My current diet

I know where I was going wrong before, and that was my diet.

No where near enough for gains and too much for fat loss.

I'm gona need some serious help here tho, as I think the diet is key.

How many calories do I need? How much do I restrict? How much protein etc etc etc..
You need to read the advise you have been given for the last 6 months, read the sticky thread on diet, macros and nutrition etc. read the advise you have been given in this thread.

You have pretty much been baby feed all the information. Short of one of the posting members coming round your house each day and doing your shopping for you then cooking your food, you cannot expect much more help then you have already received. You haven't even been properly logging your food.
Right this is what I have settle on:


- Leg press 5x8
- OHP 3x8
- Wide-grip chin ups 3x8
- Dips 3x8
- planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)


- Reverse lunges (with dumbells);
- Dumbell row 3x8
- Bench Press 3x8
- side planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)


- Single arm dumbell press (seated) 3x8
- Pull-ups 3x8
- Single arm chest press 3x8
- Reverse planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)

I have started doing 20mins of cardio work after each workout.
Right this is what I have settle on:


- Leg press 5x8
- OHP 3x8
- Wide-grip chin ups 3x8
- Dips 3x8
- planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)


- Reverse lunges (with dumbells);
- Dumbell row 3x8
- Bench Press 3x8
- side planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)


- Single arm dumbell press (seated) 3x8
- Pull-ups 3x8
- Single arm chest press 3x8
- Reverse planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)

I have started doing 20mins of cardio work after each workout.
You can't squat, but you can leg press?

You can't deadlift, but you can stiff leg deadlift?

To me, this just screams of you moving with massively internally rotated/collapsed hips, knees and feet.

We will know for sure if your lower back explodes after a few weeks of SLDLs...

What am I really saying? Do RDLs (properly) over SLDLs, and get yourself seen by a proper physio. Any worth his salt should have you squatting soon enough if you can leg press with more than just token knee breaks.

Also, get yourself doing some proper knee stabilisation work.
Right this is what I have settle on:


- Leg press 5x8
- OHP 3x8
- Wide-grip chin ups 3x8
- Dips 3x8
- planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)


- Reverse lunges (with dumbells);
- Dumbell row 3x8
- Bench Press 3x8
- side planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)


- Single arm dumbell press (seated) 3x8
- Pull-ups 3x8
- Single arm chest press 3x8
- Reverse planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.)

I have started doing 20mins of cardio work after each workout.

That's not a workout at all. Are you even trying to build muscle? Hit the gym for longer and do more sets, way more. Burn sets, warm up sets. Your never going to see gains, that's a female workout.
Strong childlike logic there, the kind of thing that actually makes a reasonable amount of sense, right up until the point you learn how bonkers it is.

Made me laugh though, so have a :).
You can't squat, but you can leg press?

You can't deadlift, but you can stiff leg deadlift?

To me, this just screams of you moving with massively internally rotated/collapsed hips, knees and feet.

We will know for sure if your lower back explodes after a few weeks of SLDLs...

What am I really saying? Do RDLs (properly) over SLDLs, and get yourself seen by a proper physio. Any worth his salt should have you squatting soon enough if you can leg press with more than just token knee breaks.

Also, get yourself doing some proper knee stabilisation work.

Yea, Im going to go to a physio soon.
Yea, Im going to go to a physio soon.

This is why icecold has the funny avatar. :)

What opeth REALLY needs is:

1) a decent diet that he sticks to;
2) a face-to-face training session with a decent physio and then SnC coach to sort out these problems.

Without those (and a willingness to do something about his problems) he's never going to lose weight and exercise ,properly', because he'll look at an exercise on YOuTube, try it and find its painful, then give up (no offence, open, but this is what happens to a lot of lifting beginners).
How does this look diet wise?

My idea is to do 30mins HIIT after my weight session x3 a week. That leaves 4 off days, will probably take one completly off leaving 3 days.

Two of those I could fit another 2 session of 30mins cardio. How does the diet look considering the above?

Too many calories?


9am Breakfast:

3 egg white omelet with spinach
3 strips of turkey bacon
porridge with water

Lunch 1.30pm:

1 Chicken breast
Portion of brown rice

Preworkout 6pm:

Tin of Tuna

Post workout 8.30pm:

30g Whey with water
1 banana (The banana is there to provide the sugars to help the whey get absorbed)

Dinner 9pm:

Fish or Steak or turkey
Veggies or Salad (I do like to eat olives, can I eat them here?)


Hand full of Almonds with ½ cup Greek yogurt.

As for liquids, it will be 1-2 coffees between 9am-1.30pm, water after lunch untill I get to 9pm and then I will probably drink green tea in the evening.


Hmm ok so I tried to work out how many calories this works out too.

I used the tesco store to give the the calorie info for the products. Its gona be more as havent factored in the veggies, the whey etc....

Macros seem to be:

Calories: 1480
Fat: 45g
Protein: 170g

That sounds alright tho. Doesnt it?


I'v just realised that olives are very calorific. Might have to drop those altogether. :(
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Again, what was your weight last Friday morning? And the one before that?

You need to stick to a consistent diet for more than a couple of weeks, otherwise your weights going to be hopping all over the place
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