Project: Fallen Angel

Man of Honour
14 Nov 2005
Up North
Project: Fallen Angel


Image courtesy of Viking @ Deviant Art

So it's time for a new project. I wanted to do something a little darker than my previous build - Project: Angel so I decided to go for a red/black theme which ties in nicely with the Angelic alterego, hence the Fallen Angel title.

I'm still in the process of collecting parts for the build but I have the case which still requires a little work but to give you an idea, here are some sneek shots of it:






First one to guess what case it is gets an e-beer!

More to come soon.....
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Another project already?!
OMG, is it a PC-P80 armorsuit case?

EDIT: When I first saw the name of the project, I thought that it would be a build log of you destroying 'Project Angel'
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Yeah I don't tend to keep my pc's for long, I get more joy out of building/modding them than actually using them these days!
Thought it might have been a Lian Li A17? The red and black look great together, look forward to seeing this develop.:)
proper pics!

dont let this turn into another pc80 owners thread.

all the promise and no pics.

nath :mad:
Hahaha. No m8, I will be delivering - got some bits and bobs amassed already:
Nice collection of parts, see that you went for the super mega, you wont be dissapointed. And 470 sli, great cards at very good prices.:)
Nice collection of parts, see that you went for the super mega, you wont be dissapointed. And 470 sli, great cards at very good prices.:)

I was made an offer I couldn't really refuse for the 470's ;). Sorely tempted to get a third but it would be for e-peen value only realy as two will handle everything I need em for. NVidia say that my psu can handle a third too which I wasn't expecting.
Two of them here w3bbo, (gigabyte 630 oc models) using a corsair hx 850w, clocked daily at a rather modest 751/1502/1700, handle anything i play with ease, contrary to a lot of opinions theyre quite cool running cards, 31-31c idle, 76-75c at load, auto fan which keeps them nice and quiet, doesnt go above 50%. However on a manual setting of 60% or more they are quite loud.
Excellent. Don't mind a bit of noise while gaming as I have my headphones on so can't hear them anyway. Been a while since I used aircooled cards for any length of time so my memory of 5800 ultras are still fresh in my mind (as is the scarring in my ears!).
Hee hee, noise cancelling headphones for the win, invested in a set of goldring ns1000's a while back, great for blocking out noisy fans.
I'll stick to my senn 595's for the now. Love em to bits. Them and my 30" dell are the two components I have had the longest - such is the quality :).
Im like that with my benq fp241w lcd, had it for over four years now. Often thought about changing it but nothing on the market seems to be much of an improvement. All theese latest 120hz lcd's tend to be rather poor TN panels, and would probably be more of a downgrade tbh.
Awe leave off nath, he might have got a camera for Xmas so we might get an update! Then
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