18 month old daughters MRI results - a lot worse than we thought

3 Dec 2003
18 month old daughters MRI results - a lot worse than we thought -Update 04/05

Went to the childrens hospital for the results a few days ago expecting to be told my young 18 month old daughter has epilepsy but oh no its worse

The epilepsy is cause by something called tuberous-sclerosis which explained to us saying that the epilepsy is just a side effect of this

She will suffer from the following for the rest of her life
Skin problems
Learning differcuiltys
Development problems
Speach problems

With the possibility of
Kidney problems
Eye problems
Lung problems

Plus a few other things

She is now booked in for tests for the last 3

Its totally screwed my head up to be honest and I feel like kicking the crap out of the wall for thinking something like this could happen to a girl as beautiful as my little princess ,

The thing is looking at her you couldnt tell anything was wrong

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Bloody awful news :(

But you both have to be strong for her.

Also the Royal Alexandra Childrens Hospital is up there with the best in the country, if indeed they are caring for her.
Its so sad when its Children, atleast medical science is very advance and as the years go on more and more cures can be found.

Hope she can get better and lead a normal healthy life.
Dude I cant begin to think what your going through. Its actually brought tears to my eyes. Ive got a little girl who's 18 months old too. She's still your little angel though mate and that'll never change. My thoughts are with you
Thanks for your comments guys

I had the doctors aswell to talk about stopping smoking and the doc started talking to me about this and I lost it and burst into tears not knowing what to do - its so frustrating not being able to do anything for her , Atleast we know have an answer to her fits and its just a shame its part of something bigger .

tuberous-sclerosis is where she gets leasions on her brain and being told and reading up on it a little it looks like it will never go away .

With the learning and development problems I look at it as she will still do everything else a normal child will just take a little more time with more help , the drugs shes on for the fits has been upped aswell but this is making her sleepy all the time , which in a way is a good thing but bad in another way as she has cut down from anything upto 7 fits aday down to roughly 2
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