My current diet

Well I'm coming up to a full week on this diet.

It feels a bit like a bulk to me, rather than a fat loss diet. There is a lot of constant feeding going on.

I think I'm going to drop the Greek yoghurt and almonds as that will cut a good 200calories.

I guess if it doesn’t help me lose much fat, at least my protein is high enough to recover (hopefully) from workout to work out and maybe get a bit stronger this time (rather than my woefully inadequate amounts of protein previously)

At the stage I'm at right now either fat loss or muscle gain is progress, so as long as something happens, that’s a good thing.
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No, don't change anything, carry on for another week then weigh yourself again.

I thought the same when Steeds got my diet, I was eating 'more' food, but I was losing weight. Believe me mate, people here know what they are talking about. :)
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