Skywalker I realise you must have a tremendous amount of things going on in your head and in your life right now. The child I look after (who I have looked after since he was 2 and he is now 11) has epilepsy and other complications, but his seizures (of which he used to have up to 100 in a day) were reduced to one every couple of months (if that) due to the KETOGENIC DIET. Very little is known about this diet in the country and it isnt always practiced successfully, but the child I look afters life was saved by his parents who learnt about this diet and put the child I look after on it.
Sorry im not wording this very well and what im trying to say isnt coming out well but they were told all the usual "hes going to be a vegetable, hes never going to have a normal life" etc etc
He is 11 now and attends a mainstream school has a girlfriend and recently got back from a school camp where he was the only disabled child yet he did most if not all of the activities, he cant walk on his own or talk very easily but he has a really fulfilling life and enjoys life to the maximum.
All im trying to say is that if you want help with your beautiful daughters epilepsy then im more than happy to pass on contact details for people who can and will help you in anyway they can. Im sure life feels pretty black right now and you have every reason to be angry, your daughter will thrive as im sure she already was on your love, and you in turn will keep going due to the love she shows you.
Hate to sound cliche but there is light at the end of the tunnel, however hard it seems to be to see that right now, give it time, keep talking to your partner, and try not to listen too much to the negative things the specialists might say, they always give the worst case scenarios, which isnt always helpful.
With very best wishes, and I mean it about the offer of help