My current diet

18 May 2010
Current diet, lose fat and get some muscle

I need some help on my diet.

I am trying to both gain muscle and lose my fat which I hold on my stomach.

I am 5'8 and weigh about 70kg.

I dont currently eat anything after weights, untill I get home usually (30mins later)

What my diet is currently during the week:

Breakfast - 30g Whey power/cup of milk, banana & 2 brown toast with honey and butter

(two cups of coffee between)

Lunch (weights day): Rice, beef or chicken and some salad.
Lunch (non weights day): I get a sandwich from the sandwich shop. (tuna, chicken, ham) bap with salad and mayo.

Dinner: Potatoes, veg and chicken/beef/fish.

Tea and water afterwards

After dinner for my sweet tooth, I will eat some dried fruits and maybe a 0% fat yogurt


On weekends my diet is even less strict.


Breakfast - 30g Whey power/cup of milk, banana & 2 brown toast with honey and butter

Dinner - (really what ever mum cooks up) could be steak or something less ideal like fried pepper with meat and rice, chips, fried egg and salad (what I had this Sat, and was moaning to my mum!)

After dinner for my sweet tooth, I will eat some dried fruits and maybe a 0% fat yogurt

Tea and water afterwards


Breakfast - 30g Whey power/cup of milk, banana & 2 brown toast with honey and butter

Dinner: Sunday Roast.

After dinner for my sweet tooth, I will eat some dried fruits and maybe a 0% fat yogurt

Tea and water afterwards
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My knee jerk reaction to your post is

1) You won't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Whilst it is theoretically possible, it is practically nigh on impossible. So either cut your calories (lose fat) or stack 'em up (gain muscle and fat :) )...

2) You're 5'8, 70kg and complaining you're fat? That's not what I would describe as huge from a body stats perspective, but I suppose photos would be required before finalising my take on this...

Now, you're diet:

1) You do eat some pointless stuff, namely your breakfast: what toast with butter and honey? Swap this for toast and peanut butter (if you absolutely need toast) or porridge with the whey added in. Also, ditch the cup of milk for breakfast, and make the porridge with water. And the banana. Either that, or learn to enjoy scrambled eggs on brown toast. :)

2) Make yourself your lunch: don't get some crud-filled bap/sandwich as these are full of calories and simple starches that you don't need if you're trying to lose weight. And no, I don't care if they say "light" on them or whatever. Sharpen up, make yourself a tuna salad in the morning or whatever, and ditch the starches.

3) This applies to potatoes, too: if you can avoid them do so, and go for sweet potatoes. Same for rice (which should be swapped for brown rice).

Now, given how much you don't weigh, and how tall you are, I'm guessing you probably do not need many calories anyway, so anything you can cut out will help. I remain unconvinced that this is your full diet as there doesn't seem much to it, so there much be something missing I'm afraid.

In addition, get at least 8hrs sleep a night. If your missus is a nympho just make sure whatever you get up to you get 8hrs sleep a night.

Finally, tymmy podge is some of the last stuff to go in a 'cut', so you're going to have to stick at this pretty rigidly.

Good work at posting the diary, however! I would encourage you to stick at it and LITERALLY post everything you eat during your day.
The only consolation at the moment, is that I am making some progress.

Getting stronger and slight* changes happening to upper body.

I'm very arware that I do not consuming no where near enough protein.
I'm 5ft 7 and 80kg, what I did was go on a low carb low calorie diet and shed half a stone in 2 weeks then went back onto the weights. As stated above, trying to do both they contradict each other.

Lose the bread and the milk from your protein shakes and mayo is horrendously high in calories. Try to eat basic foods like lean meats, fruit and veg not the pre-made tinned/packeted stuff.

I'm 5ft 7 and 80kg, what I did was go on a low carb low calorie diet and shed half a stone in 2 weeks then went back onto the weights. As stated above, trying to do both they contradict each other.

