My current diet

The only consolation at the moment, is that I am making some progress.

Getting stronger and slight* changes happening to upper body.

I'm very arware that I do not consuming no where near enough protein.

If you've got a ghandi build, then adding muscle will do the same as losing fat essentially. The more muscle you build, the lower your bodyfat percentage will be.

Don't get hung up on the protein supplements, either. People tend to focus on them quite heavily and ascribe it to all sorts of gains. Doing work in the gym builds muscle.

Also, dietary fat doesn't equate to body fat, so just in case you think these 0% fat foods are reducing fat in your body, it's not true. This 0%/low fat craze is a fad basically, used to promote awful food like weight watchers readymeals that are incredibly lacking in nutrition (by design, they do the opposite of helping you become healthy so that you keep on them for long periods of time.
If you've got a ghandi build, then adding muscle will do the same as losing fat essentially. The more muscle you build, the lower your bodyfat percentage will be.

Don't get hung up on the protein supplements, either. People tend to focus on them quite heavily and ascribe it to all sorts of gains. Doing work in the gym builds muscle.

Also, dietary fat doesn't equate to body fat, so just in case you think these 0% fat foods are reducing fat in your body, it's not true. This 0%/low fat craze is a fad basically, used to promote awful food like weight watchers readymeals that are incredibly lacking in nutrition (by design, they do the opposite of helping you become healthy so that you keep on them for long periods of time.

As long as your not putting on fat at the same time, which is quite a fine balance.
As long as you're not putting on fat at the same time, which is quite a fine balance.

Fat probably will be, but it shouldn't be large amounts, enough to counteract.

That ghandi type physique is a pretty bad one, but should respond pretty quickly to muscle building routines because there's so little in the way of muscle in the first place. Small changes with people who have low muscle mass will be quite noticeable.
I believe he has something physically wrong with his kness. He'll be able to elaborate further :p

Yes my knees are what the french would say le £u*ked!

The biggest problem is that I have damaged the cartalidge behind my knee cap in my right knee.

The last time I squatted it made it worse. Leg press seems to allow me to work the quads with out the pressure on the knee joint. Specifially the tibia pushing against the back of the knee cap.

If I'm honest I am basically in the process of holding out for as long as I possibly can before I finally cant take it any more and go in for a partial knee replacement.

Which at the age of 31, is not something I should have to consider. Doctors cant tell me how quick cartalidge will erode. Could be one year, could be 5 could be more...

At the moment I'm taking chondrotin, glucosamine and msm supplements, but they dont seem to do anything.
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Fat probably will be, but it shouldn't be large amounts, enough to counteract.

That ghandi type physique is a pretty bad one, but should respond pretty quickly to muscle building routines because there's so little in the way of muscle in the first place. Small changes with people who have low muscle mass will be quite noticeable.

Im not ghandi, becuase he was lean! I just dont have much strengh and carry genetic fat around my stomach.

At the moment, I think my aim is muscle over fat. Becuase from an aesthetic perspective, I would look much better witrh more muscle underneath the fat I have, than less fat on top of the small muscle I don't have.
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He was more of a "skinny-fat" type of build.

But yeah, any increase in muscle mass is an automatic decrease in bodyfat percentage, so your focus should be on that instead of burning fat (note my points on things like 0% fat foods too just above :)).
Yes my knees are what the french would say le £u*ked!

The biggest problem is that I have damaged the cartalidge behind my knee cap in my right knee.

I had an injury to my right knee cartilege which means I can longer do physical contact sports. First I hit the cardio (cross trainer & running & biking - both in the gym & out) for a fair bit then went onto leg press, leg extensions, leg curls etc then moved onto the heavier stuff like lunges, squats and dead lifts.

Is there any way you can strengthen your knee? I remember mine used to get sore after usage but it was the muscle usage soreness not joint/damage pain.

Yes my knees are what the french would say le £u*ked!

The biggest problem is that I have damaged the cartalidge behind my knee cap in my right knee.

The last time I squatted it made it worse. Leg press seems to allow me to work the quads with out the pressure on the knee joint. Specifially the tibia pushing against the back of the knee cap.

If I'm honest I am basically in the process of holding out for as long as I possibly can before I finally cant take it any more and go in for a partial knee replacement.

Which at the age of 31, is not something I should have to consider. Doctors cant tell me how quick cartalidge will erode. Could be one year, could be 5 could be more...

