PS4 Headset Comparisons / Options

11 Sep 2011
Reykjavik, Iceland

Not sure if posted anywhere, but here is an open list that people have been contributing to for those who are wondering what headset options you have.

I currently have the X11 - and it is stated as working, but requiring a USB soundcard. How do these work driver wise on a console? Never heard of them before until I read it on this list so just wondered - if it's very cheap and simple then I'll go down that route to save buying a new headset.
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Thinking of grabbing a Pulse set, as prices have really tumbled of late - Sony have confirmed that it will work on PS4....
There is purported to be a basic earpiece/mic supplied in the box anyway....that should suffice for the basics :)
I've decided just to get a new one and leave the X11 attached to the PC - which will be on another floor when I move.

Going to decide between the TB P11, TB X12, Orb GP3 and Logitech H540.

All of these are <£40 and look to be good quality headsets and are all confirmed to work out of the box on PS4. Tested by consumers as per the linked spreadsheet.
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Seen reports from the states that the P11s work right out the box with no messing around.
So for £30 on Amazon I've ordered a pair. Multiple people say they sound as good as the X11, or X12s both which I like so job done!
Im really confused by all the choice and the different connections myself! Really want one the sooner the better but no idea what I should be looking for.

ps3ud0 :cool:
Im really confused by all the choice and the different connections myself! Really want one the sooner the better but no idea what I should be looking for.

ps3ud0 :cool:

Yeah it's a bit of a nightmare like. That's why I've just went for the Turtle Beach P11. I've used a bunch of their headsets and all have been excellent. This one has been tested and confirmed to work out the box with the PS4, with no extra adaptors or wires required.

This link lets you select PS4 then pick headsets and see which ones work out of the box and which require extra effort. The diagram for the P11 shows that it's a direct connection. Simple. It's a good headset too and only £30 so I've just bought it to put and end to this! lol
imo they have really screwed over ps3 users with expensive headsets.

I can now either buy a DAC for like £50 and use my ps3 headset (which pushes the total cost of it to well over £100).

or sell it at a huge loss and buy a half as good a headset even when adding the £50 i would have used on the DAC into the equation.

my current headset is wireless, 2 different volumes for incoming voice and game sounds, mic is moveable and mute-able, very comfortable.

i doubt i would get much for it second hand and it's RRP when i bought it was like £120-£140.

also with a DAC i would need to have it plugged in (sockets are at a premium) and constantly consume electricity.

i'm thinking of just selling it all and sticking to <£30 headsets from now on, no point in buying premium unless it's USB and wired, which just doesn't work for me.
Yeah it's a bit of a nightmare like. That's why I've just went for the Turtle Beach P11. I've used a bunch of their headsets and all have been excellent. This one has been tested and confirmed to work out the box with the PS4, with no extra adaptors or wires required.

This link lets you select PS4 then pick headsets and see which ones work out of the box and which require extra effort. The diagram for the P11 shows that it's a direct connection. Simple. It's a good headset too and only £30 so I've just bought it to put and end to this! lol
Yeah sorry I feel a bit stupid as I dont know what I want and tbh ignored headsets last gen.

My PS4 will connect like my PS3 via optical out to my Z5400s so that will take care of DD5.1 for most of the time (Z5400s hub has 2 optical ins thankfully!). I want a decent headset for late night gaming as my previous HD595s were good, but I couldnt use voice comms with them (used the PS3 BT headset).

So thinking about it I dont want these new ones to connect via optical as otherwise Ill have to get a splitter/switch (doubt they cost much though); so I guess it would have to be USB or the controller jack - unless I would get better sound quality via optical? Im dubious about the controller jack purely as sound is sent via BT to the controller...

I think thats about where I get lost - I just want the best sound quality I can get (why I used decent headphones) with the ability to mix game sounds/voice comms to my preference while not spending too much (sub £100?). I think I kinda initially decided the Pulses purely because I dont know much more than that...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Yeah it's a bit of a nightmare like. That's why I've just went for the Turtle Beach P11. I've used a bunch of their headsets and all have been excellent. This one has been tested and confirmed to work out the box with the PS4, with no extra adaptors or wires required.

This link lets you select PS4 then pick headsets and see which ones work out of the box and which require extra effort. The diagram for the P11 shows that it's a direct connection. Simple. It's a good headset too and only £30 so I've just bought it to put and end to this! lol

correct me if this is wrong but the diagram shows not only do you need a wire from the headset into a USB of the console, you also need one going into the TV for RCA output.

for a lot of people that is just not going to work.

if it was USB only then yeah, perfect, but i dont think ps4 can output game sound through USB and must be done through HDMI or optical, in which this case the tv converts the HDMi into RCA out which the headset plugs into.

plus having one set of wires to the back of the tv and one to the front of the console is going to get messy.
imo they have really screwed over ps3 users with expensive headsets.

