Reading Festival 2007

Definatly going. its a 5minute walk down the road. Only for one day i imagine thou. I kinda ran outa money... :(

and an before anyone asks.. no you cant borrow my toilet and shower :P lmaao
tsinc80697 said:
when are the tickets on sal for reading/leeds

went last year but ive completely forgotten what date the tickets go on sale, around
ive got a feeling its april time
First week of April last year, but due to Glasto tickets going on Sale that week people seem to think it will be the last week of march this year.
ok well quick question, not had the time to read all the thread but..

When did they go on sale?
Is there any left?
thanks in advance =]

appologies for un structured post, lol
they are not on sale yet this thread was started when they released a few thousand at last yrs prices just after Reading 2006 this yrs will be on sale end of march begining of april time
So NME have announced the Headliners of Reading 2007 as:

Smashing Pumpkins
Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Thoughts anyone? I'd love to see Chillis there.

Also they have said that other bands playing include:
Bloc Party
Fall Out Boy
The Gossip

So yeh good news on the whole i think.
think I have fallen out with the view. might be another band though.

how dare they have a go at me for warming up on a practice pad....when they werent even playing. they were just chilling in my band area.

if it wasnt them then I would love to know who it was...grr....not going to vent on the forums.
lozza23_uk said:
think I have fallen out with the view. might be another band though.

how dare they have a go at me for warming up on a practice pad....when they werent even playing. they were just chilling in my band area.

if it wasnt them then I would love to know who it was...grr....not going to vent on the forums.
yea :confused:
We got ours in the limited release straight after last year :D Even if the bands are mince, it's always a good weekend- and I've never not enjoyed it for the last decade * or so, so it's a fair bet I will again.

(*except the year I was at a wedding.)
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