You could not even get on the page to book tickets, the server was taking such a hammering. I was lucky, i checked a few days later and they were still sold out, refreshed and managed to get 1 ticket, refreshed again and they were gone.
Was later told that my ticket was one of those coming back on sale from those whos card details were rejected.
Yes you can get limited numbers on the door on the wednesday but I am not the type to travel over 300 miles on the offchance i can get a ticket on the door
Besides I'm a 17 year old student, cash isn't exactly in abundance all year round, it might be that when the tickets go on sale I don't even have the money for them at that time. I had the money at the moment due to working for nearly 2 weeks of 40-50 odd hours which is a lot for me.
Lineup wise:
Lost Prophets have said they want a "very good spot" next year.
Razorlight/Kasabian/Bloc Party are good bets to come back this year.
Due an Old/Classic Rock headliner such as Metallica etc
Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Greenday will be touring still/new album respectively.
Besides i like a huge variety of music (expect Trance/House/Dance stuff, and Rap) so it's safe to say I will like the majority of the lineup. I loved this years lineup even though loads thought it was poor :shrug:
My long 2 cents/pence