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EVGA Warrany Trouble!

18 Oct 2002
Had a faulty GTX 460,it wouldn't boot up every time, sent it to EVGA, they got it today, had this reply today and a picture of the card.

The card wasn't damaged when i sent it, and was well packed for its trip to Germany ,lots of bubble wrap etc.

Im shocked at the reply, i haven't done this damage, and to me ,damage there is surely cosmetic and wouldn't effect the card in any way, its also rich they are wanting 150 euros to replace an end of life card, are they trying it on ?

Dear Mr.xxxxxxxxx

we received your card with Serial number 1219141373602007. Unfortunately the PCB of the card is damaged, please find picture attached. A physical damage to the PCB is not covered by our warranty and is leading to a total loss. We can offer to replace the card for a fee of 150,00€ otherwise we would have to send it back. Please let we know what you would prefer.

Kind regards

Stefan Brand

Thank you EVGA,

A nice package arrived this afternoon, some bonus goodies and an upgrade, glad it's all sorted.

Many Thanks :D






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That doesn't sound good and I have read only good things about EVGA. I would try and argue the case that the card was undamaged before you sent it. Long shot but do you have a pic of it without that damage that you could send to them?
Even though they all say "Do not send in original packaging" I more often than not do.

That way I simply just say "Hey, you guys designed the packaging !".

Any way, what I do now is take a video of the card being packed. It costs nothing yet proof is everything.

It looks like the card has been put in a vice and then bent. Those PCBs are a lot bloody tougher than they look !
Probably going to have to claim off the courier here :S with the pictures from the rig as some kind of "proof".
Its also an RMA for a RMA , if the card they sent in the 1st place was good, this wouldnt have happened. You live and learn though, ive crossed EVGA off my list, the fact you have to pay over the odds to send to Germany is a huge negative.
EVGA_Nick to the rescue?

As Roff said I would a have claim up with the courier.

The problem is that it would highly likely not have been a courier. A courier charges the earth as soon as they set foot outside the UK.

I paid £18 with RM to take a card to Holland.

So it's likely RM are the people responsible, and they are incredibly hard to claim against as they just keep coming back with BS excuses.
Yes my thoughts exactly, and ive not done it, my word against theirs.

Who knows what goes on in warranty departments, good way of cost cutting though.

I had this issue about 12 years ago with my suppliers. I had a mound of dead hard drives. Won't mention the name. Any way, one day I decided it was time to sort it out and send them all back. So I did.

I sent back around 11 all told. Three of them were out of warranty date so I got that as the excuse, the other 8 were all marked as "damaged".

When they arrived back they had lovely screwdriver marks across the circuit boards. What was hilarious was they weren't even careful about it. I could actually see the impressions of a philips headed screw driver in the legs of one of the chips.

I checked every single drive myself before sending them out too. I don't like wasting money, so why in the name of god would I spend all that money on packing and a courier if they were damaged?

Hilariously I had also wrapped them in 2" thick foam, taping them completely so there was no way it was down to my packing.

I never used that distro again. IIRC they went out of business shortly after.
I sent it via ups , i cant see how its courier damage, pcb's are dead tough, for it to be damaged like that, the box must have been crushed.

I've seen all sorts as I've worked in and around retail a fair bit - I can quite believe it was damaged however well packed - seen stuff like boxes marked fragile handle with care dealt with: "hahaha this says fragile <chucked hard to the back of the van>" followed by 25kg TVs stacked on top (the last bit being thoughtless rather than malicious unlike the first bit).
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