Passed my test last week, need a car!

13 Apr 2004
Don't know how many of you will remember me failing my test the first time around. Hit the kerb in a reverse park manoever. Managed to pass the other week with 6 minors. I was able to take my test in a brand new 58 plate Ford Focus. I was the first to drive in it as the instructor picked it up that morning. It didn't help as much as I thought it would. Quite the opposite actually - I stalled twice! Got 6 minors altogether, so I guess that's not that bad.

I'm now on the look out for a car, and that's where I need help. I don't know much about cars so I don't really know what I'm looking for. I want to spend up to £3000. I'm 25 if that means anything in regards to insurance. I was quite happy with the Ford Focus and I've seen a few of those around, but should I be wary of high mileages? - Also seen this Civic, does it look like a good idea?

Post code is SW4 if that helps find anything round London.

Cheers for any input!
Is £3000 your budget just for just the car or does insurance need to be taken into account as well?

edit; my bad, you're 25. Should help a bit.
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£3000 just for the car. I've got extra money for insurance, though not a set amount. I'll pay whatever I have to really. I'm not limiting myself to a 1.2 car just to get lower insurance but I probably have to hold off buying the big boys for now!
Generally only have to wait a year before you get a car you actually want but you can wait longer too if need be.

Mileage also isnt much of an issue, depends on what you consider "high". Engines etc these days dont wear down so much.
ditto on the mileage.

Cars tend to fall of their engines as they get old these days, rather than engines falling out the car. If you'll pardon the whole falling simile.

I don't think this is the favoured one. 1.6 diesel is not going to go down well on here :D

I don't know Fords that well (Other than I don't like them and won't have one, something of a minority on here ;)) someone i know has a 1.6 focus estate as his company car and for what it is it's OK it's just not as good as a 1.6 petrol or a 2.0 diesel.

I doubt you want a diesel anyway. It only makes any sense if you do big miles.

Reading the description it sounds tatty too.
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Focus and Astra are worth a look, should be able to get something very decent for £3,000. My Astra was just under £,2000 and it's great. Hasn't fallen to bits yet, in any case.
Cheers Edge, I told you I was crap at picking out cars. Didn't even know the difference between diesels and petrol!
I'm in a similar position - just passed at 26 and looking for something around the £3k mark.
I've been looking at Pandas - I'm only after something small for occasional use in London.
Cheers Edge, I told you I was crap at picking out cars. Didn't even know the difference between diesels and petrol!

In some ways it's not such a bad idea, but you can get better. It will not use much fuel (55mpg quoted in the ad, i thought they did more like 60.) and if you use the motorway quite a lot, do over 15k per year and are not bothered about 0-60 times it's a good functional car.

But thats all it is :)

Mileage doesn't really worry me, age is the killer nowadays. With 3k the world is pretty much your oyster but i'm not sure i'd want to spend that much on a 1st car.
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