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It won't clean the erg (have you ever seen one :eek:) and won't help with mpg.

When my old mondeo was stuttering a bottle of millers sport sorted it out
i was hoping to keep the erg from sooting up to much, heard oil cleaner helps to prevent this, heard miller is not to clever for this type of thing.
yes to clean it propperly you need to open it adn use carb cleaner
but to help keep it clean would diesel cleaner not help
So you've just been told not to bother as it's a waste of time and money...but you're going to do it anyway as you know best. Why bother asking about it then?!
You have been informed that it does nothing due to what it does and what happens within the engine and what causes the problem you want to fix, along with a way that will actually fix it. And you've been told nothing? :rolleyes: Indeed
and thats your opinion thanks

I was like that as a kid....

Dont touch that Mark, you will burn you're finger....

Ok mum....

Sizzzzzzzle !
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