At the moment I'm taking chondrotin, glucosamine and msm supplements, but they dont seem to do anything.

*Sigh* As with the last time we discussed this (with more detail), I leave your exercise routine here.

I'm not going to turn this into a medical thread by wondering what advice you've been given, but I would strongly recommend going to see a specialist physio that has dealt with sporting injuries as they will be able to help you much more than any doctor will.

Good luck. :)
*Sigh* As with the last time we discussed this (with more detail), I leave your exercise routine here.

I'm not going to turn this into a medical thread by wondering what advice you've been given, but I would strongly recommend going to see a specialist physio that has dealt with sporting injuries as they will be able to help you much more than any doctor will.

Good luck. :)

Probably right yea. But the hospital I was treated at is the best 'NHS' hospital in London for Orthopedic issues.
Probably right yea. But the hospital I was treated at is the best 'NHS' hospital in London for Orthopedic issues.

I was treated by one of the best trauma surgeons after my car accident, but I still didn't get any contact time with a physio.

Amusingly, my company provides free sports physio on site, so I no need of the NHS bhoys. :)
Just something to remember in terms of diet, based on what you said about living at home. (this is part of a fantastic, and longer motivational speech - worth a Google)

I’m not eating like I eat at home. That’s why you’re going to go to the next level, because if you ate like you ate at home, you’re going to remain a boy or a girl. Its time to become men and women.

Honestly cant say I have made too much progress over the last 6 weeks.

I know my diet is crap, but dont know how much I need to eat etc....

Also is my routine fine? as in is it enough to promote growth, or is the reason why I havent progressed much in the last 6 weeks becuase my diet sucks?
There are a lot of bodybuilding exercises in there that won't make an enormous difference to somebody like you, such as flys, lateral raises and calf presses.

Do dead lifts, squats, and more squats and you'll do a lot better. And ditch crunches for more planks.

Lookiong at the routine, what should I add or change around?

Can we just overlook the squats and deads please. I really cant do them. I hurt myself when I last tried squats, and even one of my surgeon/consultants has told me to forget about squating ever again.

The problem is not the fact I cant do them, it's the fact I have damaged the cartalidge behind my knee cap which the squats hurts!

I really have given it my best shot overthe last 6 weeks since I came back... even when I was ill, I still went to the gym. But I dont know if I've made enough progress over the last 6 weeks.

The diet I will improve. Can someone tell me how much protein I need to aim for? I am 5'8 and weight 70kg.


I think I'm going to give a Full Body workout a try again.

Bench Presses, OHP, Pull-Ups, Barbell Curls, Dips, Leg Raises, Leg Press, Calf Raises

Done twice a week. (three times I believe is too much and doesnt give enough rest time)

Need to sort out my diet tho as that is probably the key thing I'm missing.


Might give this a go.

Which boils down to 3x a week 2x10 reps:

Bench Presses, OHP, Pull-Ups, Barbell Curls, Dips, Leg Raises, Leg Press, Calf Raises
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How does this look?

Training day

9am Breakfast:

3 eggs scrambled on two brown toast

(1-2 coffee's between)

2pm Lunch:

Pasta/rice with chicken breast tuna will try and add some veg here.

(Only drink water post lunch)


8.30pm Post workout Shake: 30g weigh powder.

Dinner 9pm:

Steak/chicken/turkey/fish with rice/potatoes/sweet potatoes with salad or veg.


Is that enough protein? Do I need to add a few oats to my post workout weigh?
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Just NO.

I have posted before: DITCH THE BODYBUILDING EXERCISES. :mad:

No calf raises, curls or leg raises.

Stick to a 3x8 regime of:


- Leg press (3x8 working to 5x8 because this is a crud facsimile of a squat);
- OHP;
- Wide-grip chin ups;
- planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.


- Reverse lunges (with dumbells);
- Dumbell row;
- Chest/dumbell press;
- side planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.


- Single arm dumbell press (seated);
- Pull-ups;
- Push-ups (with added weights);
- Reverse okanks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.

The point of weights to trim fat is to make sure as many of the big muscles are working as possible. Calf raises, curlz, etc. exercise muscles that are comparatively small (gastrocnemius is reasonably big, but not like quads or glutes) and will not burn calories to the extent you want, and only tire you out for stuff that actually helps.

