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EVGA Warrany Trouble!

It's getting silly though, ive put pics up of what the card was like before i sent it, they put pics up of the box like it is now, could be kicking it around the office as we speak.

The card has been dropped raw onto a hard surface. I can't see any damage to anything else so it hasn't been crushed. It has been dropped right onto the protruding part of the PCB that has sustained the damage.

Thus, the ball is in their court to prove that it was UPS who did the damage.
Yes my thoughts exactly, and ive not done it, my word against theirs.

Who knows what goes on in warranty departments, good way of cost cutting though.
While I can't say I'm 100% sure, but that kinda of damage looks more like it was dropped on the floor AFTER it's been taken out of the box rather than crushed while in the box during transit (but of course I cannot be sure without seeing what the condition of the box is like when it arrive at EVGA).

Sounds to me one of the EVGA staff messed up and drop the card, and try to shift the blame onto the customer to cover his rear. It reminds me of that time my dad took his Mercedes to Mercedes's garage for service...the car gone in fine, but came back out with a scratch mark. And then you can guess the rest...our words against theirs...and since we didn't exactly take any up-close video on the body of the car before handed over the Mercedes, we had not choice but to face the reality and shallow the BS. But to be honest, even if we did have a video, I doubt it was gonna help. Typical case of big company sitting on and crushing small customers...
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Crikey Greg mate you must be able to read my bloody mind.

I was just thinking about that when I posted my last post :eek:

Joking aside. These things happen too often and great that this guy got caught it on camera.

OP I realy do hope you won't let it drop and keep on at EVGA. I hate to see the little guy (us) lose out.

Ohhh and ALXAndy, it was your post that made me remember that...
It will all come down to the packing. UPS will either blame the sender for inadequate packing, or, simply say the packing was adequate so the damage must have occurred either before it was put in the packing or after it was removed.

Yeah, how could it have this type of damage while inside a box?

Unless it was wrapped in bricks it couldn't have. There would be severe damage to the box and the bubble wrap would be full of holes.
Had a similair situation with evga concerning a 680i motherboard. Sent a working board away for a stepup to 780i. Board was cleaned with an air compressor prior to posting in it's original packaging. The upgrade was refused after a month due to dust in the heatsink, which i knew to be a lie. During this time they were in the middle of moving premises, so god only knows where the board had been dumped during this period. To make matters worse, when i got the board back, it died two days later. Emailed them about this and they simply ignored me. Hence why i avoid evga products like the plague, their warranty terms arent worth the paper theyre printed on.
Had a similair situation with evga concerning a 680i motherboard. Sent a working board away for a stepup to 780i. Board was cleaned with an air compressor prior to posting in it's original packaging. The upgrade was refused after a month due to dust in the heatsink, which i knew to be a lie. During this time they were in the middle of moving premises, so god only knows where the board had been dumped during this period. To make matters worse, when i got the board back, it died two days later. Emailed them about this and they simply ignored me. Hence why i avoid evga products like the plague, their warranty terms arent worth the paper theyre printed on.

A friend of mine had a really bad experience with his X58 Classified too.

Next time I speak to him I will ask him for details.
Had a faulty GTX 460,it wouldn't boot up every time, sent it to EVGA, they got it today, had this reply today and a picture of the card.

The card wasn't damaged when i sent it, and was well packed for its trip to Germany ,lots of bubble wrap etc.

Im shocked at the reply, i haven't done this damage, and to me ,damage there is surely cosmetic and wouldn't effect the card in any way, its also rich they are wanting 150 euros to replace an end of life card, are they trying it on ?

Dear Mr.xxxxxxxxx

we received your card with Serial number 1219141373602007. Unfortunately the PCB of the card is damaged, please find picture attached. A physical damage to the PCB is not covered by our warranty and is leading to a total loss. We can offer to replace the card for a fee of 150,00€ otherwise we would have to send it back. Please let we know what you would prefer.

Kind regards

Stefan Brand

I will speak with the office first thing in the morning to find out the condition the box was delivered, and will get a update for you ASAP.
probably some new intern trying to cover their own arse, i know i would!

Intern...lol nope. Just helping a customer who feels he deserves better whilst Nic is not around. EVGA like to go the extra mile for ALL customers so even though this is not my job to do, I am happy to help whenever I can.
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