Things you say just without thinking . .

14 Apr 2004
You've just got to love them awkward moments where you say something and everyone around you is like wtf!

On Sunday I was picking an order up at work for this pretty lady who must have been in her young 20's, any how I took a while with it as it was fairly heavy. Once I collected her order for her, I asked her if she would a like a hand to her car and she said "please", so I obliged. Whilst walking to her car we were just randomly chatting. We finally get to her car and I put her stuff in her boot. She said "Would you like to come home with me? I could do with someone like you". I just paused for a moment and tilted my head sideways and gave her the :\ kind of look. I then said "Oh really?" she couldn't stop laughing, she then said "honestly, I could!" I just smiled and walked back off to the store. She was glowing red :D

Also a customer asked me if I recommend "A screw to screw someone", t'was a quality slip when he realised what he said :D

Anyone else got any quality stories to share?
I remember in school saying and I qoute..

"The care taker and George have gone for a screw".... guess you had to be there

I once jokingly said to my sister

"So when's the baby due?" (her bf was there)

all I heard was cutlery dropping and smashing as my parents were having dinner in the room next door, also heard some choking :p

EDIT: Abitta - lol!!!
Oh I get a lot of these. My "talent" is being able to fit my rather large feet into my even bigger mouth. :o

For example, I was trying to put some bananas through the till at work, scales kept telling me they weren't stable. I muttered to myself "What does it think it is? A vibrating banana?". I looked up to see the customer sniggering to herself, then realised what i'd said.

I also can't help the sexist and sarcastic comments either, they get me in a lot of trouble. Was told once to hoover a mat, I turned around to my line manager and said "Not doing that, it's a woman's job". :o

I could go on and on with examples...
I was once introduced to a girl who's second name was roast, me being the idiot I am asked her 'so is your first name Spit'

She was not amused.
Year 7, when everyone (ok, me and my friends) was into playing Magic: The Gathering, I was quite up for a game one lunchtime and I stormed into our form room and shouted across the room to my mate, "Hunty, get your deck out".

Took me a couple of moments before I realised what it sounded like I'd said, and why everyone was wtf-ing at me.


I use it as a term for bad.. when really it doesnt mean anything like it. Dont know why/how ive picked it up but it was during my teens.

Most embarrassing use of it was when i worked at a bank and my superior was gay. Something went wrong with calculating up at the end of the day and i shouted "gay" at my computer.. queue all staff looking at me.. i blanked them.. and threw more abuse at the computer to show i wasnt being homophobic.. oops
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