A feel good thread

megzy said:
But apparently I'm a stone and a half under weight, 5"10 and 9st12 is apparently not good :confused:
So now i have to put 3 times as much weight I lost back on :(

It's the way you feel that counts. If you feel your body is in shape and your weight feels right and fits your build, it is worth more than what other advice gives.
Apparantly I am underweight too, but it really doesn't make sense! If i put on weight now I wouldn't feel healthy unless it was weight from fat turning to muscle after the recent exercise!
Album nearly finished and we're getting a at least gig a week average.
Starting an A-level in photography next week.
Spent last weekend tidying the flat with the misses and its spotless.
Work is going ok and I'm earning more than I spend even though I spend a lot socialising.
Starting Uni soon
Finally ordered myself a copy of Battlefield 2
Going to West Brom tomorrow
Hoovered the whole house for my parents today
Caught a HUGE daddy long legs in my room :D
/changes direction of thread

1)The house my mum was buying for me to live in for the next few years of uni has fallen through after 7 months.

2) I have to be back at uni in 2 weeks and i have no where to live.

3) One of the pop up headlights on my car needs a new motor and so has been at the garage awaiting the new part for 3 days.

4) I have to drive 5 hours to uni on Sunday to find somewhere to live (if my car is back in time).

Life isn't great unfortunately.
Serj said:
/changes direction of thread

1)The house my mum was buying for me to live in for the next few years of uni has fallen through after 7 months.

2) I have to be back at uni in 2 weeks and i have no where to live.

3) One of the pop up headlights on my car needs a new motor and so has been at the garage awaiting the new part for 3 days.

4) I have to drive 5 hours to uni on Sunday to find somewhere to live (if my car is back in time).

Life isn't great unfortunately.

No offence, but if thats the worst life has thrown at you recently then life realy isnt that bad, Inconvenient perhaps but not bad :)

M@rt said:
No offence, but if thats the worst life has thrown at you recently then life realy isnt that bad, Inconvenient perhaps but not bad :)


It's more of a huge disappointment than a tragedy! I thought i could finally settle into my own quiet, private space and now it looks as though i'll be thrown in with first years, so the complete opposite basically. Plus the solicitors fees need paying still.
I start uni in a week
Im healthy
Im finally getting a tattoo ive wanted for a while

Thats all i can think of :D
Graduated with a 2.1 on Wednesday and am going backpacking to Asia, Australia and NZ for 6 weeks this Sunday :eek: \o/
I have quit smoking! - Was very easy to do ... Pass me a ciggy :mad: ! :p

Finally decided to sell the car that is just sitting on my drive (in sig),

Getting my life on track, and stopping the arguing between me and the gf and anyone else all the time! :)
- Starting Uni soon, working on both my studies and my website there
- (Finally) Getting some ID - I turned 18 in April and have only just got round to getting some :p
- Getting a new pc at Uni so I can finally get back to playing BF2
- Feeling more confident which is really gonna help at uni :D
I got C in both Maths and Physics at AS-Level this year :)
I am quite chuffed as i never expected myself to do as well as that!

It's also less than a year till i'll be off (along with P4radox) to Peru for a month, and the saving is going well!

Finally went to see Tiggy, 8_I3all, Baby Tiggy and Dee-Dee :p

Going to see some sexy fun girlies next weekend! :D Can't wait!!

Getting in loads of OT at work to pay for it which is also really helping my house deposit fund :)
The Bands Doing Well.
The Studios Nearly Finished.
I Feel Good Right Now. (even tho its silly am)
Im Going Shopping Tomorrow/today.

Yeh... and loads more :]
Going to uni (offset slightly by the fact that I didn't get into the halls I wanted)
Just built a new PC (offset slightly by the fact that that it's broken and I'm probably going to need to RMA the probably-broken hard drive it came with if it turns out to be that)
Just got a new phone

Everything is generally okay, but I'm worried about money stuff--not being able to find a job once I'm at uni, particularly--and annoyed about my PC not working :o
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