Managed to get a fair bit more done today.
Base of case.
I was undecide whether to go red vinylwhich was the original plan but it look a bit 'flat' and didn't work really well so I went for carbon again:
I came across a few probles thanks to LianLi's excessive amount of screw holes which made the surface a little uneven in places. It's pretty much masked by the carbon but noticable close up. A few pin pricks and a heatgun made the job a hell of a lot smoother though.
PSU bracket.
In hindsight the whole job would have been so much easier had I had a pop-rivet gun but I havn't got one to hand at present so I had to cover everything in situ which took a hell of a lot more time (more thn it would just going out and buying a rivet gun!).
The vent holes were easier to cut than I imagined thanks to a scalpel but were still a little fiddly to manage a clean cut.
PCI BAckplate. I was really dreading this part as there were so many holes and rivets as well as rolled aluminium to cover it was always going to be a nightmare. Depsite drawing a template, you can see what I was up against:
The Vinyl is pretty much like a large section of sticky tape so you have to be real carefull of creases or worse, it folding up against itself. Once in position though it was a case of using the heatgun to spread the stretch the vinyl into position and de-bubble the piece:
More to come...