the graphics card itself.
I don't like the way your trying to advertise yourself and your products to me rather than answering my questions.

Can you please give me some technical information about nvidia aspect scaling, and why it only works on some monitors.

What must the monitor do or what features must it have in order for this function to work?

Thankyou for you help.
Standard response number 2... 'ok its a problem with our drivers, send is some system information and we'll give it to the drivers team who will take one look and put it in the bin'.
Nvidia said:
Thank you for contacting NVIDIA Customer Care.

NVIDIA reads every support case which comes in from end users. Unfortunately, we can not respond to every single request for support which we receive. If you require support for your product, please contact the manufacturer for assistance. You will find contact information from the NVIDIA Partners page at:

If you would like to report a software bug which you feel is caused by the drivers, we will need additional information. In many cases, bugs are specific to a certain system configuration and can not be reproduced in our labs. For this reason, we may not be able to troubleshoot your issue. To assist us, we will need to know the following:

1) Which operating system does this occur on?

2) Which NVIDIA products does this affect and which driver version are you using?

3) We will need instructions on how to reproduce this issue including any special settings within the application or the NVIDIA drivers that are selected which may affect the functionality of the drivers.

If possible, we will also need your Microsoft System Information File to provide us with your system specifications to help us set up a configuration similar to your PC. To access the Microsoft System Information Utility, click on the "Start" button -> select "Run" -> type in "msinfo32" in the "Open" field and then click on the "OK" button. This will bring up the Microsoft System Information Utility. Click on "File" and then "Save" and save this file to your hard drive. Once it is saved, you may attach the file to this support request to send it to NVIDIA.

If the errors appears to be caused by an NVIDIA driver, we will investigate the issue and work towards providing a fix in our next driver if we are able to reproduce the error.

NVIDIA Customer Care.
Another standard copy and pasted reply. My response...
Me said:
As far as i know, this issue affects any nvidia graphics card, on windows xp, on any system configuration.

To reproduce the issue, all you need is a 19 inch widescreen monitor, either vga or dvi. When you connect it up, the nvidia aspect scaling option does not appear. I can confirm that Nvidia aspect scaling does not work on the following monitors:
Acer AL1916W
Hanns-G HW191D

I have seen nvidia aspect scaling working on the LG L203WT widescreen monitor, to reproduce this all you need is this monitor.

There are no technical differences between these two monitors, neither have 1.1 pixel mapping or an option in the osd for aspect scaling, yet one works with nvidia aspect scaling and others do not.

If it helps, i can try and find more monitors on which nvidia aspect scaling works and on which it does not.

Thanks for your help, i hope you will be able to enable Nvidia aspect scaling on all widescreen monitors via a driver update.
Then i decided to add this having had another look at this thread...
Me said:
I am able to confirm that the Fujitsu-Siements W19-1 supports Nvidia aspect scaling, but does not support 1.1 pixel mapping, same as the LG L203WT.

I can also confirm that the Dell 2007WFP supports Nvidia aspect scaling and 1.1 pixel mapping, and the quality of Nvidia aspect scaling is better than using 1.1 pixel mapping.
Still waiting for my first proper response...

So i could do with a few more monitors which either do or do not support Nvidia aspect scaling that i can tell them about.
Hopefully at some point they will tell me why some monitors support it and some don't, but as far as i'm concerned until they do that its a software bug, that part of the driver only works on some widescreen monitors, and it should work on all of them.
davidstone28 said:
I asked Noni from another well known forum (whose name is being blanked out on this forum for some strange reason) to test the Viewsonic VX2025WM:

1. Find you find a game that allows the set resolution to 1280x1024.
2. Start the game and see whether the Viewsonic "stretches the image to fit the whole screen" ie no black bars on the left and right hand sides.
3. Quit the game and go to Nvidia Control Panel
4. Select nView display settings > Device Settings > Device Adjustments > then select "Centred Output". Click Apply and then Okay.
5. Start the same game again and see if the image is stretched to fit the whole screen, or whether Nvidia control has forced 4:3 aspect ratio with black bars on the left and right hand sides.


Monitor 1:1 pixel mapping: No
Software scaling: No (Nvidia) - gives an 'out of range' error message.

Seems to be consistent with the comments in the OCuk thread about Viewsonic VM2025WM.

With respect to the VX2025WM, I was getting the very same 'out of range errors' when trying to set the Nvidia control panel 'Fixed Apsect Ratio Scaling' so I could preserve the 4.3 aspect on some of my games.

All I did was power off the PC, plug the DVI Cable into the other output of my 7800gt, restart the PC, and am now able to game with black borders after changing the settings in the control panel. Not sure why that worked, but maybe the PC still thought I had my old CRT plugged in with a standard VGA cable.
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