A feel good thread

21 Jan 2006
Bideford, Devon
Well basically its as the title goes, everyone should tell us one or more good things we have done/decided/or anything else.

Mine are:
Decided to give up smoking
Starteds my A levels
Found a hair style that actually suits me
lost half a stone of weight (now 9st12) :)
Given up on caring about people.
Starting uni in 2 weeks.
That's about it.
Oh also found out that Jim Beam is nicer than Jack Daniels and cheaper.
Scored the headline in a huge US fashion show event.
Overcome my fear and gave a speech on something I didnt really know anything about, which is a damn good thing, as I have another 5 similar speeches to do before xmas.
Decided I'm going to grit my teeth and actually graduate from uni this time however tough it is.
cleanbluesky said:
Almost reached gained Sports Diver qualification.
Can run 8 miles without pain afterwards.
Finally worked out what I will have to do to become a Psychotherapist.

Have just starting running myself after not doing any exercise for a few years.

I used to do cross country but after doing a compulsorary 'wellness' run at uni I could barely do more than a few laps, and afterwards I coughed up blood and had pains in my waist for days.

So now I am breaking myself back into it very gently so that when i do exercise I feel more energised but not ill. :)
I look forward to the day when I can do 8 miles in the future.
Thats why im giving up smoking, I want to start surfing and I realised last week that I can't run very far without getting a really bad stitch. Plus I won't have stinky hands or breathe now :)
Bony Maloney said:
I've lost 3 stone
I climbed the Snowdon Horshoe recently.
I've just had a lemon, ginger and honey super smoothy.
I love my life :)

Now where are people like you when I start threads about climbing eh?

I put on a stone recently! But then again I have less than 10% body fat still.
megzy said:
Thats why im giving up smoking, I want to start surfing and I realised last week that I can't run very far without getting a really bad stitch. Plus I won't have stinky hands or breathe now :)

nice one :)

I too am also working on the hair one :/ what did you have done to it?
I've left my menial dead-end job after 3 /12 years, and they bought me a fancy briefcase.

I start my PGCE on Monday.

I've realised that I actually am going bald, but it doesn't really bother me as I can cultivate a real mad-scientist look now.

I've got lots of pens.
daveyj27 said:
Good girl, i've lost a couple of stone so far this year (hell of a long way to go though). :)

Don't get silly and make yourself ill though. ;)

But apparently I'm a stone and a half under weight, 5"10 and 9st12 is apparently not good :confused:
So now i have to put 3 times as much weight I lost back on :(
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