Stick to this program. Cut out the pasta/rice for lunch and go for quinoa or lentils, and drop one of the pieces of toast from your breakfast. Add in a handful of nuts (almonds/cashews/walnuts) with your lunch if you need.

you seem so pre-occupied with worrying about your protein levels you seem to be forgetting that you diet/workout needs to actually be good.

Im not pretending to be the master here (bc im not) but I really find it hard to believe that you can leg press but not squat.

you need to define progress aswell? are you looking at mass lost, or muscle gained? it has only been 6 weeks - but you should be 100% noticing at least an increase in weight for a lot of your excerises.
as above 2x10 reps - no idea where you got this from? 3x8 , 5x5 sounds more meaningful

Id also try and work out 4 times a week (you seem to say you want to go from 3 to 2 days? giving up already???!) - absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be doing this, your body is in its prime to grow and can handle the punishment of an extra workout day.

this might be picky, but how long do you spend in the gym? because from your times it seems its an hour and a half? Seems like a lot of time to churn through your exercises even with adequate rest.
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you seem so pre-occupied with worrying about your protein levels you seem to be forgetting that you diet/workout needs to actually be good.

Im not pretending to be the master here (bc im not) but I really find it hard to believe that you can leg press but not squat.

you need to define progress aswell? are you looking at mass lost, or muscle gained? it has only been 6 weeks - but you should be 100% noticing at least an increase in weight for a lot of your excerises.
as above 2x10 reps - no idea where you got this from? 3x8 , 5x5 sounds more meaningful

Id also try and work out 4 times a week (you seem to say you want to go from 3 to 2 days? giving up already???!) - absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be doing this, your body is in its prime to grow and can handle the punishment of an extra workout day.

this might be picky, but how long do you spend in the gym? because from your times it seems its an hour and a half? Seems like a lot of time to churn through your exercises even with adequate rest.

Lots of waiting sometimes for the bar or the benchies etc...

Regarding the protein, I thought if I knew how much protein I should aim for I can structure the diet around this.

Ok, yea, I have knoticed a little bit of progress sure. Tonage and a small increase in lifting capacity.
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Just NO.

I have posted before: DITCH THE BODYBUILDING EXERCISES. :mad:

No calf raises, curls or leg raises.

Stick to a 3x8 regime of:


- Leg press (3x8 working to 5x8 because this is a crud facsimile of a squat);
- OHP;
- Wide-grip chin ups;
- planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.


- Reverse lunges (with dumbells);
- Dumbell row;
- Chest/dumbell press;
- side planks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.


- Single arm dumbell press (seated);
- Pull-ups;
- Push-ups (with added weights);
- Reverse okanks (3x3 for 30 seconds moving to a minute.

The point of weights to trim fat is to make sure as many of the big muscles are working as possible. Calf raises, curlz, etc. exercise muscles that are comparatively small (gastrocnemius is reasonably big, but not like quads or glutes) and will not burn calories to the extent you want, and only tire you out for stuff that actually helps.

Stick to this program. Cut out the pasta/rice for lunch and go for quinoa or lentils, and drop one of the pieces of toast from your breakfast. Add in a handful of nuts (almonds/cashews/walnuts) with your lunch if you need.


Thank you this is much appreciated. I was thinking maybe the reason why I havent made as much progress as I would like is the fact I only trian each muscle once a week. Thats the impression I got from that HST article.

Feel a little lost at the moment to be honest.

I've tried FB before and well I alwasy found that I couldnt give 100% to later excersises because previous one knackered me out. But on the other hand you can work out eah muscle group at least twice a week.

The HST articel looks complex. I thought maybe the reason why doing a FB workout 3 times is possible, is becuase the sets per excersise was small 1-2. That makes sense to me.

I understand that there is way more to it than that, but like I said thats a lot of info to digest.

There are a few things I'm a bit concerned about here:

Monday all good.

Wed: Reverse lunges... my right knee is boshed. (Maybe I need to try with no weights at the beginning)

Friday: SLDL - So form dependant that in the past when I have tried doing them, I just felt like a plonker. Needs coaching.

How do you add weight to push ups? Wouldnt it be simpler to just do say incline dumbell press?

I'm quite a fan of dips by the way any chance of adding those in.


The more I look at the routine you posted the more I like it.
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