I can now either buy a DAC for like £50 and use my ps3 headset (which pushes the total cost of it to well over £100).

or sell it at a huge loss and buy a half as good a headset even when adding the £50 i would have used on the DAC into the equation.

my current headset is wireless, 2 different volumes for incoming voice and game sounds, mic is moveable and mute-able, very comfortable.

i doubt i would get much for it second hand and it's RRP when i bought it was like £120-£140.

also with a DAC i would need to have it plugged in (sockets are at a premium) and constantly consume electricity.

i'm thinking of just selling it all and sticking to <£30 headsets from now on, no point in buying premium unless it's USB and wired, which just doesn't work for me.

Maybe worth waiting a little while in case things change. Turtle Beach are certainly getting out adaptors, and putting out updates etc for most of their headsets but currently only in the US. But they had PS4 first so might come out over here - and other companies may do the same.

I'm lazy anyway so I prefer having 1 headset per device instead of taking the headset around with me. It's all about getting the right one. Some £30 ones are awful, yet some are as good as most £60-£80 ones.
I've been using the X11 for years and picked it up for £35 (OK so it was supposed to be a lot more but got it on one of Amazons short term price slashes) but I listened to loads and never found one better without going over £100...and even then it wasn't much better.

Mind you, all I care about is crystal clear voice chat with friends. When not talking to mates, I don't use headset and just have it through home cinema system. So the highest quality headset would be wasted on me
Yeah sorry I feel a bit stupid as I dont know what I want and tbh ignored headsets last gen.

My PS4 will connect like my PS3 via optical out to my Z5400s so that will take care of DD5.1 for most of the time (Z5400s hub has 2 optical ins thankfully!). I want a decent headset for late night gaming as my previous HD595s were good, but I couldnt use voice comms with them (used the PS3 BT headset).

So thinking about it I dont want these new ones to connect via optical as otherwise Ill have to get a splitter/switch (doubt they cost much though); so I guess it would have to be USB or the controller jack - unless I would get better sound quality via optical? Im dubious about the controller jack purely as sound is sent via BT to the controller...

I think thats about where I get lost - I just want the best sound quality I can get (why I used decent headphones) with the ability to mix game sounds/voice comms to my preference while not spending too much (sub £100?). I think I kinda initially decided the Pulses purely because I dont know much more than that...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I don't know any more myself. Been annoyed at how difficult it is to find clear information to be honest.

90% of the time I'm just getting sound through the home cinema system via optical cable. So all I'm after is a good quality headset that I can plug in, use while gaming with friends and then take out and put away.
correct me if this is wrong but the diagram shows not only do you need a wire from the headset into a USB of the console, you also need one going into the TV for RCA output.

for a lot of people that is just not going to work.

if it was USB only then yeah, perfect, but i dont think ps4 can output game sound through USB and must be done through HDMI or optical, in which this case the tv converts the HDMi into RCA out which the headset plugs into.

plus having one set of wires to the back of the tv and one to the front of the console is going to get messy.

Well maybe some people won't like that but I'm not fussed myself. Headset isn't going to be in all the time. When my friends are online, I'll just grab it out the cupboard, plug it in and I'm away. during that couple of hours I'll have a wire running along the floor.

This is the same setup I used on the 360 with the X11s and I'm happy to do the same.
If I wanted it there, ready to use 24/7 then sure this wouldn't be a very tidy setup.

But I only get it out a couple of nights a week so for me it's ideal as it would be a waste spending more money to have a tidier setup for my usage.
I don't know any more myself. Been annoyed at how difficult it is to find clear information to be honest.

90% of the time I'm just getting sound through the home cinema system via optical cable. So all I'm after is a good quality headset that I can plug in, use while gaming with friends and then take out and put away.
Im the same as you I suspect with the headsets as Ill have some HD598s that Ill use for anything late night non voice comms action.

I think I might just wait for peoples opinions as I started looking at Astros and tbh I dont need to spend £200 especially if they become so easily defunct. I might look at PC headsets and see if they can work with the PS4...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Well over the years I have found that Turtle Beach are good in that they put out adaptors for a few quid that make your headset compatible with new devices. So if I was investing good money into a headset I'd always choose them as I'd have more confidence that it won't become redundent.

I'm sure more and more info will come about from the US soon and once the launch hits EU there will be a bunch more - so just make use of the bundle one for a week or two and see what is available then.
I've just went for it as it's a good headset that suits my needs and I can't be bothered to look into it anymore!!

During the launch period I've got an insane 2 weeks coming up so the more I get done now the better
i too only use the headset when gaming with mates.

having it plugged in constantly is a must due to the tight space and size of tv, it's not easy to get in behind it (50 inch plasma).

therefore wireless was my only choice.

now though the ps4 controller has a jack which allows you to wirelessly connect a mono headset, I have a yamaha soundbar for when not gaming with mates, etc.

so i'm thinking that £20 turtle beach p4c aka playstation 4 communicator is the best option. plugs into controller, no additional wires, etc, essentially making it wireless as the controller is.
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