OcUK Aion Guild

We have 65 people in the guild, there are usually 20 or so people online during peak times. There are 7 on at the moment. There will be a purge of players around a week after the free month is up so i'm expecting to drop down to around 40 or so active users.

When in game send a message to Kroney, Vibez, Cas or Buliarios for an invite.

Are they ever online? :p
Kroney I usually see around 1800+ or 1900+ during weekdays
They should both be online 2000+ unless something comes up.
Buliarios might be on his elyos alt don't ask me why he does log on his
asmo from time to time though.
If people play lots on their alt instead of their main then they can change who is in the guild, on the rare occasion that they are both played a lot then i will make a decision as to whether both can be in the guild. If the guild gets full alts will get kicked first.
I'm in the guild with 'Sock', cant be arsed to play such an un-optimised and buggy game so you might aswell just kick me.

Plus i dont like grind fests :rolleyes:
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