Don't know how many of you will remember me failing my test the first time around. Hit the kerb in a reverse park manoever. Managed to pass the other week with 6 minors. I was able to take my test in a brand new 58 plate Ford Focus. I was the first to drive in it as the instructor picked it up that morning. It didn't help as much as I thought it would. Quite the opposite actually - I stalled twice! Got 6 minors altogether, so I guess that's not that bad.
I'm now on the look out for a car, and that's where I need help. I don't know much about cars so I don't really know what I'm looking for. I want to spend up to £3000. I'm 25 if that means anything in regards to insurance. I was quite happy with the Ford Focus and I've seen a few of those around, but should I be wary of high mileages? - Also seen this Civic, does it look like a good idea?
Post code is SW4 if that helps find anything round London.
Cheers for any input!
I'm now on the look out for a car, and that's where I need help. I don't know much about cars so I don't really know what I'm looking for. I want to spend up to £3000. I'm 25 if that means anything in regards to insurance. I was quite happy with the Ford Focus and I've seen a few of those around, but should I be wary of high mileages? - Also seen this Civic, does it look like a good idea?
Post code is SW4 if that helps find anything round London.
Cheers for any input!