Lose the bread and the milk from your protein shakes and mayo is horrendously high in calories. Try to eat basic foods like lean meats, fruit and veg not the pre-made tinned/packeted stuff.


Tinned fish is fantastic :p

But yeah avoid most canned stuff...

It's very difficult to gain muscle and lose fat, it's all about getting your diet right. Work out how much you're eating each day, then track your weight and body fat, a couple of months and you should be able to have a rough idea as to how to do both. Would also be worth measuring most of your major muscle areas...

Ok, well thank you all for the comments.

I was speaking to a freind yesterday and he made a valid point, I said to him that I was making progress, so the diet is 'adequate' or the time being, he said, well I was much like you, but then I thought to my self I spend all this time and effort and then I dont eat properly, Im not gettting the most out of my workouts.

I probably do need to take more responsibilty for what I eat.

At the moment, living at home, mum kindly does the cooking for me, but then even if I tell her what I want, eventually over time she goes back to chips and cheesy lasagna!

I'm a bit weary upping my calorie and food intake, becuase I get fat easy and have a hard time shifting it.

Is there a way I can met in the middle?

I can see two things with my current diet which are a problem:

1. No where near enough protein during the week and my lunch is rubbish!
2. My weekend diet is very poor as well, I just basically eat breakfst and then dinner and go out for the evening.

You guys are right, I am basically very low muscle mass, but hold my fat aound my waist. It's basically a mediterranean spread so it's genetic as much as environmental.

So far I am back in the gym for 5 weeks and things are going well. The first 4 week I think was my body adapting to doing excersise again, this week is the first week that things feel different. Like I want to test my strength with increased weights...

This is week 6.

First question I need to know is how much protein do I need to consume a day? Whats a realistic amount I need to grow?

The problem I have is I easily feel bloated and fat. I have tried 3 eggs in the morning but just felt like a fat bugger, thats why I went with the whey, smaller quantity to consume.

If I was to change it up for example:

Mon – Friday

Breakfast: Poridge with water, mix my 30g whey powder and a banana.

Lunch: I could go get a salad from M&S and get a chicken breast or can of tuna.

Pre gym: Here I need some help! No carbs at lunch means I need something to fuel my weight session. (I could easily fall in to the trap of just bread and a chicken breast)

Dinner: Brown rice or sweet potatoe, salad or veg and a source of lean protein.

Still feel a little lost, especially Lunch and pre gym. Dont know if I have to limit carbs, or what...
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Well then just have protein :)

Or, combine that portion of protein into another meal.

This doesn't need to be complicated, but you are probably going to have to feel slightly uncomfortable with your more effective diet for a couple of weeks.

As your friend says, you might as well maximise the effectiveness of your efforts.
This is my current routine:

Bench Press 5x5
Incline DB bench 3x8
DB Fly 3x12
Barbel Curls 3x10

Pull Up's 5x5
DB row 4x10
Dips 3x10
Face pulls 3x10
Leg Raises 3x10

Leg Press 3 drop sets
Military Press 5x5
Step Up's 3x10
Lateral raises 3x10
Rear delt fly 3x10
Calv Raises
Pallof press 3x10
Crunches 30

And I have been a naughty boy withthe swimming in between. Last week wasnt feeling well so that was excusable, but today was a swim sesison, and legs where sore from Sat so skipped swimming...
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There are a lot of bodybuilding exercises in there that won't make an enormous difference to somebody like you, such as flys, lateral raises and calf presses.

Do dead lifts, squats, and more squats and you'll do a lot better. And ditch crunches for more planks.
There are a lot of bodybuilding exercises in there that won't make an enormous difference to somebody like you, such as flys, lateral raises and calf presses.

Do dead lifts, squats, and more squats and you'll do a lot better. And ditch crunches for more planks.

I have bad knees. Cant do squats and deads etc... I'm lucky to be even able to leg press.
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I am sorry, but if you can leg press, you can squat. :)

As I've explained before, there is a bucketload of stuff you can be doing that is better for your objectives than "just leg presses." ;)
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