OcUK Aion Guild

18 Oct 2002
Thought i'd do a new thread for this as its not beta related and i don't want it to get lost in the other thread.

The time is near for full release and a few people have mentioned wanting to be in a OcUK guild. I ran the OcUK WoW guild for quite a while so thought i'd kick this one off too. Any OcUK member can join and there are no class restrictions in place as i imagine in a few weeks time the class composition will have changed dramatically.

I've set up some forums (pretty rushed so don't look particularly shiny) which have some polls created for server and faction. I've also done one for which class you are going for to give people an idea although like i said above dont expect this to be accurate for long.

Please feel free to sign up and vote and post any suggestions. Link is www.ocuk-aion.co.uk.
you can count me in, I have been waiting for someone to sort an OcUK guild/legion out.

Nice one :D

In game name (hopefully) and forum name is finners
[timko];14887094 said:
Is this Legion the same one that Maxilive was heading up in the Beta thread? :)

Yup from what CliffyG has said, Maxi wont be getting at release so he'll be starting the guild of instead.
Got to get the votes in for elyos. You people that wana play on the light side. vote now or forever hold your peace. :)

For asmodian readers only....... *cough* Voting doesnt matter, you dont really have to vote. *cough* ;O
Please to all the OcUK guys that are going Elyos, if you are voting on a server choose Spatalos!!! Want to fight you guys :D
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