PS4 Headset Comparisons / Options

Well it's actually a bluetooth headset that uses normal headphones. Will give it a try tomorrow any hoo
chuffed got my 360 x12 turtle beaches working with the adapter cable for a fiver off ebay. They hummed when I had the mic plugged in on the 360 but are perfect on the ps4. Not the most expensive TB's around but sound great to me and i'm quite picky with audio.
Well mate I went to test out the chat, but had no friends online so wasn't able to, but I can confirm that the voice control functions work, so would assume voice chat also works.

These arrived today; thanks for testing that out mate, they're a fantastic setup! *flicks scout mode on*
Time for some CoD.
Im still undecided what I want, though Im not after wireless as I dont think I need it as I game on my desk and still not that convinced that wireless wouldnt impact the quality of the sound (either via BT or RF). Same reason why Ill probably avoid controller connections as thats just liable to make the controller need recharging quicker too...

So that leaves me with either something that connects to the optical port or USB - as I use the optical port right now to send over sound to my Z5400s it seems sensible to go for a wired USB solution so I dont need an optical splitter (are they expensive?). Only thing confusing me is that some of the sound solutions need multiple ports connected for game/chat mix while some dont!

Any ideas? Im still looking at the Pulses, purely as they are from Sony or the U320s from Sennheiser. Im not looking to spend over £100 as I will have access to some decent headphones when Im not online gaming so these headsets are only for that...

EDIT: Are these virtual surround systems actually useful for headsets and if so, are there wired versions as they seemed to be features of the more expensive headsets which generally are wireless...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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As I have a headset I deem decent enough to not warrant buying a new one (ASUs RoG Vulcan non USB). Could I buy say a Fiio D5 which has line in and mic (two separate inputs on my device) and just use it that way? I don't like the way audio sounds through the controller and I cant use my mic that way. Plus I'd imagine it would sound a lot better.

Pictures of amp and my headset connections below

I have been wondering if my pc plantronics gamecom 377 will work with the PS4 but havent found any info lol.
Will just have to wait til xmas to try :)
Would my headset work with the Astro Mixamp Pro? Can anyone with one confirm I could plug both lines in and use as intended? Which solution would allow game audio and chat to be heard through the headphones? So simple on PC, such a ballache on consoles.
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Just ordered the steelseries wireless h series for my ps4 hopefully they will turn up mid week. My two cats have found a use for the free mono one they preferred it over there toys at christmas :D
Anyone know if the PlayStation stereo headset support is being added in the new update? Support was supposed to be on its way. I have found very little info...
Anyone know if the PlayStation stereo headset support is being added in the new update? Support was supposed to be on its way. I have found very little info...

Sonys ps4 FAQ mentions both the wireless stereo headset and sony pulse being supported in a future update.I know a ps4 user who got his pulses working via a cable to the ds4 .
I know some people are waiting for bluetooth support but i cannot see this happening due to the way the two sony headsets have had to be licensed again by scea for ps4 support.
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